Sentences with phrase «last leadership contest»

It's also true that in the last leadership contest, Redford was the non-Tory party members» candidate.
Jeremy Corbyn's failure to connect with Labour's core voters over the EU referendum may well cost him his job but let's not pretend any of his rivals from the last leadership contest would have done any better.
I think that, you know, barring acts of God, this will be our last leadership contest for a very long time.
This is the man who sulked when he lost the last leadership contest and refused to take a job in the shadow cabinet.
She was unable to take part in the last leadership contest after failing to overturn a six - month suspension from the party following a number of complaints about her.
Readers may recall my why I voted for Jeremy Corbyn in the last leadership contest.
Ed Miliband was a relative unknown before beating his brother in the last leadership contest, but failed to make his mark.
Troughton, a borough councillor, retired doctor and St John ambulance driver who voted against Corbyn in the last leadership contest, consistently claimed the hospital was the «number one issue on the doorstep».
Are you aware that in the last leadership contest, research revealed that Corbyn supporters earned less than all of the other candidate's supporters?
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