Sentences with phrase «law of karma»

The spiritual Law of Karma governs the first energy center.
According to the strict law of karma, there is no scope for expiation or repentance, as everyone has to experience the consequences of their sinful actions for the sin to be destroyed.
Whitehead's doctrine of «the immanence of the past energizing the present,» the «vector - structure» of nature, could be compared with the Buddhist law of karma.
Regulation K4R.M4: - Formula 1 must adhere to the spiritual laws of karma.
That morning I decided to just let it all go, to learn from the situation, and to put a little faith in the universe and the law of karma.
The character and the limitations of each soul are however determined by the earlier life - histories of the soul (law of karma).
According to the law of karma, every virtuous act is rewarded and every sinful act is punished in an inexorable manner similar to the laws of physics.
Sadhu Sundar Singh, who converted to Christianity from his childhood Sikhism, gave an internalized explanation of the law of karma.
Even if the law of karma does not have the iron grip sometimes assumed by outsiders, it does emphasize moral responsibility and that every action has its effect.
Even in the Hindu scriptures the law of karma is not in full control.
Writing in the book Exploring Forgiveness, he says, «Central to the Buddhist - Hindu cosmology is the law of karma.
People are born into a particular religious community and tradition because of its suitability to their spiritual development, which is itself controlled by the laws of karma.
The three jewels, right faith, right knowledge, and right conduct, afford the clue to the attainment of moksha, or salvation, which to the Jain, as to the Buddhist, meant release from the wheel of birth, on which one is held by the law of Karma.
While there are many sects within Hinduism, and numerous interpretations of the basic Hindu ideas, there would be general agreement that the world as we know it is an emanation from an original Source, Brahman, that ultimately the world as we know it will return to its Source; in the meantime, living beings go through numerous rebirths, their progress upward toward Brahman or downward toward material existence determined by the law of karma.
The Buddha was a Hindu prince who rejected the Hindu scriptures, rituals, austerities, caste, and the Hindu teachings concerning creation and the Self, but remained close to Hinduism in his acceptance of the belief that existence continues through many lives and is controlled by the law of karma.
In these two workshops, we will explore the Yogic perspective of Life, Death, Afterlife, Law of Karma and Reincarnation.
In Manipura and below, man is bound by the laws of karma and fate.
The law of karma is essentially the law of cause and effect.
The law of karma is a cornerstone of classical yoga philosophy.
Down to earth, easy going, drama free.Two laws rule my life, the law of karma, which states that whatever you saw that you shall reap and the golden rule which stipulates that you have to treat others how you want others to..
KS3 resource looking at the law of karma and the Hindu cycle of samsara.
Law of Karma (Cause and Effect): Every action generates a force of energy that returns to you in kind.
At the same time he is learning the laws of karma and the relativity of good and evil.»
By showing respect, you will, by the laws of karma, receive more respect in return!
I love any yoga accessory that positively integrates the law of karma.
More likely than not, they will find that the Hindu believes in a single, all pervasive Divine, the laws of karma and dharma, reincarnation and moksha, or ultimate enlightenment.
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