Sentences with phrase «last time he nursed»

I think the last time Maggie sat still in my lap was the last time she nursed which was about 6 months ago.
I wish I'd known that the last time he nursed was the LAST TIME!!
Do you remember the last time you nursed, or not?
The last time I nursed her was 1.5 weeks ago.
Nope was my lAst time she nursed!
I don't remember the last time I nursed my older daughter, just that she was 23 months and I gently pushed the process (I had planned a holiday with my dad and without her just after her 2nd birthday and didn't want to stop just before).
In fact I was nearly 6 weeks pregnant the last time I nursed Hannah.
I remember knowing it was the last time we nursed, sitting at the computer and checking my email as he fell asleep in my lap.
I told her this was our last time nursing and she nodded calmly.
I am still breastfeeding now that he's a toddler but I can't remember the last time I nursed him in public — probably on an airplane.

Not exact matches

While you are working to nurse off that hangover or catch up on sleep, last year is over and it's time to start thinking about one of two of life's biggest guarantees: taxes.
This piece brought into perspective a lot of this last decade, as well as my observations of many families from the time I spent in nursing homes.
I was starry - eyed at the thought of one last little baby to treasure, one last time to experience pregnancy, birth, nursing, all of it.
The last time we visited his doctor at Sloan - Kettering, a month and a half into his illness and a little over a week before he entered the hospital for the last time, the nurse asked him the usual medical questions.
Rachel Held Evans recently wrote: «Every night, as I nurse my little boy for the last time before bed, I pray for the mamas nursing their babies in refugee camps and rafts around the world, desperate for a safe place to call home.»
And last time I checked, England is still synonymous with Great Britain... Andrew, I hope you're either in grade school, or you forgot that you need a special pass with one of the nurses to use the internet!
And here I am now: nursing a squirming and disinterested toddler, every once in a while, and knowing that one of these times, it will be her last time, and it will be my last time to lay skin to skin, tummy to tummy, with my own babies, breastfeeding, and that time is coming soon.
I have thought about making it many times (the recipe sounds delicious but the title, I confess, is what really lured me in), but I also LOVE spotty bananas, and between that, and, well, nursing school, I just haven't gotten around to baking it in the last couple of years.
About as much as the first visit to meet your girlfriends parents or maybe the last time you went to A and E and had to sit all night to see a stressed out nurse to have splinters of glass picked out of your buttocks maybe.
This time last year I was just hoping to nurse her to six months; we had a rocky start, but now it's easy and we love to cuddle and use it as a bonding time.
I don't remember the last time either of my older boys nursed.
I still remember the last time that I nursed Hannah.
She still won't give up the night time nursing (which lasts all of two minutes).
They make strips to test breast milk for alcohol if you're really worried, but I agree — most of the time it's just easier to not drink when nursing Last month I broke down a couple of times and had itty - bitty grasshoppers (I'd bought the liqueurs for Grasshopper Pie for Christmas, and had non-alcoholic Bailey's Cream coffee creamer:P).
At the end of my pregnancy, I remember every night I would lay down for some quiet, cuddle time to nurse Ava before bed, she would hold onto baby (put her hand on my belly), and I would wonder if it would be our last night together just the two of us before her baby brother would join us.
My oldest nursed for the last time when his baby brother was about a week old.
At the same time, a Maine couple were being honored for their 77 - year marriage and, as nursing home residents, for «their achievements and contributions to the community» until the wife passed away last month.
I started pumping to also try to make sure I have enough milk and I have even fed my little one that pumped milk in addition to nursing at the last feeding because she doesn't seem to get enough - that has worked but sometimes i forget to pump and is just inconvenient at times.
This is what we had been doing: 8:00 nurse, oatmeal, fruit 12:00 nurse, lunch (size 3 veggie, fruit) 4:00 nurse 7:307:45 nurse, dinner My problem is she gets too hungry b / w the 4 and 7:30 feeding since her last time eating solids was at 12.
Sometimes it was almost impossible to console him (and often if I tried to nurse him he would just get more upset), but usually with a pacifier, which he didn't take at any other time, and being held and bounced to music he'd fall asleep and we would hold him until he woke up for his last feeding.
No one else is glancing at the clock, noting it's been two hours since he last ate or that I'm running out of time to nurse him before we run to grocery store.
Our day time nursing sessions only last a few minutes, and they might me as close as together as every 20 minutes.
My midwives were very laid back and said nurse on demand no matter what time they last nursed.
Many doctors, midwives, and nurses in Portland have heard the request before, but it is good to write it into your birth plan and mention it several times in the last few appointments before delivering.
Push back your nursing sessions by an hour at a time (although you may want to leave the first bottle of the day or the last bottle before bedtime at the usual time for a while longer).
I nursed her for one of the last times and I told her that she was a big girl now and did nt need Mommys milk anymore.
Nursing, changing diaper, changing spit - up clothes (baby's and yours), made a cup of tea, spent an hour trying to get in 10 minutes of Tummy Time so the baby won't be a dolt, spent 40 minutes getting the baby down for a nap which ended up lasting 20 minutes, made lunch and spilled half of it on the baby's head, clothing changes all around, nursing, found now - cold cup of untouched tea and drank it anyway, more nursing, baby falls asleep on you but wakes up if you try to move him so you just stay slumped on the couch with one leg forward and the other bent uncomfortably under you because this kid needs to sleep or we'll all diiieeee, nursing, realize you forgot about the weekly mothers» meeting which was your only adult outing dammit and now who will be your Nursing, changing diaper, changing spit - up clothes (baby's and yours), made a cup of tea, spent an hour trying to get in 10 minutes of Tummy Time so the baby won't be a dolt, spent 40 minutes getting the baby down for a nap which ended up lasting 20 minutes, made lunch and spilled half of it on the baby's head, clothing changes all around, nursing, found now - cold cup of untouched tea and drank it anyway, more nursing, baby falls asleep on you but wakes up if you try to move him so you just stay slumped on the couch with one leg forward and the other bent uncomfortably under you because this kid needs to sleep or we'll all diiieeee, nursing, realize you forgot about the weekly mothers» meeting which was your only adult outing dammit and now who will be your nursing, found now - cold cup of untouched tea and drank it anyway, more nursing, baby falls asleep on you but wakes up if you try to move him so you just stay slumped on the couch with one leg forward and the other bent uncomfortably under you because this kid needs to sleep or we'll all diiieeee, nursing, realize you forgot about the weekly mothers» meeting which was your only adult outing dammit and now who will be your nursing, baby falls asleep on you but wakes up if you try to move him so you just stay slumped on the couch with one leg forward and the other bent uncomfortably under you because this kid needs to sleep or we'll all diiieeee, nursing, realize you forgot about the weekly mothers» meeting which was your only adult outing dammit and now who will be your nursing, realize you forgot about the weekly mothers» meeting which was your only adult outing dammit and now who will be your friend?
I was working in an emergency room as a nurse at that time and heading into my second - to - last semester of school to become a nurse practitioner.
The last time I attempted nursing, we both ended up in tears and I knew I could not continue down that path.
With my last baby, I ate something almost every time I sat down to nurse him during the day.
So, if your baby nurses every two to three hours and you've only had a single glass of wine or beer since their last feeding, you can probably nurse the next time your little one is hungry.
I would then nurse again around nine o'clock in the evening and one last time right before I went to sleep.
For the last two months I nursed him when we first go to bed, but I tell him it is only for a few minutes and then it's a night, night time.
The night nurse checked on me one last time, and I knew I wouldn't see anyone again for awhile.
(Tip: if you were making them switch breasts after a certain amount of time, start letting the baby decide (unlatch) when they're done with one breast and then switch sides, and / or start each nursing session on the breast they finished with the last time, so they have a chance to get all the fatty milk that usually comes at the end of a nursing session.)
It is bittersweet knowing too that this is the last time I will ever nurse one of my children.
Many moms choose to leave the first thing in the morning and last nursing in the evening as their choices for times to consider still breastfeeding.
Last night, she nursed to sleep and I snuck downstairs to get some Internet time in.
It's normal and natural and good, but it can also be sad, especially so if this child is the last time you'll get to experience the closeness of the mom / baby nursing relationship.
He got his last bottle of pumped milk last Thursday night, and I nursed him for the last time on Saturday night... when he was sleepy, and I was as engorged as I ever get (and, after two days of no pumping or nursing, was about as engorged as a normal woman gets after being a little late with one feeding).
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