Sentences with phrase «laws passed by»

The 2015 law enacted by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors was the latest in a series of relocation assistance laws passed by the city since 1994 with the aim of easing the burden on evicted tenants facing a tight and expensive housing market.
All Florida real estate brokers, and the real estate agents that work for them showing and selling residential property, are supposed to work within a specific set of laws passed by the Florida Legislature.
Florida home buyers are protected by specific laws passed by the Florida Legislature that force developers, realtors, real estate agents, and real estate brokers to reveal certain conditions about the property they intend to buy.
The New Jersey Legislature has passed statutes, and the Courts have made decisions, called precedents, that supplement the laws passed by the Legislature, together the statutes and cases provides a comprehensive body of law that covers hundreds of issues arising in a divorce.
The new amendment in the insurance laws passed by the parliament last week offers immense benefits to the policyholder and the nominees in terms of protection.
Insurers must also look for beneficiaries, according to unclaimed life insurance benefits laws passed by most states.
On the Government and Politics page, for instance, there are links to essays on diplomatic missions and treaties, plus translations of select treaties, declarations and conventions written between 1799 and 1815, essays on some laws passed by the British Parliament during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Eras, and the whole Napoleonic (i.e. Civil) Code in a 1805 translation.
On the Government and Politics page, for instance, there are links to essays on diplomatic missions and treaties, plus translations of select treaties, declarations and conventions written between 1799 and 1815, essays on some laws passed by the British Parliament during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Eras, and the whole Napoleonic (i.e. Civil) Code in a 1805 translation... [more]
Or limiting freedom of the press, denying democratic rights etc.... well, the Parliamentary Gallery might; and some scholars of constitutional law; and some people who have this unusual belief that the current majority has as much of an obligation to obey laws passed by the past Parliament (until the laws are repealed or declared unconstitutional (oops)-RRB- as a former Tory Cabinet minister accused of things we can't speak of (because we don't know and were never told).
Informed by consultations with experts in political science and constitutional law, the report expands on the important issues raised by the Charter First campaign and presents detailed policy recommendations that we believe would increase transparency and accountability surrounding Charter issues, and raise the standard of Charter compliance of laws passed by Parliament.
The following organizations support the goals of the Charter First campaign to increase transparency and accountability surrounding Charter issues in proposed legislation, and to raise the standard of Charter compliance of laws passed by Parliament.
In addition to laws passed by legislatures, there exists a body of principles derived from court decisions and other judicial sources called the «common law.»
(3) This section applies, with necessary modifications, to by - laws passed by the City or the police services board of the City under any other Act except as otherwise provided in the other Act.
The bits played on Morning Edition suggest that, although conservatives have been the ones to most vehemently denounce «judicial activism» and the evils of «legislating from the bench,» the conservative justices (primarily Thomas) have been the ones most likely to invalidate laws passed by Congress, while Breyer is the justice least likely to do so.
389 (1) This Part applies with necessary modifications to by - laws passed by the City or the police services board of the City under any other Act except as otherwise provided in the other Act.
(2) Despite subsection (1), sections 375 to 379, 384 and 385 do not apply to by - laws passed by the City or the police services board under any other Act.
It gives rulings upon the validity of laws passed by the devolved legislatures in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Another reason for the spike in Aboriginal incarceration is the harsh mandatory - minimum sentencing laws passed by Stephen Harper's conservative government over the past decade which increased sentences for a wide variety of crimes while limiting parole opportunities.
1700: An Act for the better Observation and Keeping the Lords Day, Acts and Laws Passed by the General Court of His Majesties Province of New - Hampshire in New - England, 1726 (reprinted 1886) 7.
The establishment of IOLTA in the United States followed changes to the federal banking laws passed by Congress in 1980, which allowed some checking accounts to bear interest.
This approach offers states the choices either to regulate their own agencies and citizens according to laws passed by Congress, or to step aside and have the feds take over and regulate directly.
SAFEGUARD fills a gap for communities, which are responsible for meeting the requirements of environmental laws passed by the legislature, such as AB 32, California's Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, but may not know where to start or how to proceed.
Even laws passed by Congress can be reversed.
But if this should actually happen, I do wonder if there is any remaining need for Congress since a new majority on the Court can and probably would effectively rewrite the Constitution and the laws passed by Congress any way the Executive Branch wants?
But the last many years have been a joke as far as enforcing laws passed by our legislative bodies.
SQ 777 does not respect laws passed by voter initiative, like the cockfighting ban of 2002.
But isn't it much moredramatic to say the DoJ is acting like it is working for the big bad Amazon's best interest than to say it is simply trying to enforce the antitrust laws passed by Congress?
Arizona law allows for a «veto referendum» on laws passed by the legislature if opponents gather the requisite signatures to put the issue on the ballot.
This appears to be the U.S. Department of Education's divide - and - conquer strategy for California, and is a grotesque perversion of the role a federal executive agency is supposed to fill, which, according to the Constitution, is to ensure that the laws passed by Congress be faithfully executed, not faithlessly waived and substituted for by a secretary's policy preferences.
As always, do not hesitate to contact me or Christine Nishimura with questions or for more information on the laws passed by the Texas Legislature during the Regular Session.
The State Board of Education is an executive body comprised of ten members, whom the governor appoints to oversee the Indiana Department of Education's implementation of laws passed by the General Assembly.
Yesterday's big news (regarding ObamaCare's subsidies in states with federal exchanges) is that the judiciary actually expects the executive branch to pay attention to the clear language of laws passed by the legislature.
Substituting presidential preferences for explicit laws passed by Congress is an extraordinary invocation of executive power, but Duncan says it is necessary to take such actions because of the legislative stalemate.
The analysis of Articles of the ECHR relevant to the issue and particularly Articles 9 (Freedom of religion) and 2 of Protocol 1 (right to education), the citation of the related case law and my personal experience, help me answer whether the right of a Muslim woman to be educated, work as a teacher, believe and manifest her religious views is being deprived by her decision to follow the Islamic dress - code or by prohibition - laws passed by European states and approved by the European court of Human rights (ECtHR).
In Compton, district officials demanded that signatures be verified in person and with photo identification (reminiscent of the wave of Voter ID laws passed by Republicans in 2011 — 12).
According to its website, the group defines mandates as laws passed by the state that force local municipalities to pay for something.
Baron has particular concerns over the so - called Red card proposal, which would allow laws passed by Brussels to be scrapped or amended if 55 % of national parliaments object to them.
@MichaelKingsmill - while what you said is technically true as far as passing laws, how does that have any bearing on policy, which is done via executive orders and interpretation of laws passed by executive branch for actioning?
Martens also confirmed that local zoning laws passed by communities banning hydrofracking would be honored by the state, should the process be ultimately allowed.
And of course congressional acts must also be consistent with other laws passed by Congress as well as the constitution.
Asked again whether he regretted his controversial decision to shut down the Moreland Commission to Investigate Public Corruption, Cuomo cited ethics laws passed by the Legislature in exchange for the shutdown.
According to new laws passed by the Californian Gov. Jerry Brown and the Legislature in 2016, schools must provide places for students to breast feed or pump breast milk.Regarding Breast Feeding... Read More
I don't really have the time either to go through all the policy and laws passed by the administration that I believe are perpetuating those things and destorying the environment all in the name of corporate profits.
Laws passed by historically Christian legislative majorities that are based solely on religious grounds need to be modified to equally respect all citizens.
The economic problems were a byproduct of dem brotherhood laws passed by former brotherhood lawmakers.
They are too precious to be left to mere civil rights, which depend on laws passed by governments.
We have an entire branch of government devoted to interpreting the Consttution and laws passed by Congress, and those are written in English and only a couple hundred years old at the most, not thousands of years ago from a different language and culture.
It overrides local laws passed by cities like Austin to govern ride hailing companies.
Opponents of Bill C - 51 claimed that new spy laws passed by the former Conservative government with support from the Liberals could target Canadian citizens who oppose the expansion of oil pipelines.
The laws passed by Republicans in Michigan last week would exempt existing contracts between employers and unions until they expire, such as the automakers» contract with the United Auto Workers union, which expires in 2015.
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