Sentences with phrase «last cent»

The phrase "last cent" means the very last amount of money someone has, down to the very last penny. Full definition
And in my view, it will also put yet another chill on collaborative science, forcing inventors to keep their discoveries close to the vest until they're absolutely sure they've unlocked every last cent of financial value.
The day you take a loan from someone, you become that person's slave until you pay off the last cent, many have said.
This Bible you love to quote said that God showed favor on the old woman who gave her LAST CENT over the rich man who gave more.
every last cent.
Jesus said that «they wouldn't get out until they paid the last cent» in one of his parables about the lost.
And then, we often calculate the exact amount, down to the last cent.
This guy is laughing all the way to the bank counting his millions as the feeble minded folks give him their last cent hoping for a better life then actually going out and doing something to really make it happoen.
Every last cent.
Co-op board members meeting over the coming days to set a price for August milk are being urged to pass back every last cent possible this month and beyond by IFA President, Joe Healy.
We can not allow the ailing nuclear industry to endanger the lives of millions of people just to squeeze out every last cent from its failing infrastructure.»
They won't tell you about humongous amounts of money made from oil, which stood at over $ 100 dollars per barrel for about six years, and which they looted to the last cent.
«He fought against billionaire companies to pay to the last cent wages they cheated out of low - wage workers.
they string you along sucking every last cent out of you.
They've been given a multi million dollar budget and free reign to indulge their overactive imaginations, and they've obviously made the most of every last cent - the movie's massive Stateside box - office success (it made $ 22.4 million during the opening weekend) is testament to that.
Thing is, in that same call — in that same paragraph too — he also said things that clearly highlight that he doesn't intend the company's games to gouge every last cent from players.
A hilarious debut novel about a wealthy but fractured Chinese immigrant family that had it all, only to lose every last cent - and about the road trip they take across America that binds them back together.
Janine Brown, called Nean, hearing her name on television announcing the win, spends every last cent on a bus ticket to what she believes is her new home.
After net sales are collected from the online retail stores, we pay our authors every last cent.
is a bit of a continuum since there's no consensus than one should pay off the last cent of debt before investing.
For metered services, such as hydro, gas or water, the meters are read on closing day (the day the house changes ownership), to verify down to the last cent what the seller and buyer owes.
How could I be so foolish to think that a credit card company — an industry that has used every conceivable manipulation to wring every last cent from their customers over the years — would possibly spend money to develop a product that actually helped its customers pay less?
And if you're simply paying off your mortgage with every last cent, and you retire mortgage - free but have no liquid assets for spending, well that's not a great plan at all.
What started the cancer growing in the industry, were those brokers who promised the impossible and whose sole intent was to drain every last cent from their traders.
There is a big chance that your minimum monthly payments will be exact, up to the last cent.
However, puppy mills and backyard breeders continue to prey on the American cocker spaniel squeezing every last cent they can out of them.
However, airlines are also about squeezing every last cent out of passengers — so the idea of passengers paying for the improved Economy Class service that Doug Parker promised would definitely appeal.
When discussing games that scared the crap out of you, you can put your last cent that someone will mention the Marine campaign in Aliens vs. Predator.
The idea that there was any amount of treasure out in Skylands that didn't belong to her was infuriating, so she set out on a quest to take every last cent of it.
So that all means the games we get now are being pumped through ten thousand filters and packaged with the additional goal of extorting the last cent out of our pockets.
Microtransactions have become a reality of today's gaming industry, as publishers push to milk every last cent from their players.
Until you return every last cent of that dirty money, you lack the moral authority to criticize anyone.
Consider every last cent that you spend each month and account for it.
These days, there are a lot of ways to wring every last cent from your gift card, outside of simply spending more in one fell swoop.
Again the external websites can do this way faster and since they have all information about your policy no details will be left out, in this way ensuring you'll get every last cent of insurance money you are entitled to.
If he's not, then he files a patent himself, and then goes to a company and sells his patent to them, at which point they carefully watch other companies to see when they start using the ideas in the patent, and then sue them for damages, preferably enough money to destroy the company because it just makes sense to squeeze every last cent out of the company that you can.
The worst contract negotiation objective is to bleed every last cent out of the vendor for the lowest price.
While neither of these are great options, if your spouse is truly out to get every last cent, they may be your only options.
Unlike other advertising platforms like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram where your ad will stop working the minute your flight ends, Pinterest's promoted pins keep going long after the last cent is spent.
«If the president oversteps this line, I am warning you that I will spend my last cent to take this regime down»
«Landlords are hunkering down and looking for ways to spend every last cent wisely,» especially, says Furman, when it comes to more communication between retailers and landlords.
Why not Like DENTISTS — They collude, their rates are fixed to the last cent.
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