Sentences with phrase «later rise from the dead»

Even as He was found by his parents after three days, so He would later rise from the dead on the third day that the favor of God might rest also upon us.
I killed and burried Big Foot a year ago, and three days later he rose from the dead, came to my house and we played Monopoly for a week straight.

Not exact matches

Sometimes this question is asked this way: «How could God know what it is like to lose a son if He knew Jesus was just going to rise from the dead three days later
And while there are occasional stories within Judaism of someone actually rising from the dead, these people still died later, and are awaiting the final resurrection to this very day.
It's a greater fantasy NOT to believe that there is an all powerful invisible god somewhere in the universe who knows everything, can do anything, hears everyone's thoughts, etc, or that someone died and rose from the dead three days later (this same person was born of a virgin), or that someone spoke to god via a burning bush, or that one old man, who lived to be 900 years old, built a boat that held two of every animal on the earth to survive a worldwide flood?
As a result of his investigation, he became convinced that the claims within the Gospels are true, that Jesus really did live, die on the cross, and rise again three days later from the dead.
I have read articles and heard sermons about this verse and how Jesus didn't want to be defiled by Mary before he ascended to heaven, and how Jesus rose from the dead, but he didn't ascend to heaven, but after he talked to Mary, he did ascend to heaven, after which time He could be touched by the apostles in the Upper Room, and then later, he ascended for good.
Three days later, Jesus is said to have risen from the dead.
Then a few days later, we celebrate Easter, also called Resurrection Sunday, as the day that Jesus rose from the dead.
Countless millions of people believe that about 2000 years ago, there was a man named Jesus who lived in Israel, preached sermons, performed miracles, was crucified on a cross, was buried, and rose again three days later from the dead.
They took the protagonist and location from the first Dead Rising, the open world structure of the third Dead Rising, and churned out Frank West's latest zombie - filled adventure in the town of Willamette, Colorado.
 Split into a number of episodes that will be distributed over a number of weeks,  Zombrex Dead Rising Sun, will be made available as a free download exclusively on Xbox Live from August 4, before going live on a week later.
Our collection of Licensed Full Head Halloween Masks includes The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Star Trek, The Twilight Zone, World Wrestling Entertainment, Preacher, Creepshow, Game of Thrones, Child's Play, Bride of Chucky, Goosebumps, Iron Maiden, American Horror Story, The Walking Dead, SAW, Jeepers Creepers, Killer Klowns From Outer Space, Pumpkinhead, Krampus, Halloween 2, Halloween 3: Season of the Witch, Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers, Halloween H20: Twenty Years Later, Halloween: Resurrection, Trick» r Treat, Garbage Pail Kids, Nightbreed, Rob Zombie, House of 1,000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects, The Lords of Salem, Alice Cooper, The Misfits, Motorhead, Five Finger Death Punch, AC / DC, JAWS, King Kong, Rocky, Rocky 2, Rocky 3, Rocky 4, Rocky 5, Rocky Balboa, An American Werewolf In London, Mars Attacks, Frosty the Snowman, Corpse Bride, Tales From The Crypt, Haunt of Fear, Distortions Unlimited, Lucio Fulci's Zombie, Clash of the Titans, Ash vs. Evil Dead, Castle Freak, Killjoy, Gremlins, Hatchet, Hatchet 2, Hatchet 3, Amityville: The Awakening, The Haunted World of El Superbeasto, House of Horrors, London After Midnight, Dead Silence, Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon, Jeepers Creepers, Jeepers Creepers 2, Evil Dead 2, They Live, Darkman, The Orphan Killer, The Funhouse, Dark Night of the Scarecrow, Blacula, White Zombie, Mad Monster Party, George A. Romero's Day of the Dead, George A. Romero's Land of the Dead, Bela Lugosi, Toxictoons, Phantom of the Opera, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Goon, Hellboy, Cousin Eerie, Scared to Death, and Eric Pigors» Toxictoons.
These latest outfits join previously announced Heroes mode costume cameos from the likes of Devil May Cry's Dante, Street Fighter's Cammy, Mega Man X's X, Ghost Trick's Sissel, and «classic» Frank West from the original Dead Rising game.
45 days later my credit scores have risen from the dead!
The latest gameplay trailer from Dead Rising 4 shows returning lead character Frank West taking the zombie fight to the food court and other areas of the Willamette Mall.
Capcom is being featured in the latest Humble Bundle offering, which includes titles from the Dead Rising, Resident Evil, and Devil May Cry series.
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