Sentences with word «larval»

Continue reading «Trans ‐ life cycle acclimation to experimental ocean acidification affects gastric pH homeostasis and larval recruitment in the sea star Asterias rubens»
Individual cohorts of larval I. scapularis ticks were immersed in suspensions of B31 - A3, ospC7, or ospC7 / ospC +4.
Conclusion Parental pre ‐ acclimation to acidification levels that are beyond the pH that is encountered by this population in its natural habitat (e.g. pHT 7.2) negatively affected larval size and development, potentially through reduced energy transfer.
The lab group studies embryonic and larval stages of vertebrates.
First, both GBP1 and GBP2 are produced in the larval fat body [18] and secreted into the hemolymph [18,19].
(A, B) Calcium imaging of larval brain explants.
For this analysis, total RNA extracted from whole larvae was used, as dilp2 and dilp5 are predominantly expressed in the CNS during the larval stages examined [26,27].
When the transgenic larval brains were co-stained with anti-Dilp2 antibody, CCHa2 - R > nlsGFP colocalized with the Dilp2 immunostaining (Fig 2H).
Continue reading «On the wrong track: ocean acidification attracts larval fish to irrelevant environmental cues»
This was achieved by measuring genetic variance and heritability of larval fitness - related traits (i.e. size and malformation of shell) through a crossbreeding experimental design and quantitative genetic techniques.
The study found that larval success was sensitive to the timing of spawning - in particular, larval success was higher on days when spawning is observed to occur, compared to other days.
Aim Experimental simulation of near ‐ future ocean acidification (OA) has been demonstrated to affect growth and development of echinoderm larval stages through energy allocation towards ion and pH compensatory processes.
Analysis of feeding activity using dyed yeast demonstrated no significant differences in dye ingestion between wild - type and CCHa2 - R mutants (S4 Fig), suggesting that down - regulation of CCHa2 / CCHa2 - R signaling does not affect larval feeding behaviors.
Nutrition influences body size by affecting growth rate and the duration of the larval growth period.
We first measured the expression of CCHa2 mRNA in larval tissues using quantitative RT - PCR (RT - qPCR).
We therefore examined the protein levels of Dilp2 in IPCs by staining larval brains with anti-Dilp2.
Finally, stomodeal - specific RNAi - mediated silencing of Twist during compression impairs the differentiation of midgut cells, resulting in larval lethality.
Interaction between the effects of maternal and larval levels of nutrition on pre-adult survival in Drosophila melanogaster.
(A) RT - qPCR was performed on RNA extracted from larval tissues.
N.G. Prasad, Mallikarjun Shakarad, M. Rajamani & Amitabh Joshi — 2003 (6)([email protected]) Keywords: Drosophila, dry weight, fitness, larval survivorship, life history, maternal effect, nutrition
Taken together, these findings indicate that CCHa2 / CCHa2 - R signaling is a major regulator of Dilps until the mid - to late third - instar larval stages and that the growth recovery observed in later - stage mutants is due to the up - regulation of dilp6 resulting from the impairment of Dilp expression in the brain.
In insects, final body size is mostly a product of growth in the larval stages.
Second, the mRNA expression of both gbp1 and gbp2 is sensitive to the protein content of the larval diet and to TOR signaling in the larval fat body.
Strong expression of CCHa2 in the larval fat body and gut motivated us to examine the roles of CCHa2 and its receptor in nutrient sensing and growth control.
In Drosophila, the GBP paralog (GBP1 in this study) and two GBP homologs, CG11395 (GBP2) and CG17244 (GBP3), are expressed in the larval fat body [18].
Total RNA from whole larvae or larval tissues was extracted using a PureLink RNA Mini Kit (Life Technologies).
Since larval growth relies primarily on protein, the fat - body — derived signal is unlikely to be Unpaired 2 or CCHamide - 2 [10].
Both the down - regulation of dilp5 expression (Fig 8A) and the retention of Dilp2 within the IPCs (Fig 8B and 8C) persisted in the CCHa2 - R mutants through the last day of the extended larval stage (up to 144 hours AEL).
To test for differences in growth rates between genotypes, we fit the data using linear models regressing larval weight against age and tested for differences in the interaction term between larval age and genotype using ANCOVA and post hoc comparisons of the slopes of fitted lines using lstrends (HH and lsmeans packages).
To test this hypothesis, wild - type and mutant animals were weighed at time points from larval through adult stages.
We also imaged and experimented with many other data sets, including a complete first instar larval brain sectioned and imaged at 5 tilts (a project now being continued in the Cardona lab).
In contrast, dilp2 and dilp5 are highly expressed in feeding larvae and have substantial influence over larval growth [13][14][25].
We performed RT - qPCR assays to examine the larval expression pattern of CCHa2 - R (CG14593), which encodes the receptor for CCHa2.
Mutants of both CCHa2 and CCHa2 - R display severe growth retardation during larval stages.
(B) dilp5 mRNA levels in mid-third-instar larvae (96 hours AEL) were quantified by RT - qPCR using whole larval RNA extracts.
However, to transmit nutritional information from the fat body to the insulin - producing cells, we proposed that the fat - body — derived signal would need to be sensitive to both the amino acid concentration of the larval food and to TOR signaling in the fat body.
Disruption of upd2 down - regulated animals» growth from larval to adult stages [9], whereas CCHa2 - R mutations reduced growth until late - L3 stages, after which growth was recovered, leading to adults of normal size (Fig 7A).
(It should be noted that the knockdown of the TOR pathway in the fat body severely affects larval growth [8]; therefore, Lsp2 - GAL4, which is expressed in the fat body at the wandering stage — after the growth period [13]-- was used to overexpress TSC1 / 2 in order to avoid secondary effects from a systemic growth defect.)
CCHa2 is predominantly expressed in the larval fat body.
Gut microbiota in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides, provide colonization resistance against larval bacterial pathogens — Yin Wang — Ecology and Evolution
Abbreviations: AL3E, after L3 ecdysis; FoxO, Forkhead Box O; FRE, FoxO - Response Element; GBP, Growth - Blocking Peptide; GFP, green fluorescent protein; IIS, insulin / insulin - like growth factor signaling; ILP, insulin - like peptide; L3, third larval instar; pAKT, phosphorylated AKT; ppl, pumpless; qPCR, quantitative PCR; Rheb, Ras homolog enriched in brain ortholog; TOR, Target of Rapamycin
Another novelty of the experiment: fishery biologists added herring eggs into the mesocosms to test the effects of acidification on hatching success and larval development.
Studies on the ecological and evolutionary processes that structure the diversity of deep - ocean benthic communities, including larval dispersal, colonization, habitat utilization, genetic connectivity, and the evolutionary relationships of invertebrate fauna.
In the nematode worm, C. elegans, cholinergic inputs to DD motor neurons are relocated to new positions during early larval development.
To address these aims, I combined small - scale larval experiments at three sites along the east coast of Australia, and large - scale biogeographical analyses.
Plankton and larval ecology, bio-physical interactions, development and use of optical imaging tools for plankton and benthic habitat mapping, development of data products for ecosystems approaches to management, ocean observing systems in polar, temperate and tropical environments, chair ORION - OOI sensors advisory committee
There are two known cases of developmentally programmed locus - specific re-replication: Drosophila follicle cells, and salivary gland polytene chromosomes from the end of Sciara larval life.
Therefore, the aims of my PhD were to 1) determine thermal tolerance ranges of early development and survival of coral larvae 2) assess the extent to which this tolerance varies across space, specifically I aimed to test whether high latitude species have a broader tolerance and 3) test whether difference between adult coral assemblages across a hypothesized dispersal barrier (Great Barrier Reef to Lord Howe Island) can be predicted by life history traits related to the dispersive larval stages (e.g., mode of larval development, mode of larval nutrition), adult ecology, and / or environmental parameters.
Studies invertebrate larval dispersal, population dynamics and population connectivity with a focus on important shellfish fishery and aquaculture species
Studies of variability in marine fish recruitment and redistribution, from larval transport through juvenile settlement and adult ranging and migration.
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