Sentences with phrase «last bullet point»

In fact, your 3rd to last bullet point when you mention «turns over fine» to me that means, «starts fine».
Last bullet point in the article: Holding a United credit card gives you a 25 % bonus on their shopping portal.
Instead, they could recall very broad strokes as well as the first and last bullet points in a given series, indicating that the bullet points in between were generally skimmed over and neglected.
And of course right after I type that last bullet point I see that Benatia has to come on for Rugani to begin second half.
The last bullet point begs extrapolation on Armenian policy toward the breakaway province of Nagorno - Karabakh, which is ethnic Armenians in an area that was considered Azerbaijan at the breakup of the Soviet Union.
The last bullet point is a major necessity in order for the state to comply with the federal MOVE Act.
For example, Alzheimer's, cardiovascular disease, and cancer (from the last bullet point) follow the same pattern: they are not necessarily caused by excess carbohydrate consumption, and yet excess carbohydrate consumption exacerbates their negative health effects as surely as it does those of Type I diabetes.
In fact, back pain specialists agree that the main concern that most of us have in today's world, related to eventually developing low back pain issues, is the last bullet point; poor posture.
I love that last bullet point on being yourself.
Now in that last bullet point, there's something worth calling out / noting.
The last bullet point is clutch for teachers who tire of providing feedback about the same grammar errors over and over.
That last bullet point underscores the fact Tesla has been using its drivers and those who share the road with them as test subjects as it continues to develop its not - quite - self - driving Autopilot system.
And that goes back to the last bullet point: People who can't afford a book often help create a buzz, too.
While the last bullet point has us asking what exactly is different about the Bold 9900 Wi - Fi calling leading to the choice verbiage calling the «benefits similar to» other Blackberry devices on the Magenta network.
Oh, and try not to heckle whoever wrote the changelog up about using «Android Market» instead of «Google Play Store» on that second to last bullet point.
Since money is fungible, isn't this last bullet point achieving the same result as rolling over the entire $ 9.6 K (including the RMD) into an IRA in your name, the very thing that the first bullet point above says can not be done?
We'll especially do our bests to come to grips with that last bullet point — as it is one of the most complicated connections between climatology and meteorology — and what may go for Carribean and Gulf of Mexico hurricanes may not apply to Asian cyclones and typhoons.
Take that last bullet point in again.
That last bullet point is an important one to call out.
Digging in on the last bullet point, LG has built - in a quad DAC, which elevates the listening experience, frankly, pretty far beyond what most phones can provide.
Backlighting and good key feel are necessities for me when it comes to a keyboard, but it's that last bullet point that sold me on the Create in terms of the iPad Pro.
The last bullet point under each of the positions in the work history section is a specific metric used to further explain the candidate's capabilities.
But notice the last bullet point in the list of PCG's duties above.
This applicant included their «3.83 / 4.0 GPA «as the last bullet point in their educational section.
Have the last position cumulatively cover the most distant dates and all the relative positions there under and have its last bullet point read, «Promoted through levels of progressive responsibility.»
If you read this section closely, you will note the last bullet point mentions an exit interview, indicating the applicant left his last position before applying for further jobs.
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