Sentences with phrase «last main franchise»

Given the divisive opinions toward both Apocalypse and The Last Stand, Fox hopes to pull out all the stops for what could be one of the last main franchise X-Men adventures before Xavier and his gifted youngsters move to Disney.

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This December brings Rian Johnson's Star Wars: The Last Jedi, which will continue the main story of the franchise, while also finally bringing Luke back to the silver screen in a substantial role.
It is unknown if there will be future installments in the franchise, but considering the tagline is «Last Call Pitches,» it seems the plan is to end the main story here.
It's amazing that a franchise that has lasted for three two hour - plus movies and doesn't even make an effort to progress any of the main players.
Atelier Lydie & Suelle celebrates 20 years of the franchise, and my return to the series since the last Atelier game I played: Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm, ninth in the main series overall.
Last month, Shoji Meguro (the main composer behind the Persona franchise) threw a little hint out that said he will be present at the event, and that fans could look forward to announcements at that time.
Back in 2008, the studios brought us Burnout Paradise, the last main installment in the beloved franchise before the series went quiet.
After the game was sent back to the drawing board, Willits revealed in August of last year that the DOOM franchise was not dead and still the team's main focus, but didn't make it clear if the newest game was still to be called DOOM 4.
It's been five years since the last main entry in the God of War franchise, PS3 release God of War: Ascension in 2013, and it feels like the series needed this break.
Over the course of the last decade — two gaming generations — and ten main series entries, this venerable franchise, once adored by fans for its re-imagining of some of the most tragic and triumphant events of the Second World War, became little more than a frat boy gadget-fest where K / D ratio is king, and to the gulag with everything else.
Following last year's release of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, Generations is the next main series adventure in Capcom's Monster Hunter franchise.
I remember their last big restructure happen way back in 2012 when they said they would be focusing on main franchises, at the time I felt that this was a good way for SEGA to gain more exposure for these titles, allow SEGA to carefully create and market them to an audience.
Though players today yearn for the next great entry in the main franchise, Square has shown a greater strength in the simplicity and replay value of Tactics than the HD grandstanding visuals of the last few entries in the main franchise.
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