Sentences with phrase «larger royalty»

Authors should be getting larger royalty percentages on e-books because of lower distribution costs, so the publisher doesn't need to take as large a cut to cover their costs.
Authors who have already published traditionally can leverage their existing audience by self - publishing a few books and enjoying larger royalties on their self - published titles.
Amazon authors also receive larger royalty rates, and as a self - publisher you don't have to pay an agent their 15 % of your profits for their services.
«Kindle owners will read even more, publisher revenues will grow, and authors will see larger royalty checks.»
«These funds will permit Quantopian to make larger allocations and therefore pay larger royalties to authors of profitable algorithms,» said John Fawcett, CEO of Quantopian in a statement.
Recently, breakout author Hugh Howey got a print publishing deal and was able to keep his digital rights, which means he will continue to collect larger royalties on his e-books (up to 70 % for Kindle sales) than most traditionally published authors receive.
She ran home, checked her account history and discovered a number of large royalty deposits she didn't know about; a few months prior, her book published the year before suddenly caught on and took off and the royalties were only now being paid.
The investment decisions by four technology companies come in the midst of a heated debate over whether it is too easy for patent owners to extract large royalty payments, and whether patent buying firms spur or stifle innovation.
«With this launch, we expect three immediate results: Kindle owners will read even more, publisher revenues will grow, and authors will see larger royalty checks,» Russ Grandinetti, vice president of Kindle content, said in a statement.
This strategy also gets rid of the need for associates to pay large royalties to Microsoft.
«With this launch, we expect three immediate results: Kindle owners will read even more, publisher revenues will grow, and authors will see larger royalty checks,» said Russ Grandinetti, vice president, Kindle Content, in a company press release.
«Even when Apple sells an iPhone with added memory — 256 gigabits instead of 128 gigabits — Qualcomm collects a larger royalty just because of that added memory.»
Are authors going to get a larger royalty share?
At that point however, taking that larger royalty percentage over the smaller percentage of traditional publishing might be a wash monetarily.
Without the latter, you will simply have those who want to game the system changing the price of their 2,500 work story from 99 cents to $ 2.99 (or whatever) to get the larger royalty payout.
The day of waiting for a large royalty publisher to endorse your advancement is over.
The company found it economically unfeasible to pay the large royalties for each comic read and decided to just suspend the service, rather than trying to make it work.
Purchases made with Audible credits tend to reap the largest royalties.
Presumably for a larger royalty, or earlier payout, Bearman passed up a $ 5,000 advance from the eBook publisher (Atavist).
Our forecast shows that to start with we will convert about 25 books a month at a higher margin for Surefire and a larger royalty for the authors.»
This results in cheaper «author» copies and means we can either charge less or take a larger royalty.
The harder your effort, the larger your royalty checks will be.
And we also sign authors who want to go with Reputation right away, preferring quick action, total control, and a larger royalty.
The best part is you make a larger royalty as the middle man (Amazon) is removed.
Or how about something dealing with doing all they can to help negotiate better contracts for writers that will give us a larger royalty percentage since technology and demand has changed.
However, I retain a larger royalty share from purchases made directly through that link.
Some publishing companies push you to set an artificially high retail sales price, to «support» giving you a larger royalty check.
Also, if your book is sold outside of an Amazon 70 % territory, you won't earn 70 % of that sale; you will earn 35 %, though you opted for the larger royalty.
Royalty - Style Portrait: A large royalty - style portrait of you that will be hung in an environment in the game.
A large ROYALTY - STYLE PORTRAIT of you within the game and a PHYSICAL PRINT of your in - game portrait.
In Mondis, the damages expert was permitted to present a larger royalty rate that was supported by pre-litigation documents.
If Apple gets the royalty rates it's asking for, it'll probably be the largest royalty rate any manufacturer has to pay for any device.
Worldwide About Blog The official blog of the world's largest royalty - free image subscription site.
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