Sentences with phrase «larvae do»

Butterflies lay their eggs on particular host plants; if those plants bloom and then die early, the butterfly larvae don't survive.
If the temperature drops below the critical level, larval development will stop, but the larvae don't die — development will re-start at the same point when the weather warms back up.
Cat flea larvae don't eat dog or cat poop.
No, flea larvae don't lay eggs, adult fleas do.
This makes sense, as larvae of these insects don't consume adult feces, while flea larvae do.
The flea larvae do not pay close attention to what they eat and innocently consume tapeworm eggs.
Due to the cat's robust immune response to heartworm infection, some data suggest that greater than 90 % of infective L3 larvae do not make it all the way to adulthood.
Some folks associate the enlarging areas of heartworm disease with climate change (heartworm larvae do not become infectious in mosquitoes at temperatures below 57F = 14C [ref]-RRB-.
«Before our study, we didn't have a deep, quantitative understanding of how far fish larvae do and do not disperse from their parents,» says study co-author Peter Buston of Boston University.
But all of their larvae do,
Because the larvae do not overwinter, he reasoned, they must have been picked up that summer.
Why, then, shouldn't metamorphosis also change the animal's personality, so that strengths in larvae don't become flaws in adults?
The first larvae do indeed get fed, but any stragglers that are still begging after the mother runs out of meat get eaten.
However, the deposited larvae did grow into adult worms and begin wriggling around on the surface of the Beckley's eye.
«Early detection of mussel larvae does not mean that the water body will necessarily become infested,» Reclamation's Director of Research and Development Curt Brown said.
When the egg hatches, the confused larva does not develop into an adult in the human's intestines.
Although the researchers found that the herring larvae did well in the high CO2 conditions, they caution that their findings are not a cause for celebration.
For reefs facing huge challenges, more coral larvae doesn't necessarily translate to increased rates of coral recovery on degraded reefs, a new Queensland study has showed.
«But if the insect larvae didn't take care of the waste, this would be a great disadvantage for the health of the nestlings.»
The infective larva do not progress to adult worms in people but the migrating larvae leave the intestines and find their way to other organs such as lungs, liver, or eyes and cause damage and disease in those locations.
Unlike T. Cati, the larvae does not travel around the body and does not infest the mammary glands or the milk of nursing queens.
Flea larva do not suck blood.

Not exact matches

The chemical, Pyriproxyfen, messes with the hormones that help mosquito larvae hatch (an exchange that doesn't happen in human births).
The chemical works by interfering with the hormones that help insect larvae hatch, which doesn't happen in humans.
In addition, we removing all magical damage (bewitch, curse, enchantment, larvae, phantoms, energy vampires, etc.), disable the negative zone and doing a subsumption souls through a magical ritual.
It follows that it is nonsense to ask the question — why did God allow Vesuvius to pour its molten larva on populated Pompeii, or why did God allow the Holocaust?
Bite: A. americanum larvae and nymphs feed on birds and deer, even lizards and have been known to transmit STARI, ehrlichiosis, tularemia, and other Lyme - like diseases, but the CDC does not recognize the lone star as a transmitter of true Lyme.
The pink salmon larvae were more bold around new objects and did not seem to be afraid of alarm cues in the water that would normally prompt fish to flee.
The virus replicates rapidly but for unknown reasons doesn't spread to the beetle's brain until just before the larva emerges from her belly.
But that fungal growth only happened when the larvae were around; when the larvae were absent, the fungus didn't grow.
Just before the second switch, they applied a chemical that acts like juvenile hormone to the larvae of three species that do not produce supersoldiers.
But it does indeed attract helpers — in this case, ants that then serve as sugar - paid mercenaries in the fight against beetle larvae.
Since the gene material of several of the Norwegian populations were so different from the Swedish / Danish, the individuals we investigated do not origin from drifting larvae,» says Rinde.
According to the Shellac & Forest Products Export Promotion Council: «Lac cultivation is done by putting sticks of lac encrustations (broodlac) which contain mature female (gravid) insects, which are about to give birth to young larvae, on suitably prepared specific host plants.
Not only did we discover a cluster of volcanoes on Sydney's doorstep, we were amazed to find that an eddy off Sydney was a hotspot for lobster larvae at a time of the year when we were not expecting them,» Professor Suthers said.
And because insects don't replace their resilin after pupating from larvae, the stuff has to last a lifetime.
So when bees are born, they are very fat and they stay in the hive and they, you know, they do — they tend to the larvae and they, you know, stick around home; then at this particular point in their life cycle, they lose about half their weight and then they go out and forage and they become the worker bees that are out in the field, getting the pollen.
«It's over 150 years since Darwin first described the cement glands of barnacle larvae and little work has been done since then,» says Dr Aldred, a research associate in the School of Marine Science and Technology at Newcastle University, one of the world's leading institutions in this field of research.
When she and Duarte raised the burying beetle larvae with germ - free mice, which lack any gut bacteria, the young did not grow as large as those buried with regular mice.
Now that they know it did, the researchers will do a «dose - response» set of experiments, setting squid larvae in tanks with varying concentrations of dissolved CO2 to see what happens, Mooney said.
Squid larvae that take longer to hatch, as the ones in the acidified tank did, are available to predators longer.
It seems that begging behaviour is at least partly hormonal: larvae with increased levels of juvenile hormone do more begging.
Yet despite nearly 25 years of study, one question in particular has eluded themnamely, how do the larvae of these vent fauna disperse and colonize new vents, which can lie hundreds of kilometers away?
Once the larvae changed into their parasitic adult stage, their sex did not shift, and their survival rates generally did not differ between productive versus unproductive environments.
Hubbell points out that while shifting winds and swirling tides do introduce an element or randomness, mollusk larva dispersal does follow seasonal patterns, which have been shown to influence community makeup in previous studies.
The researchers don't know what impact, if any, the oil is having on the larvae.
To do this, they calculated the average depth at which the larvae would travel, which is 1000 meters, and the average time at which vent animals would stay in the larval stage at this depth, which is 83 days.
For instance, the larva of the giant swallowtail butterfly (Papilio cresphontes)(left) masquerades as a bird dropping, as does the orb web spider (Cyclosa ginnaga).
It does not lay eggs but gives birth to developed larva after ten days gestation in its uterus, during which it feeds its offspring with a milky secretion!
«It would be almost impossible to do a study like this on eel larvae,» he says, simply because tiny, transparent eels are tough to gather in large numbers in the open ocean.
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