Sentences with phrase «larger than the human genome»

At 20 billion bases of DNA, the newly sequenced genome of the Norway spruce, a popular Christmas tree in Europe that can reach heights above 30 meters, is six times larger than the human genome.
«The sunflower genome is over 40 percent larger than the maize [corn] genome, and roughly 20 percent larger than the human genome, and its highly repetitive nature made it a unique challenge for assembly.»

Not exact matches

Wheat and its wild ancestors have genomes much larger than humans, which makes sequencing difficult.
With more than 800 members in the human genome, GPCRs are the largest family of proteins involved in decoding signals as they come into the cell and then adapt the cell's function in response.
The human genome, for instance, is more than 10 times larger than those of the worm and fly.
The massive genome of the loblolly pine — around seven times bigger than the human genome — is the largest genome sequenced to date and the most complete conifer genome sequence ever published.
Using a single pollinated pine seed, the team assembled the largest genome ever sequenced: 22.18 billion base pairs, more than seven times longer than the human genome.
Several large international groups of researchers report data that more than doubles the number of sites in the human genome tied to blood pressure regulation.
Today, the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) in Bethesda, Maryland, announced it will pour more than $ 116 million into three sequencing centers, which will use «large - scale» sequencing to focus on unraveling the sources of disease and elucidating the workings of disease - causing organisms.
But the human genome is more than 200 times as large as that of yeast and it is not clear if such a synthesis would be feasible.
The genome is complex and seven times larger than that of humans.
Although CRISPR is incredibly useful for generating mutations by NHEJ and generating small mutations with HDR, when it comes to larger scale genome editing, such as replacement of a mouse gene with its human ortholog (greater than 5 kb), it remains to be seen whether CRISPR is as robust as conventional gene targeting.
Secondly, the mouse genome is significantly smaller than the human genome, making it possible to detect a large number of lineage - specific deletion events [17, 19].
DNA sequencing costs have fallen more than 100-fold over the past decade, fueled in large part by tools, technologies and process improvements developed as part of the successful effort to sequence the human genome.
The 1,610 Ebola virus genomes analyzed by the researchers represented more than 5 percent of the known cases, the largest sample analyzed for a single human epidemic.
Not only does the Norway spruce have huge economic and ecological importance, the genome is also complex and seven times larger than that of humans.
Meanwhile, CRISPR also makes it easier to edit the genomes of relatively large animals, whose metabolism, physiology and anatomy are closer to humans than previous models have been.
As it turns out, the octopus genome is almost as large as a human's and actually contains more protein - coding genes: 33,000, compared with fewer than 25,000 in humans.
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