Sentences with phrase «laser precision»

"Laser precision" refers to performing a task with extreme accuracy and exactness, similar to how a laser beam is able to hit its target with great precision and without any deviation. Full definition
But you don't have to focus your attention with laser precision on her every waking moment.
The steel for these targets is cut using laser precision, helping to maintain the integrity of the metal so it will last a really long time.
The 8 - 12 ° degree cutting edge empowers you to create even the most delicate food with laser precision.
And then I enjoy the very same things about the GTR as the P1 on track - its wonderful sense of agility, the superb feeling you get of exactly how much rear grip you have left, and the balance that wllows you to brake deep into corners to eliminate understeer and then point the car with laser precision under power.»
John Ernest (1922 — 1994) was a gifted mathematician and craftsman of enormous skill, creating work by hand with apparent laser precision.
Nor do I question the more local protesters» commitment to a form of racialized fascism with their symbolic, at least for now, attacks on what they see as degenerate art, even if their attention came to focus with laser precision on a single painting within hours of opening.
The steel is cut with laser precision to maintain the strength of the steel.
It targets the quads with laser precision and brute force, spiking the testosterone production through the roof.
Learn 154 unique, new exercises to target your quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves with laser precision.
I'm Nick Nilsson, the «Mad Scientist of Muscle» and these 5 new exercises will target your legs with LASER precision to «flip the switch» for maximum growth and strength.
A street - level pan that draws a beeline from the backs of Yoo - jung's miniskirted legs to Sung - nam's face just at the moment he diverts his attention back to the woman he's seated with nails his distracted state of mind with laser precision.
As gnarly as the footage was (I saw someone on Twitter claiming that someone at their table had thrown down their napkin and stormed out of the room), the entire sequence was beautifully shot and edited with laser precision, with each of Johnson's movements causing an immediate reaction on the young lady in the first room.
But don't be afraid; Chris, Bryan and I tackle all categories (except the shorts, sorry shorts) with laser precision and detail, offering up potential spoilers, justifications for crazy predictions as well as wondering...
Part of the old Tomb Raider spirit also awaits players with optional tombs, hidden areas where the bread and butter of the series is refined with laser precision.
Huawei's Honor brand has always been about targeting really interesting hardware, with laser precision, at a disruptive price point.
Don't they realize people use these by their bedside and probably don't want a bright green LED shining into their eyes with laser precision?
When they arrive at your site they head directly for your Home Search Form and your MLS Listings page — with laser precision.
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