Sentences with phrase «latest promising approaches»

We offer the latest promising approaches in blood and bone marrow stem cell transplant.

Not exact matches

The FDA actually approached Mitsubishi Tanabe and asked the firm to submit the drug for approval after it showed promise in a late - stage trial in Japan.
Whereas traditionally a start - up with a promising idea would sell its business plan to interested angel investors, later commit to sequential funding rounds in which venture capital investors would provide scale - up financing in return for a slice of equity, before eventually pursuing an initial public offering (if very successful) to sell some or all of its shares to the general public, the ICO can offer a novel and much faster approach.
Contrast these steps with the approach of David Cameron, the man who held private dinners for Tory political donors in Downing street, promised to come clean on it, and, a year later, is yet to publish the report he promised to publish.
NIST later publicly discouraged tech companies from using that cryptographic approach and promised to give the public an opportunity to weigh in on a revised standard.
As of late, however, Cronenberg's tact has changed to a more grounded approach with often shocking moments of violence thrown in for good measure (see A History of Violence and Eastern Promises).
The new Dodge Challenger SRT8 392 builds on its original mantra of a rear - wheel - drive coupe that promises a balanced approach between form and function, with impressive straight - line acceleration and world - class ride and handling to go along with high - performance braking and the latest technology that delivers improved fuel efficiency.
The promises of affordable textbooks that could be updated with the latest information at a moment's notice haven't come through; even the much - touted bells and whistles approach to tablet - based academic ebooks have gone largely stagnant as learning outcomes have not been noticeably improved — at least not according to the almighty standardized tests — with the addition of embedded content.
Early trailers looked eerie and promising, and with the late summer release date fast approaching, I was anxious to see the hands eyes - on impressions of gamers and media members alike this past weekend.
With its colorful art style and stylized Adventure Time-esque designs, Meteorfall promised a humorous approach to the subgenre when it launches later this month.
You never want to be compared to Popeye's friend Wimpy, but that's exactly DTE's approach to clean energy — give me what I want now and I «promise» to take care of you later.
since i could still drive the car, thought never hit my mind that he would rip me off, and today when I went to his home (where he promised me to fix my car), he said it was too late for me to file anything legally, What's my legal approach?
Instead the Federal Court of Appeal in late 2014 reinforced a «pro-patentee» approach by applying the «rule in favour of saving an invention rather than invalidating it» and is now consistently holding that Promises must be «explicit» ie.
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