Sentences with phrase «last things of»

-- You wore me out Bob, I would ask one last thing of you to put the same «so what» bias and scrutiny on every other historical doc - ument that you put on the Bible.
But Christianly understood death is by no means the last thing of all, hence it is only a little event within that which is all, an eternal life; and Christianly understood there is in death infinitely much more hope than merely humanly speaking there is when there not only is life but this life exhibits the fullest health and vigor.
That is the last thing any of you know how to do, especially militant atheists who once knew God and became backsliders of the Will, Word, and God.
«That is the last thing any of you know how to do, especially militant atheists who once knew» I'm guessing that the last thing atheists know how to do, is breath.
Everything cooking on the same pan makes for minimal clean up and let's face it, after a busy day the last thing any of us want to be doing is cleaning up a kitchen late into the night.
The last thing any of us want, especially the Braves, is to bring him up while he's struggling with all the hype he'll be surrounded by.
The last thing any of these drivers need is something to spoil it all.
We're each fighting a hard battle, and the last thing any of us wants to be told is that we're not doing what's right for our babies.
It's also the last thing of any interest said in the session.
Coming in at a close second is adventuring and surely the last thing any of...
The last thing any of us wants to do is look bulky as a result of a poor choice for our body type when what we are going for is feminine and flirty!
Knowledge may have got a bit carried away with us being ashamed (personally im just disappointed) and e baying it, but so far the system has been pretty ordinary and the last thing any of us should be doing is praising the system as it is still damn slow at loading, continues to freeze and has an pretty crappy selection of games.
Film criticism was the very last thing of the forty or fifty tasks I did every week.
Like long - time participants in any industry, the last thing any of these players wants is change.
When I purchase a house that was built 25 years ago, the last thing of interest to me is how many people have walked in and out of that door over the last 25 years.
The last thing any of us want is to be left stranded on the road, or miss days of work because the car is in the shop.
One last thing of note for the DLC is the addition of Challenge Mode, a series of trials for you to play through as Shovel Knight.
A fantastic soundtrack is the icing on the cake for this title; with many devoted players pouring over a hundred hours into this game, the last thing any of them would want is a repetitive or mundane soundtrack.
The last thing any of us want is to think that some 20 - year - old is making twice our salary.

Not exact matches

«There's still a little geopolitical risk in the background, but overall, things have eased over the last couple of weeks.»
Neither of those things should last.
«The one thing is that they really wanted me involved, instead of the teachers,» Mr. Trump said in an interview last week.
According to investors, therein lies the dilemma for Saudi policymakers: The country is only just pulling out of recession, and the last thing that the economy needs is a sustained dose of tightening, Chenevix explained.
Last year, for example, the two biggest winners — in terms of viewership and online engagement — were Netflix's Stranger Things trailer and Budweiser's commercial, which featured a young adult Adolphus Busch emigrating from Germany.
«Strong leaders don't automatically agree with the last thing that was said to them,» Republican Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska said in a statement.
In an interview late last year, Patrick Nangle — who recently took the helm at Vancouver ride - sharing co-op Modo after years of running Purolator — said one of the best things about his new job is that he now gets to spend a lot more time talking to people on the front lines.
Things quickly escalated last night as entrepreneur Paul Biggar published a Medium post that described the Jurvetson party as «organized by the firm staff» and «the official afterparty of their big annual summit.»
Yet, when I had a bunch of VCs in here last week from the United States and I was talking to them about various things, I was asking how our wireless and broadband are here because we're told in Canadian terms that we have superior networks.
As one of the world's premier experts in clinical trials, Don Berry, told me, «The standard clinical trial is pretty much the only thing in medicine that hasn't changed in the last 70 years.»
With so much of the world already furious at Israel, the last thing that country's leadership should be doing is taking the heat for Western imperial adventures.
The last thing he wants is to have to spend the next few years publicly defending legislation that takes away health insurance from tens of millions of Americans and raises the premiums for tens of millions more (whether he believes in the merits of that legislation or not).
The following chart compares business fixed capital investment — money that's put into things such as plants and machinery — in the wake of the last three recessions.
Last week, Benjamin Tal, an oft - cited economist at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, kept things going with a note on what could be done to restrain international demand.
So Biderman, — the self - described «King of Infidelity» — who just last year told PROFIT 500 researchers that «there's no such thing as bad attention for our business» — did something that would be unthinkable to most entrepreneurs: He fired himself.
I spent some time last month in Silicon Valley and one of the things I was told constantly is that Canada has brilliant engineering talent.
The operations of a company can be the last thing that an entrepreneur thinks of, but can really help you succeed.
That would be a relief to Mt. Gox's disgraced CEO, who says he's had enough of the cryptocurrency business to last a lifetime: «The only thing I'm touching related to cryptocurrency is how to solve this bankruptcy.
One of the best things we did for this business was spending four months in the Silicon Valley at Y Combinator program last year.
Things were unusually quiet at the pub when the staff of Background AB arrived for post-work beers one Friday last month.
When you think of Harley Davidson, a feminine beauty product is probably the last thing to come mind.
«While things seem to be improving, the ability to find addresses in Saudi Arabia — and a lot of basic stuff in the last mile of execution... is going to be a big question they're always wrestling and thinking about,» he says.
When you're early in a startup, a founder or one of the first few people to join, you will at times realize that new information from customers or a smart mentor shows that what you were working on for the last weeks or months is the wrong thing to do.
Like so many books about innovation and the exciting world of tomorrow's business, it's a little buzzwordy and breathless, which can get stale quickly — and when you're talking about the future, stale is the last thing you want to be.
«Setting out to raise a genius is the last thing we'd advise any parent to do,» says Camilla Benbow of Vanderbilt University, summing up current research on the subject.
Despite having previously said he did think a deal would be possible by December, he said last night: «After my meetings here in London my main message is I am more optimistic, there is progress... That is the most important thing because the perspective from a European point of view towards London was in the last weeks not so clear.»
«People are very attached to cash because you know where you stand with it, it's anonymous, you don't have to give your data to people and with things like data privacy and cyber-security this has really come to the fore in the last couple of months.»
You can't buy culture or values, and when you have control of your company you can ensure that those things are built they want you want, to last.
Maybe the only thing harder is running the same one again after you put everything you had into the last one and got exactly the result you always dreamed of, amid the most dramatic of circumstances.
While $ 1.3 trillion won't do much to change the outlook for inflation or future debt crises, it sure would give a lot of households one last chance to set things on a more positive course.
When tension hits, the last thing to do is get a cup of java.
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