Sentences with word «lateralis»

To test their idea, the team recorded 14 silvereye (Zosterops lateralis) populations over 1 million square kilometres of east - coast Australia, making this the largest study, in terms of area, of its kind.
The calf muscle is comprised of 3 parts: gastrocnemius lateralis, gastrocnemius medialis and soleus.
Hypertrophy Using ultrasound the researchers made a scan of the participants» vastus lateralis before the training period, after 12 weeks and after 24 weeks.
The vastus lateralis sets the lateral boundary of the quads, which borders the IT band.
Ito et al. (2003) found that the gluteus maximus, adductor magnus, and vastus lateralis weighed 573.4 g, 452.6 g and 320.5 g, respectively.
This causes dysfunctions in a line of muscles that starts with your diaphragm and runs in a continuous chain down to the outside of your knee at the vastus lateralis attachment.
Under local anaesthesia (1 % Xylocaine) a resting biopsy from the vastus lateralis of one leg was obtained 3 h after commencement of the tracer infusion using a 5 - mm Bergstrom needle modified with suction, during the first trial only.
This condition may be attributable to a primary defect or laxity of the retractor anguli oculi lateralis muscle and / or the lateral canthal tendon.
Muscle strength, lean tissue mass, muscle quality, and vastus lateralis muscle fiber cross-sectional area are shown in Table 2.
A case of a traumatic sciatic nerve paralysis was successfully treated with the transfer of the long digital extensor tendon of origin to the vastus lateralis muscle after a portion of the latter had been separated from its insertion on the patella.
Abbreviations: DLL, Nucleus dorsolateralis anterior thalami, pars lateralis; Gld, dorsolateral geniculate complex; LdOPT, Nucleus lateralis dorsalis nuclei optici principalis thalami; Rt, Nucleus rotundus; SPC, Nervus superficialis parvocellularis; SpRt, Nucleus suprarotundus; TSM, Tractus septomesencephalicus.
If you move your feet closer together while keeping them in the middle of the platform, you can transfer more of the load to your vastus lateralis or outer quad muscle, which is typically very hard to target, and also increase the engagement of your hip abductors.
Pointing your toes outward externally rotates the tibia to hit the outer quad (vastus lateralis).
This is also false — the truth is that most bodybuilders don't even know how to target the four quads (vastus lateralis, medialis and intermedius, as well as the rectus femoris), nor do they know how to exercise the many muscles located on the inside of your upper thigh.
First, make sure that your toes are pointed inwards to intensify pressure on your vastus lateralis, meaning your outer quad muscle.
When you want to make your outer quads bigger, and especially your vastus lateralis, you need hack squats.
The rectus femoris covers the vastus intermedius, so you can only see the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, and vastus medialis.
The 4 parts of the quads are the vastus lateralis, vastus medials, vastus intermidius, and rectus refomirs.
Muscles producing joint actions at the knee joint are the quadriceps muscles (vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius and rectus femoris at the front, with the hamstring muscles (semitendinosis, semimembranosus and biceps femoris) at the back along with the popliteus muscle.
The study also looked at «citrate synthase (CS) and 3 - hydroxy - CoA dehydrogenase (HAD)» activity in the vastus lateralis muscle.
The Quadriceps are group of 4 muscles in the front of the thigh — vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, vastus medialis, and the rectus femoris.
Vincent et al. (2007) took muscle biopsies from the vastus lateralis and reported that individuals with the R allele displayed a type I, type IIA and type IIX distribution of 50 ± 2 %, 37 ± 2 %, and 14 ± 2 %, while individuals with the XX allele displayed a type I, type IIA and type IIX distribution of 55 ± 3 %, 35 ± 2 %, and 9 ± 1 %.
In addition to these impressive strength improvements, the researchers also measured increases in muscle mass of the vastus lateralis and the quadriceps as a whole.
The four heads of the quadriceps femoris — or simply the quadriceps — include the following: rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius and vastus medialis.
These are the quadriceps, which are located at the front of the thigh and consist of four separate muscles — the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius and rectus femoris; the hamstrings, which are located at the back of the thigh and consist of the biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus; and the calves, which consist of the large two - headed gastrocnemius muscle and the much smaller soleus muscle which lies underneath the gastrocnemius.
The rectus femoris and vastus intermedius are both approximately in the center of the thigh, between the vastus medialis and lateralis.
Basically, it lays out the evidence that there's likely no leg exercises (including variations of hip width / angle, foot / ankle angle, ROM, etc.) that significantly emphasize the vastus medialis over the vastus lateralis.
Have your partner use the stick up and down on your vastus lateralis and iliotibial band for 20 to 30 strokes as tolerated.
These muscles are «rectus femoris», «vastus lateralis», «vastus medialis», and «vastus intermedius».
These are the vastus medialis (on the inside of the leg) and the vastus lateralis (on the outside of the leg).
Those four so - called «heads» of the quads are the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius.
Due to the more upright upper body posture, the Front Squat focusses strongly on the muscles on the anterior side of the thighs, the quads or quadriceps (the quadriceps consists of a group of four muscles, the vastus lateralis, the vastus medialis, the vastus intermedius and the rectus femoris).
Your inner thigh is made up of a muscle called vastus medialis, while your outer thigh is called the vastus lateralis.
Most people have a stronger medialis muscle than lateralis, which can lead to imbalances.
These 3 simple moves focus on strengthening your vastus lateralis to even out your thigh muscle strength and sculpt sleek and sexy legs!
The Quadriceps are made out of four muscles, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, the vastus lateralis, and the rectus femoris.
By reference to weight of individual muscles, it appears to be the second heaviest muscle after the gluteus maximus, preceding even the vastus lateralis.
Ito et al. (2003) found that the gluteus maximus, adductor magnus, and vastus lateralis were 48.4 cm ², 26.9 cm ² and 12.5 cm ² in cross-sectional area, respectively.
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