Sentences with phrase «larger legacy»

And, in the meantime, charters are on the hook for paying off large legacy costs of accumulated pensions debts.
Since the mid-1980s, Second - to - Die Life Insurance has become popular with wealthy couples as a method of offsetting their estate tax liabilities, or for creating larger legacies for a very small premium.
The firm's Impact clients range from large legacy for - profit businesses to newly formed, high - growth entrepreneurial ventures, each seeking to «grow their competitive advantage with Impact» by harnessing the positive power of businesses to generate revenue and solve endemic social problems.
The self - knowledge gleaned during the Christian era has left too large a legacy to allow for this.
I wanted to see what Hillary's seriously large legacy was in New Zealand and figure out if he was something beyond exceptional, or if the place itself had a lot to do with a humble beekeeper becoming a giant figure in mountaineering and beyond.
During e-MERLIN operations ~ 50 % of observing time has been allocated to large legacy projects and most of the remaining time will be allocated via PATT to standard proposals solicited prior to each observing semester.
The resulting energy was astounding — and it has helped Crop Mob to be the single largest legacy of the original series of discussions.
These emerging retailers have learned from the mistakes of their large legacy predecessors by emphasizing the customer experience.
For someone who helps run one of the largest legacy tech companies in the world, Mark Hurd made some cloud adoption projections that might even give execs from cloud leader Amazon Web Services pause.
Namely: How can large legacy companies compete with the largest tech companies — Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and so forth — if they can't scale up through M&A?
Whether that be spent on extra burgers and coke for the grandkids or a larger legacy or charitable donations etc..
Given his lack of self - awareness in the past, it is probably too much to hope that Cuomo will look into the political mirror and see what others do, a man who has yet to live up to the expectations of his big talk and larger legacy.
Since her Spring / Summer 2015 debut at Paris Fashion Week, De Libran has proved herself capable of handling Sonia Rykiel's large legacy.
Early next year, a new Impreza based on the larger Legacy platform is scheduled to go into production, according to Automotive News.
Unlike its predecessor, the revised Impreza moves closer to the larger Legacy in terms of styling.
Also released as a 1995 model, and available exclusively as a hatchback, the Outback Sport rode marginally taller than the base model, and largely aped the outdoorsy styling of the larger Legacy - based wagon (adding a non-functional hood scoop in the U.S. that spoke to the turbocharged Impreza WRX that was exclusive to Japan at that time).
But always lurking just beneath the surface are her memories of growing up in a chaotic, destructive family from which she's trying to disentangle herself, and the larger legacy of the past she left behind.
And you can generate a larger legacy for your beneficiaries.
But when you're nearing the end of your career or already retired, you have to ask yourself which makes more sense: Shooting for higher returns while having to watch the value of your nest egg dip and dive so that you might (not will, but might) end up leaving a larger legacy to your (no doubt incredibly deserving) heirs?
NYLIAC Instant Legacy ® 1 is a single - premium universal life insurance policy that can help leverage the money you have set aside for your heirs into a larger legacy through a Guaranteed Death Benefit.2
· Maximize Your Legacy — Preserve and enhance a larger legacy and estate to leave to your heirs and beneficiaries.
More importantly, JetBlue does not fly to as many cities as the large legacy airlines, and therefore the card may not be useful to as many travelers.
His larger legacy will be that he provided the world with new hope and inspiration that Africa's elephants could be saved from the ivory slaughter.
The big industry players with their large legacy code bases and service models are being disrupted by smaller «cloud» providers who are entering the market with more cost effective, web based, mobile solutions.
Wemyss continued, «We have a large legacy customer base and want to make sure migration into our Expert or Total Office lines is as painless as possible.
If it matters to the people in the neighbourhood or block, then it qualifies as «news,» regardless of how narrowly a large legacy media provider might define the term.
With universal life insurance coverage, you have several options and can leverage the money you have set aside for your heirs into a larger legacy.
The main question you want to answer is which option will give you the most flexibility and leave your heirs the largest legacy, if those are your goals.
NYLIAC Instant Legacy ® 1 is a single - premium universal life insurance policy that can help leverage the money you have set aside for your heirs into a larger legacy through a Guaranteed Death Benefit.2
A sure way to leave a larger legacy behind.
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