Sentences with phrase «laugh at times»

It'll suck you in, it'll make you think and feel and gasp and maybe even laugh at times, and it'll stick around long after you're done playing it.
It'll even make you laugh at times!
I loved season 2 and 3, Black Sails is probably one of my favourite things I've ever seen but this season makes me laugh at times of how bad
The dark humor element is fantastic, really made me laugh at times.
I had to laugh at the times that I was matched with guys from my singles group and a former professor.
Its hard trying not to laugh at times when they are trying to work against that sort of behaviour..
You will look back and have a good laugh at times you acted out, but you will be glad you weathered the storms of pregnancy.
He has to know what he is doing cause he laughs at me every time.
My family and friends laugh at me every time I buy a new one!
I laugh at myself every time I look at the pictures after I take them.
This had me laughing at times, but in the end it's all very true.
I really had to laugh at the time that my date forgot his wallet and I had to pay for our dinner and let him borrow money for gas to get home.
I promise you'll find something new to laugh at every time you watch it.
I admit to laughing at times (such as the line «So you're saying that without Hitler we wouldn't exist?»)
I'd love to hear what Philip Seymour Hoffman performances have left their mark on you or what Harold Ramis films do you always find yourself laughing at every time you pop them in the DVD / Blu - Ray player.
The sex scenes still aren't very sexy and the story is almost nonexistent, but at least there's more to laugh at this time around, which is about the only thing this film has going for it.
It did have me laughing at times, but a classic Christmas comedy it is not.
«Inside Out» is all about our emotions, and while I laughed at times, this film also desperately wants you to cry, but falls short in achieving that reaction.
Horse Armor DLC for Elder Scrolls Oblivion, and everyone laughed at that time on these things.
I remember when Mann decided to sue NRO and Steyn for defamation, and despite all the laughing at the time there was this prescient thought from Dr. Judith Curry:

Not exact matches

Design trends change quickly, and in the span of a decade or two, the fonts, colors and shapes that seemed cool at the time could be laughed at in the modern era as nostalgic leftovers.
The successful challenger could build a coalition around a platform consisting of what used to be Trump themes — «they are laughing at us,» «we don't win anymore,» «we are weak and indecisive,» «they attack us with impunity» — but this time claiming that it is Trump himself who has made that problem worse.
They help us remember to laugh at what we didn't find funny the first time around.
«She came to me and said, «Come - on dude,» I was feeling a little lazy at the time,» he laughs.
«We laugh at the same jokes at the same time, which wasn't scripted, but that's probably the strength of our video,» says Kelly Eidson.
We all spend time at work socializing, laughing, surfing the Internet, or maybe even worrying and daydreaming.
Here's a quick fix: A self - defeating punch line always wins others over (okay, 99 percent of the time) because laughing at — or «with» — others is more comfortable for people than laughing at themselves.
I watched it at least four times, laughed, then shared it via email, social media and even made bets with fellow television producers on which show was going to book James Wright Chanel first.
With the year coming to a close, there's no better time to look back at the words that moved us, made us laugh and inspired us to do more.
Now we're all going to laugh at the T.I.N.A. acronym the next time the market gets bludgeoned — and it sure is overdue for a healthy beating one of these days.
People laugh at me now,» she told The New York Times.
I mean, for him as a tech company CEO in 2000, market would have laughed at him big time had he not participated in the mania.
It would be like laughing at an archeologist because he had the gual to suggest the pyramids were actually designed and not just some random fluke of time and matter.
im glad no - one believes in demons - the devil or god — and they try to rationalise everything — and discredit the bible — just shows me where we are at in the holy book — see if i remember, the end times come when «scorners and scoffers abound» when — wrong is called right and right is called wrong — and people would be married and given in marriage as in the daysd of noah --- sodom and gammorah had gay issues badly - im just gonna laugh and alaugh and laugh when ya «ll burn - do me a favor — at least read the bible once — see what it says before you — go against it.
A place of love, compassion, mercy... but they spend their time laughing at Bill Nye?
This time I think I am laughing at myself for some of the things I adhered to strongly (and can at least still be tempted to adhere to) either of my own volition or through cultural influences.
We laughed about it at the time
so we laugh at them, make fun of them, ridicule them because for a long time they had the power and imposed their bs will on the rest of us... guess what xties... payback's a biotch...
Well it is true that some people seek sorcerers to implement Jinn that are satanic demons into mankind or his house or his business to finish him or make his life miserable or to stop flow of his business income... In such case it is either you are religious enough and say your prayers often then it becomes hard for this to harm you or otherwise you need to find some one who practice exorcism to remove this evil... But many are just pretending to be good at it and help you not but squeeze money out of you with tales and stories... There is another type of possessions and that is not through a sorcerer but directly by coincidence what man is at his weakest moments and those weakest moments for a possessions are when you come through a great fear or when cry or laugh loudly in hysteria, or during a certain moment of mating... or even when sneezing loudly... That's why there are prayers to be said on daily basis to guard you from such things and specially if passing haunted places such as deserted houses but most evil ones are residents of public toilets and market places... Some of them even would claim that you have made a wrong action by which you have killed a dear one to them and for that they have possessed you and that is mostly night time such as throwing a cigaret butt to a dark place or stepping killing an insect or even an animal at night which could have been one of them or possessed by one of them... So this is true thing happening to many who suffer unexplainable illnesses or sufferings which could look like mental illness that comes and goes as pleased...
I remember thinking at the time (after I stopped laughing), isn't this what he wants, to go to heaven?
I can hardly type this without laughing and crying at the same time... COFFEE MINISTRY?
We members of the Flat Earth Society get laughed at and ridiculed all the time too by all those smarty pants know it all types.
If somebody has had a terrible time in life and they have gone through one tragedy after another and you tell them that God loves them, they might just laugh at you... Many times we have to be willing to show people the love of God, and that can be anything from being patient over a long period of time to providing for a physical need that they have that may cost [us] some money.
Yet we may not weep or laugh or photograph the same things at the same time.
And we were all restored to joy, again and again, because I couldn't stop laughing, every time I gave birth, when it was over, I laughed and laughed in relief and wonder, ancient Sarah, God laughs here at promises fulfilled.
She laughed uncontrollably and she cries at the same time.
He makes me think and laugh at the same time, which is a disarming way of writing on challenging topics.
And laugh at the same time
And yes, it feels a little odd when everyone else in the room is checking their phones and laughing at things and I'm just standing there, but I think there was a time when groups of people in rooms all functioned perfectly well, phoneless and looking at each other.
You just don't get any better when it is confirmed time and time again with morons that don't equate the laughs at the «read the bible?»
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