Sentences with phrase «last day of the period»

For periodic tenancies, the default requirement is: The notice you give must end on the first or last day of the period of a tenancy, except when your tenancy agreement...
The yield is calculated by dividing the net investment income per share earned during the 30 - day period by the maximum offering price per share on the last day of the period.
has been supplied by the Electoral Commission with the information that the Electoral Commission is required, under section 77 (6), to supply to the Government Statistician as soon as practicable after the last day of the period specified in the notice published under section 77 (2), --
When you first download it, you enter the last day of your period, the average length of your cycle, and how long your period normally lasts.
Can I start the cleanse even after the last day of my period?
For the monthly fee waiver, we count all ACH direct deposits that post to your account during the account statement period, excluding the last day of the period.
The Dividend Period begins on the first calendar day of the period and ends on the last day of the period.
The performance returns shown in the table above are based on a $ 10,000 beginning account balance, assuming the money was invested on the first day and held until the last day of each period shown.
Note: When coal data are collected for a particular reporting period (month, quarter, or year), coal stocks are commonly measured as of the last day of this period.
For all new assured shorthold tenancies granted after 1 October 2015, you will no longer have to worry about the Notice expiring on the last day of a period of a tenancy.
The two most important requirements under s 21 (4) are that: ● The notice must specify a date upon which the landlord requires possession; and ● The date specified must be the last day of the period of the tenancy.
Section 21 (4) notices ● Must give two months» notice; ● Must specify a date for possession; ● That date must be the last day of the period of the AST; ● Should include a saving formula.
It is good practice to include a saving formula within a s 21 (4) notice so as to ensure that if the date is wrong the landlord will become entitled to possession on the last day of the period following the expiration of two months» notice.
In her judgment her ladyship explains why the notice must specify the last day of the period: «The statute requires the notice to specify a date which is the last date of the period.
That is why the statute requires the landlord to state that possession is required «after a date specified in the notice, being the last day of a period of the tenancy».
Where an act extends over a period, it is treated as taking place on the last day of that period (s 48 (4)-RRB-.
(i) the day determined by the secondary school to be the last day of the period of examinations for the child's year level; and
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