Sentences with phrase «latest research shows»

The latest research shows that highly regarded companies are more than three times as likely as those with weak reputations to have a CEO who participates in social media.
I believe, and the latest research shows, that we can control our behavior through our thoughts, and feelings if we address the memories, experiences, and assumptions taught us early on.
BPD has long been regarded as an illness disproportionately affecting women, but the latest research shows no difference in prevalence rates for men and women.
Josh Bersin of Bersin by Deliotte observes: «Our latest research shows that your ability to attract talent (the right people, not just anyone) is now one of the biggest differentiating factors in business.»
As the long - term war for supremacy between the two giants - Android and iPhones continue, the latest research shows that iOS system is the best as compared to Android.
Latest research shows that over 50 % of children with autism are not attending the type of school their parents believe would best support them; * which unsurprisingly is leading many parents to resort to legal action to get the best provision in place for their child.
The latest research shows lawyer productivity had dropped 9 % in the last decade.
The latest research shows this, and the high sensetivity argument is already rattling it's clack.
The latest research shows the world literally has 3 years to make aggressive progress on bringing emissions down.
The latest research shows we could get 100 % of our electricity from renewable resources within two decades; by 2050 we could have a 100 % clean economy.
Latest research shows the Earth's climate could change quickly, and violently, writes Fred Pearce.
It's worth remembering that the latest research shows current emissions tracking the highest emissions scenario of those used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) scenarios, so temperatures are likely to be even higher.
A study in January of this year co-authored by Steadman showed that the first humans to arrive in the area depleted small species like bats; this latest research shows that other species were lost to human activities like hunting and human - ignited wildfires.
The latest research shows that while a decades - long trend toward thinner and sparser ice looks to continue, with warming from greenhouse gases and soot contributing to the change, expect a lot of variability along the way to a projected open - water summertime Arctic.
TIGA's latest research shows that the Scottish video games industry grew by a remarkable 27 per cent in 2016 - 17.
The Australian Veterinary Association (AWA), which has launched a new strategy to deal with dog bites, says the latest research shows banning particular breeds does nothing to address aggression in dogs, and nothing to increase public safety.
The latest research shows the earlier the surgery, the better it is for the animal.
Some of the latest research shows that pet dogs help improve family functioning and lower stress in families with children with autism, there's a link between dog ownership and increased physical activity, and evidence that service dogs help to decrease symptoms of post-traumatic stress in our veterans.
Our latest research shows that: The number of US consumers aged 25 - 34 with student loan debt of at least $ 50,000 doubled from 2005 to 2015.
The latest research shows that many investors, facing some mixed economic and market signals, are taking a slight...
The e-book market has exploded in the last few years and the latest research shows some fascinating trends.
For example, latest research shows that many companies from different sectors of the Economy prefer to release online versions of their specialized literature over traditional paper - printed books and magazines.
But this latest research shows opportunity isn't evenly spread.
Its latest research shows Central Texas schools report 2.4 million absences each year.
Fortunately, the latest research shows that children can be taught — at very young ages — the skills they need to be both academically and socially successful.
Caroline Wright, director general designate at BESA says: «Our latest research shows that there is a growing desire and need by teachers for high quality CPD: 48 per cent of primary schools and 41 per cent of secondary schools state that CPD will be a focus for 2016/17.
In this SkaDate Dating Software roundup: Picking a unique niches is key to success, WooWho — the new player on the market, latest research shows the influence of personal information on future decisions about dating and business, etc..
The organization educates patients, families, doctors and health professionals about vitamin D and what the latest research shows, to improve the quality and longevity of lives.
If you don't allow the weight gain to become obesity, the latest research shows that you won't be at a higher risk for heart attacks and cancer, especially if your keep your hormones balanced.
Here is what the latest research shows about soy for women with PCOS, infertility, and those with thyroid disorders and what we have to say about it.
The latest research shows that HIIT or interval training is much more effective in burning body fat compared to low - intense and long duration workouts.
Latest research shows that soluble fibre reduces blood sugar and improves overall glucose disposal.
Latest research shows that anaerobic training (HIT) «burns» over 500 % more fat, than aerobic exercise.
However, the latest research shows diverticulosis sufferers eating these foods actually had lower rates of inflammation.
Latest research shows that an estimated 3.3 million woman in the US have pelvic organ prolapse.
What's more, the latest research shows that kids with helicopter parents can grow up to feel inadequate and unprepared for adulthood.
The latest research shows that the relatively small OTS44 has a disk containing more than 10 times the mass of Earth, and that it is actively accreting material.
Their latest research shows that if that spontaneous neural activity is blocked, correct neural circuits in the visual system are not established and vision can not occur.
But the evidence was soon overwhelming — the latest research shows tiny melanin particles coloured the feathers.
This latest research shows that the risk of heart and blood vessel problems, such as heart attacks, strokes and high blood pressure, increases as body mass index (BMI) increases beyond a BMI of 22 - 23 kg / m2.
His latest research shows that oceanic tectonic plates deform due to cooling, causing shortening of the plates and mid-plate seismicity.
Dr Sarah Warnes, lead author of the new research, explains: «Our latest research shows that in simulated fingertip contamination of surfaces with millions of MRSA or MSSA, the cells can remain alive for long periods on non-antimicrobial surfaces — such as stainless steel — but are killed even more rapidly than droplet contamination on copper and copper alloys.
The latest research shows the significant impact that lifting the wages of the lowest paid workers can have on productivity at a company and sector level.
But the latest research shows that stereotype threat can actually improve older adults» performance on memory tests, under certain conditions.
More than two million people in England and Wales used cannabis in the past 12 months, but the latest research shows that banning the drug would have low impact on mental health.
Now the duo's latest research shows how that oscillation could encode information about a particular smell.
The latest research shows that climate talks must lead to more aggressive action to avoid the catastrophic effects of global warming
The latest research shows shoot providers spend a quarter of a billion pounds on conservation each year, generating work which is equivalent to 16,000 full - time conservation jobs.»
In fact, latest research shows that kids who visit and take part in the physical activities in the clubs develop by: a) Expanding their social circles b) Displaying enhanced prosocial skills c) Fostering their sense of pride d) Improving their willingness and ability to work together with others
The latest research shows that peanut butter can and should be introduced to your baby's diet safely under your doctor's supervision.
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