Sentences with phrase «latter study»

In latter studies, Strauss et al, (1997) suggested that some of the potential harmful effects of frequent and severe spankings include subsequent antisocial behavior of children (Straus et al, 1997).
Respondents in the latter study named «financial needs» as the top factor behind retirement timing.
Although result trends were similar in these two studies, more precise breast feeding data collection in the latter study may account for any significant result differences.
The latter study shows that the process of forming and changing opinions is intimately connected to the brain's neural hardware, where different parts of the brain are involved differently in shaping opinions, and the more beliefs are tied to community values, the more difficult it is to change them.
The latter study shows that among commercially important species alone, 91 percent have seen their abundance halved, 38 percent have nearly disappeared and 7 percent have gone extinct with most of this reduction happening since 1800.
(The latter study, although shorter in duration, had actually collected about 40 times more «star hours» than the Hubble campaign.)
In the latter study, Momplaisir and colleagues took a closer look at the pregnant women's HIV care during pregnancy and for two years postpartum.
This latter study was published in the September 16, 1999 issue of the journal Nature.
In the latter study, chronic down - regulation of FoxP2 using RNA interference resulted in more variable songs of 90d experimental birds relative to age - matched controls.
The latter study demonstrated substantially less binding of Gal - 1 to GM1 - deficient compared with GM1 - sufficient Teffs, thus supporting the conclusion that GM1 is the primary receptor for Gal - 1 in activated Teffs.
In the latter study, people with the highest exposure to manure were 38 percent more likely to contract community - associated MRSA, and 30 percent more likely to get healthcare - associated MRSA.
(I oversaw the latter study as the Thomas B. Fordham Institute's Ohio research director.)
Of these latter studies, the benefits of choice were typically concentrated among African American students and students who had previously attended relatively low - performing public schools before they were given a chance to attend schools their parents deemed better.
With so many Americans feeling lonely and isolated, these latter studies are especially impactful regarding the importance of pet ownership.
I didn't bother looking this latter study up, but it's early enough to have missed the recent big acceleration in the glaciers.
The latter study was based entirely on observations (hydrographic data between Labrador and Europe in the past 50 years).
The latter study demonstrated a connection between mindfulness as a distinct construct and several dimensions of well - being, including lower neuroticism, anxiety, depression and negative affectivity, and higher positive affectivity, vitality, life satisfaction, self - esteem, optimism and self - actualisation.
Based on the evidence from both of the latter studies, the program received a new final rating of Promising.
In this latter study, outcomes were better for girls and for children on medication.
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