Sentences with phrase «last repetition»

Hold the last repetition up at the centre (picture B) and pulse up for 10 more reps. Swap legs.
I find that it gives you that extra edge over that's crucial when you're trying to squeeze out one last repetition, when you've reached failure.
I hesitate to say the word «failure», but you should feel as if the last repetitions in the set are difficult, and to continue on would require taking pressure off your hands.
It's a trainers job to push you hard and virtually demand that you bust your ass finishing a set or with a last repetition.
And that it's the last repetitions that really count?
If you are lifting weights and it's not difficult to finish your last repetition, it's not heavy enough.
When this happens, consider that your last repetition and end the set.
I guess the idea is clear; «RM means «repetition maximum», consequently, the last repetition is actually the last repetition, you can't do one more repetition.
I've always known that if you do regular sets of exercise and at the last repetition you hold it for an extra 10 seconds or so, you can increase the effectiveness of your sets.
Once you have finished the last repetition, you can do partial - press exercise wherein you do a regular shoulder press exercise with bar starting from shoulder height instead of cleaning it from the floor.
Whether eight, ten, or fifteen repetitions were used in an exercise set with the last repetition to failure, i.e., the last one that can be performed in good form, is all that really matters.
If you get to the last repetition in a set and feel like you could do one or two more reps in good form, try to do the exercise with a heavier weight for the next set.
During your weight training, whether you lift heavy or you need to choose light weights, you get to a last repetition that you can do well.
For exercises that require dumbbells, be sure to select a weight heavy enough so your last repetition is very difficult.
On the last repetition of each set, stop just shy of touching the ground, and hold this position for 5 - 10 seconds.
Placing the elbows inside the bench (due to poor design, for example), shifting the body downward to gain leverage in order to complete the curl, and lowering the weight too far and forcing the elbows (especially on the first and last repetitions).
Shoot for a solid set of 12 and 6 reps, performing a static hold to failure while your elbows are at a 90 degree angle on the last repetition.
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