Sentences with phrase «last recession»

The phrase "last recession" refers to the most recent period of economic decline or downturn in the economy. Full definition
GE had run into rough weather in last recession of 2008 due to its financial division but it is on mend and on its path of becoming a stable company.
Btw the main reason Noe took a bigger hit than the mission last recession is becuase flippers were all doing high end renovations in Noe.
Vanguard Long - Term U.S. Treasury (VUSTX) finished 2008 with a 22.5 % gain and Vanguard Total Bond Market Index (VBMFX) added 5.1 % last year, just like what happened in last recession after the dot com burst.
Barely - there interest rates, made possible by unconventional monetary policy since the last recession, have driven investors into dividend - paying products, and that has pushed P / Es higher.
Finance Minister Joe Oliver habitually framed his budget last spring as coming after the Tories created «1.2 million net new jobs» since the depths of the last recession.
«Importantly, the series also shows a sharp decline in the flows of illegal immigration at the U.S. - Mexico border during the last recession, and those flows have remained at historically low levels since then.»
But the surveys fail to take into account a not - so - subtle shift that's taking place around hiring since the last recession.
«This practice started very deliberately with the big tech companies, which, even during the last recession, were thriving,» says Scott Dobroski, Glassdoor community expert.
During the last recession after the internet bubble burst, First Union Corporation senior economist Mark Vitner was quoted as saying it was a misconception that small businesses fare poorly in economic slowdowns.
Just ask anyone who did this and found themselves on the end of a pink slip in the last recession.
Smart, pragmatic, highly - regarded internationally and widely mourned, if you believe government had any hand in Canada's relatively easy ride through the last recession, that hand was Jim Flaherty's.
The good news is that more so than the last recession, I expect that companies in the downturn of the late teens / early 20s will draw on data and modeling to make these decisions and take a more agile approach to staffing.
In the wake of the last recession, one industry seemed to rebound faster than most: businesses that sell products and services to other businesses.
Tasked with avoiding a new financial crisis, the ECB is putting pressure on banks to clean up their balance sheets from unpaid loans inherited from the last recession, a problem for most countries in the south of Europe, as well as Slovenia and Ireland.
Raising rates would head off the threat of too much borrowing using cheap money, which contributed to the last recession, and it will also give central bankers some room to maneuver, should the economy start to underperform again.
By now, it should be abundantly apparent that the driving forces behind our last recession remain largely unresolved.
While McGuinty said this would be just a temporary measure until the deficit is beaten, Ontario taxpayers already have surtaxes on health care and debt dating from the last recession.
Slower growth — a function of structural changes such as an aging society — means economic slack created in the last recession is being eroded at a sluggish pace.
It's a concerning trend, especially considering the prevalence of zero - down - payment mortgages that proliferated in the market prior to the last recession, and that worsened the effects of the crash.
It's been only 46 months since the last recession officially ended, and the U.S. unemployment rate is still high at 7.5 %.
The effects of the last recession, known as the Great Recession, were devastating.
Whatever the arguments about fiscal policy's effectiveness in countering deep and lasting recessions, of a kind the world faced in 2008, it was never envisaged that it should be wheeled out the minute economic growth fell below two per cent.
Over the last decade, new projects were developed based on a belief that global demand would continue to increase at more or less that same pace as it had prior to the last recession.
Connecticut home prices — struggling to recover from the last recession — squeezed out a modest, year - over year gain in 2017 but still remain well below the most recent peak a decade a ago, a new report Tuesday shows.
About 17,400 households are behind in their mortgage payments, representing an increase of nearly 50 per cent since the start of the last recession.
During the last recession, world oil demand fell by 3.4 million barrels a day between the first quarter of 2008 and the second quarter of 2009.
Eight years after the beginning of the last recession, the economy is in much worse shape than was expected — at least judging from the forecasts that the Congressional Budget Office published back in August 2007.
First, economists Alan Blinder and Mark Zandi wrote an important paper for CBPPs full employment project that looks at what worked and what didn't in the last recession, broadly focusing on fiscal stimulus, Fed policy, and other market interventions (i.e. credit markets, the autos).
The healthcare industry allows workers to stay employed even during the last recession which saw many other sectors decrease their workforce.
And it's worth noting that the Australian experience of the last recession was «Recession?
A consequence of the sustained expansion is that the economic slack generated in the last recession has been gradually used up.
The Fed aims to keep prices rising at an annual rate of 2 percent, but it has consistently fallen short of that goal since the end of the last recession in 2009.
Reflation is alive and well according to our definition: rising wages (albeit slowly this cycle) feeding stronger nominal growth, allowing lingering slack from the last recession to be gradually eliminated, stirring higher inflation over time.
This seems optimistic given both the market expectations discussed above and the fact that current interest rates are 0.50 percent nearly eight years after the last recession.
After falling 5.5 percentage points in the last recession, this rate has slowly been climbing back — score one for the tightening narrative.
The last recession in 2008 was spurred by excessive debt in the private sector, mostly in the housing market.
«People don't believe housing is in a bubble» warns money manager James Stack, a money manager who predicted the last recession in 2005, issued a warning about the current high - flying housing market.
This fear is more short sighted and is not something that should be of concern for long - term investors, given Thor's ability to remain profitable during the last recession.
Walker has touted the state's economy in recent weeks, noting the state is one of 10 that has an unemployment rate lower than what it was before the last recession.
The slower the pace of a recovery, the longer it takes to absorb the economic slack created in the last recession — and the longer it takes to reach full capacity and ultimately the peak that signals the cycle's end, our analysis shows.
As you can see (below), since the last recession, Kite has grown its portfolio in size considerably.
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