Sentences with phrase «last major phase»

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Encouragingly, prices are also reversing from last year's break out line and I can say the second phase of a major bull break out pattern is complete.
However this too is no «new source», but rather a source which played a major role in the last phase of the original quest, culminating in the work of Johannes Weiss and Albert Schweitzer.
But the others are on their way: a handful of major pharmaceutical companies have reached the last phase of clinical trials.
The most advanced candidate vaccine for malaria has cleared another major hurdle and is now ready for its last and biggest test: a phase III trial of 12,000 to 16,000 children at 11 locations in seven African countries.
Well, it does, but there is one major problem — if your cutting phase lasts longer than 16 weeks, the body will start fighting back.
While most commentators are telling you the bull market has been going on since 2009, the 15 % to 20 % dip in the major indexes from the spring of 2015 through February 2016 did so much damage to many sectors (commodities, transports, industrials, financials, etc.) and the broad market that it's possible this rally is an entirely new bull phase — not just an extension of the last one.
The data rule out methane hydrates as a major contributor to (i) glacial - interglacial variations during the last deglaciation, and (ii) millennial methane increases that occur in phase with Greenland temperature abrupt events.
Over the last two decades, global warming activists succeeded in slowing the development of the oil sands, blocking major pipelines like Keystone XL, phasing out coal plants and banning shale gas and oil projects.
Lawrence Solomon: Over the last two decades, global warming activists succeeded in slowing the development of the oil sands, blocking major pipelines like Keystone XL, phasing out coal plants and banning shale gas and oil projects.
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