Sentences with phrase «law against something»

The whole issue about making laws against something typically comes down to... is someone being harmed...?
In the particular example of laws regarding marijuana, there is a federal law banning its possession or sale in most cases, but some states do not impose a state law against it.
Emojis may not make up a language but these cases leave no doubt that they can convey meaning, writes Evans: «they can and will be used in a court of law against you».
These muslim radical militants are using our own laws against us in their bid to build their house of devil worship.
You think you can prove you're not gay by bashing gays and passing laws against them (against yourself, sort of like Rep Foley passing laws against using the internet for underage teen proposals, and then he violates it.).
Its research has helped produce important statistics for the insurance industry including figures of those who text while driving despite laws against it.
Combating violence against women has long been one of Biden's signature priorities, having written the federal law against it while leading the Senate Judiciary Committee.
A federal jury found him guilty in 2010, but an appeals court reversed his conviction, ruling that prosecutors misapplied the federal corporate espionage laws against him.
It seems to have been written after 399, from what is said about Idols, § 10; for in that year Honorius enacted laws against them.
Makig laws against it won't change anyone's heart about it.
The professors don't like abortion, 70 per cent deeming it immoral when a married woman resorts to it to stop having children; but only 44 per cent want laws against it.
The federal district court agreed with the Landlords and enjoined both the State and the City from enforcing the antidiscrimination laws against them.
The Landlords claimed that not only would enforcement of the Alaska Laws against them violate the Free Exercise Clause, but it also would infringe their right under the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment to exclude others from their property.
For Paul we escape the power of sin, not by making laws against it but by participating in the faithfulness, the death, and, eventually, the resurrection of Jesus.
The most basic discrimination in America, despite laws against it, is in housing — in the dynamics that determine where people live.
Harassment, cyberstalking, and identity theft all have different state and / or federal laws against them.
As Evans writes, «they can and will be used in a court of law against you».
While there's technically no law against it, if you default, your lender could still choose to take legal action should they find out that you've used the money for something other than what you agreed to.
I have a hard time believing that «god» would be so traumatized about a guy getting punched in the wiener to actually make a law against it... unless the person who actually wrote this was a guy who got punched in the wiener.
Scripture makes clear there are certain actions we can take that have NO laws against them — and it is possible to live that way.
Mormons would still be practicing polygamy if there wasn't a law against it.
I think I will marry my sister shes cute and we have a good time in bed and now there will be no law against it so great, thanks!!!
Yes infidelity is a moral issue because there is no law against it.
There are ways to teach this valuable lesson without you feeling like you need to release your child into the city streets even if there are no laws against you doing so.
There is no law against it, so why do we have to buy one of these things anyway?
Thus, it's still technically illegal in the entire U.S., but those laws are effectively not enforced in the states that have no law against it.
Of course, as Littlejohn rightly points out, after 13 years of Labour government, «if the public really did have the power to change legislation, the government would pass a law against it».
No longer will you be free to consume something unless there is a law against it.
This is an illegal practice known as «insider trading,» except, for members of Congress, it is not illegal because the laws against it expressly exclude Congress.
Can a law against something be said to «prevent» it?
There's a law against it.
«If there is no law against it then what is the problem?
But if there was some problem with me running there would be a law against it
They might be too sophisticated to bother with such games, or there may be laws against it.
They might pass a law against it!!!
Elastigirl is being known as upon to switch the general public belief of supers, optimistically getting the law against them repealed within the procedure.
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