Sentences with phrase «larger web»

Businesses want to place advertising on active large web sites in order to be seen by the most people possible.
Two - factor authentication is becoming increasingly popular with large web services as a means of increasing security in the wake of several high - profile password leaks.
Because it's so small, we found we had to scroll a lot more in large Web pages.
Books are like large web pages / blog posts now.
In some cases it will create an even larger web than before.
Load provided white labeled services for many large web properties in the late 90's and early 2000's.
Who developed the group large web for dating services.
In a paper published October 18 in the journal Nature, a group of ecologists and evolutionary biologists from five universities has attempted to understand how species coevolve within large webs of mutualistic species.
HostGator is one of the world's top 10 largest web hosting companies with more than 8,000,000 hosted domains.
I have also built large web application for internal database GUIs.
Ember.js is designed to help developers build large web applications that are competitive with native apps.
TypeScript is an open - source programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft and it is typically used for large web development projects.
We've observed startup time as a major headache for large web apps and have rarely seen runtime performance being the issue from our experiences with existing WebAssembly & asm.js workloads.
It has a muscular, slightly rectangular body with a deep chest, and large webbed feet.
The report observes that not only is the toothless PIPEDA a difficult tool to use to gain compliance from large web - based collectors of personal information that are based outside of Canada, it also relies too heavily upon the willingness of domestic companies to take the Commissioner's findings or audit reports seriously. was founded by Dresen, who previously started, the first chat site in Belgium, as well as its first social network, LookNMeet, and Brice Le Blévennec (founder of Belgium's largest Web agency, Emakina).
Investors in China's largest web travel agency probably did not expect to own a minority stake in a state carrier.
The Company's top managers often grant interviews to the most prestigious global financial media sources, whereas daily reviews from the professional analyst team are published on the industry's largest web portals.
As a Google Premier Partner and Asia's largest web marketing firm, we create targeted SEO strategies to maximize your website's exposure.
De Montjoye says one issue still remains — whether we really want just a few large web companies to control the power they wield through this data.
The team observed that the spiders built larger webs when sundews were around than when they were absent, ostensibly to catch more insects.
The creatures, which can reach tens of meters in length, «deploy large webs of tentacles that act like a spider web,» says coauthor Casey Dunn, a biologist at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut.
The first is our Teacher Stress Study, and in this study we conducted a very large web - based survey to develop a greater understanding of the occupational stress, burnout, the emotion regulation and the wellbeing in our Australian teachers.
Andrew Boardman founded Manoverboard, a purpose - driven design firm that provides websites, identities, and communications strategy, after working with Oven Digital, one of the earliest and largest web consultancies in the world.
I had videos streaming in half of Samsung's multi-window layout while I was loading large web pages in the other half, and again, not a single stutter or stammer to speak of.
For example large web publishers like eBay or Amazon should not have the ability to pay their Internet Service Provider (ISP) so that their sites load faster than a smaller retailer with fewer financial resources.
Ember.js is designed to help developers build large web applications that are competitive with native apps.
It's unlikely that even large web shops like Amazon are taken into account, just folks who walk in to high - street stores for a copy of a new game - not exactly common practice for PC gamers.
The massive Newfoundlands, with their heavy black or brown coats, large webbed feet, powerful hindquarters and well - developed lungs cope easily with long distance swimming, even in the coldest conditions.
3 months of Level 1 on - call engineer experience supporting 2 large web apps with 10 + microservices and 25 + external integrations.
Ember.js is designed to help developers build large web applications that are competitive with native apps.
Facebook Inc. took a similar step in January, leaving the two largest web - ad sellers out of reach of the nascent digital - currency sector.
Large web projects require a lot planning and execution.
In recent days this sentiment has been echoed by many who apparently prefer to remain aloof from the controversy while implicitly appealing to the late Joseph Cardinal Bernardin's Seamless Garment, which attempted to create a consistent ethic placing abortion within a larger web of concerns, including capital punishment, warfare and poverty.
Correspondingly, Pardus players invested more time interacting with friends they messaged, concentrating their social attention on close friends rather than distributing it among a larger web of acquaintances.
The larger webs were presumably more effective at snaring these larger insects.
In the forests of South Africa lurks the world's largest web - spinning spider, Nephila kowaci.
The largest web in the world belongs to Darwin's bark spider from Madagascar.
«When pair-wise interactions are embedded within a larger web of interactions, what happens as the effects diffuse through the network?
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