Sentences with phrase «last mark»

The choices that the school makes — or fails to make — about what sort of moral climate to create inevitably leave lasting marks on the students who live and learn there.
This kind of police brutality is hard to prosecute because electric shock weapons rarely leave lasting marks.
August 24, 2000 Brief exposure to nicotine makes lasting mark on the brain By usurping a mechanism responsible for learning and memory, low levels of nicotine can quickly cause lasting changes in the brain's reward areas.
From morning to night and back round to morning again, Tatouage Couture leaves the ultimate lasting mark.
Tonkin charts Greene's love for film through the decades — from his years as a famed film critic (during which he wrote, Tonkin says, «perhaps the most notorious notice in the history of film criticism» about Shirley Temple) to his days as a movie insider and collaborator with such luminaries as Alexander Korda, Alberto Cavacanti, and, of course, Reed, with whom he made his most lasting mark on the medium.
So as to avoid confrontation, outdoor cats will time share territories and each cat can determine when another cat last marked a spot.
At long last Mark's day has arrived, as, in light of recent events, both Congress and British Parliament feel he's eminently qualified to be raked over the coals.
Her most startling — and controversial — finding: Enduring memories may leave lasting marks on DNA.
These misattunement wounds we carry from childhood can leave lasting marks on our psyche that we may spend a lifetime trying to correct.
Personally, I find the concept of leaving a legacy fascinating, especially since I don't have any offspring, which most people believe is the natural way to leave a lasting mark on the world.
«These executives have made a lasting mark on our industry — growing and elevating partner programs, leading transitions to new business models, and introducing cutting - edge go - to - market strategies, among other remarkable achievements,» said Robert Faletra, CEO of The Channel Company.
«[Each] woman has made a lasting mark on the industry, expanding a breadth of influence in the technology channel,» said Robert Faletra, CEO of The Channel Company.
It is because he gave so much attention to institutionalizing his movement, and did so so skillfully, that among the great revivalists only he left a lasting mark on society.
That experience gave me a face - to - face encounter with the ecumenical movement and left a lasting mark on me.
But the lasting mark of conversion is not one date circled in red on the calendar, but the whole story of one's life.
The lasting mark of conversion is not one date circled in red on the calendar, but the whole story of one's life.
I think regardless of religion or lack thereof, everyone wants to leave some sort of lasting mark, that's darwinism at its most basic.
I think I'm also correct that most people want this lasting mark to be good instead of viewed as bad, crazy, evil, etc...
A legacy can be anything from your children, your contributions to a specific charity, really any lasting mark that you leave behind.
They are also called to make substantive decisions about the common good, decisions that may leave a lasting mark on the community, for good or ill.
But with his fresh perspective, talent for viticulture and penchant for flashy bow ties, Blass left a lasting mark on the local wine industry, along the way changing our drinking habits and culture.
The space was designed by Xan Creative, a Denver - based interior design and environmental branding firm founded by Melissa Friday in 2001, that has left a lasting mark on the Denver hospitality community through its interior branding of local restaurants like D Bar, Atomic Cowboy, Los Chingones, Racca's Pizzeria Neapolitana, and Snooze restaurants.
Cooper resigned before the start of the 2013 season, making this narrow defeat the last mark in the «L» column for the coach.
The iconic Bolton forward played just 33 times for England between 1950 and 1958, but still had time to make a lasting mark on Three Lions history.
Over a one - third of children in the study experienced sibling violence in the past year, and for around 5 percent, the violence was severe enough to leave a lasting mark like a bruise, a chipped tooth or even a broken bone.
Hitting any human being other than a child is against the law in the United States where it is legal for parents to hit their children whenever and wherever and with whatever they want to as long as it doesn't leave lasting marks and, in nineteen states, for school officials to hit children with anything from rulers to two foot long boards.
Cyberbullying can go viral within hours and leave a lasting mark on the victim.
Entitled Social science and epigenetics: opportunities and challenges, the symposium will seek to examine how multidisciplinary research into epigenetics — the science of the lasting marks that modify the expression of the genes encoded in our DNA — might help provide answers to societal concerns including why deprivation has such a marked impact on child development and on health outcomes.
But success could leave a lasting mark on cancer care, by helping hundreds of thousands of patients every year, far more than other genetically targeted therapies.
It's a legacy from the mother that may leave a lasting mark — quite literally — on her offspring.
«The anxiety, depression, and constant stress of being financially vulnerable leaves a lasting mark on children as they grow to adulthood, affecting earnings potential and health outcomes.
This upheaval left a lasting mark on the stars that formed there.
The group he left at the Lab has continued to work on this kind of imaging after he moved on to his work in Germany, and I think they were stimulated by the drive that Henry brought when he was here — his passion for these kinds of experiments made a lasting mark on those who have continued them in his absence.
From the discovery of calcium carbide to reimaging 3 - D printing, the department's work has left a lasting mark on the world.
After reaching my unexpected five - year remission, I began reclaiming my body to show that cancer doesn't always have to leave the last mark
«I apply a toner to moisturize, bring clarity, and to remove the last mark of makeup or pollution.
Oh — now do note if you are going to wear these during the day, the colour does stay put for a good 8 hours, fading I'd say right at the last mark.
It's not the worst film on this list, but it's certainly the most aggressively bad, offering up a specific brand of awfulness that tends to leave a lasting mark on anyone who watches it.
I am not into scat, blood or lasting marks.
In a series that's gone all - out weird before — even «Iron Man 3» was delightfully offbeat — «Ant - Man» is far too restrained to stand out amongst its peers, too careful to leave a lasting mark of its own.
Jessica Chastain, who made a lasting mark in a dialogue - light turn earlier this summer in Terrence Malick's The Tree of Life, continues to show great promise as well as some comic charm to her talents as a white trash - y housewife / high society outcast.
Teachers unions retain considerable power, to be sure, and for this reason I think they necessarily must be drawn in to the reform movement if it is to make a serious and lasting mark.
Although it has been fewer than 10 years since Dr. Coffman received her PhD (in 2005), she has already made a lasting mark on the field of prevention science.
Beyond it, the graphite instruments are tricky to read but your brain registers that the last mark on the speedo is 220mph and the rev counter reads to eight but has no red line.
The last Mark VII Mini, and the 5,387,862 nd and final original two - door Mini to be produced, a red Cooper Sport, was built at the Longbridge plant in October 2000.
As he recollects the events that led to his father's demise, Jasper recounts a boyhood of outrageous schemes and shocking discoveries — about his infamous outlaw uncle Terry, his mysteriously absent European mother, and Martin's constant losing battle to make a lasting mark on the world he so disdains.
Cyberbullying can go viral within hours and leave a lasting mark on the victim.
Custom veterinary business cards and stationery are an important way to leave a lasting mark on pet owners and business associates.
We still need to raise about $ 700,000 to complete the project, so if you've ever thought of donating but never got around to it, the time has come to make a lasting mark by giving to our renovation project.
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