Sentences with phrase «largest religious body»

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Yet it was once believed — certainly when Mill wrote his Autobiography — that, whatever our familial, religious, racial, or physical limitations, our actions have meaning because they are embedded in a scheme of things larger than just our immediate bodies.
At some point, however, charm alone won't be enough, because Francis will have to turn to the heavy lifting of actually governing the world's largest and most centrally organized religious body.
Yet another pathetic attempt to distract from the real issue — a global, decades long complicit relationship with pedophiles that the world's largest organized religious body has had.
Religious groups, expecially if they include signigicant cultural diversity within themselves, can be islands of civility, settings where, as Richard Mouw says, democratic interchange can be modelled, kept alive for the larger body politic.
Should the church, understood as a separate religious congregation or faith - communion, also set itself as a separate social and political community, or should it consider itself as a ferment in all social communities and the larger pluralistic secular society without itself becoming a communal body?
These services are able to derive on a regular and comparable basis a large body of information on different aspects of the audiences of religious television programs.
Certainly the religious broadcaster has access to the much larger body of general communication research on associated topics such as audience patterns and viewing behavior, attitude and value change, and communication uses and effects.
For his part the Northern Regional Minister, Abdallah Abubakari thanked Muslims in the region in particular and the nation at large, for exhibiting a high sense of tolerance towards other religious bodies.
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