Sentences with phrase «last redistricting»

The phrase "last redistricting" refers to the most recent process of redrawing the boundaries of electoral districts. Full definition
The state Legislative Task Force on Demographic Research and Reapportionment maintains a large and expensive staff, despite being publicly silent since New York's last redistricting ended in 2012 and no longer having the power to draw district lines.
There were two prior to the last redistricting.
It is widely known that the Speaker had wanted the last redistricting to remove her Bronx constituency entirely, and put her squarely and solely in the Manhattan delegation.
The Massachusetts State Legislature has, thus far, done a great job of making the redistricting process transparent and accountable to the people (a far cry from the last redistricting cycle).
Broadband Internet and online video were not around for the last redistricting process.
This is a really odd comment from Governor Paterson given that 1) it is already 2011 and candidates should know sooner, rather than later, what district they will be running in and 2) as Senate Minority Leader, Paterson sued to have the last redistricting invalidated as unconstitutional.
Parment says that in the last redistricting, «we dumped about 60 years of seniority.»
During the last redistricting process in 2011, Republicans had trifecta control in 19 states which gave them complete power over the drawing of 213 congressional districts.
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