Sentences with phrase «later history»

In the end it was not the concept of entity found in Aristotle's Metaphysics, but rather that derivative from the Categories, of the identification of entity with enduring substrate, that dominated later history of thought.
First it is a kind of event that occurred not only in the fellowship of Jesus but recurs again and again in later history where individuals are gathered in the same kind of fellowship.
Some investors try to shield their properties in an LLC which is good if you finance it in an LLC to start with, but if you finance in your personal name and transfer to an LLC later a history check of title will still show your personal name.
Peter Tyldesley, Director of the Bradgate Park Trust, commented: «Whilst the medieval and later history of Bradgate Park is well documented and the Park's association with Lady Jane Grey is well known, we are only just beginning to uncover the fascinating story of this area in prehistoric times.
The later history shows three main ways in which the love of God made known in Christ was grasped and embodied as a Christian view of life.
It was something celebrated in the later history of the Hebrew people, a ceremony through which ancient nomadic folk from the wilderness believed that God was coming to them in the form of a cloud.
The gradual unfolding of the Messianic secret, in particular, and Jesus» lack of immediate success in instructing his disciples as to the true nature of the Kingdom, have an inherent probability that is confirmed by the later history of the misinterpretation of his teaching in the New Testament Church.
It also made possible new adventures of the human spirit, for it was like a great reservoir into which the currents of ancient civilization flowed, and out of which rose all the streams of later history in the western world.
While Calvin seems to see more clearly than Luther the need for reforming the orders of the world guided by love and justice, both Reformers see the organization of society in terms which we know are far too simple in the light of the later history of democratic forms of political life.
Steinmetz also rightly observes that the actions of characters in Genesis prefigure events in the later history of the nation; Abraham goes to Egypt and returns to Canaan and there fights with inhabitants of the land, just as Israel will do later.
I'd love to have the chance to research and write a book about one of the things that fascinate me: perhaps the growth of the labour movement in the north east as the industrial revolution gathered pace, or the later history of imperial Rome.
The return of a Labour Government provides the opportunity to redress this latest history of exploitation.
In the subsequent era on Earth, one of the most intriguing insights from the latest history of impacts is what we don't see.
Further genome doubling is common in the later history of plants as a way that new species form, adds Pamela Soltis, another leader of the nuclear genome work.
Hats have been a charming part of the fashion in the late history and are known to make your attire complete.
A history of Stonehenge, explaining how the prehistoric monument developed from an early henge into its final form, as well as its later history.
This is the model Oliver Stone has chosen for his latest history lesson for the masses, WALL STREET: MONEY NEVER SLEEPS, an explication of why the world financial markets collapsed in 2008.
So your teen might have passed their driver's test with flying colors and aced their latest history test, but what about money matters?
Basquiat's latest history - making achievement at auction comes amid a steady stream of new milestones, recent exhibitions, magazine coverage, and new books about the artist and his practice.
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