Sentences with phrase «lawsuit by the local district»

The latest outcry involves a lawsuit by the local district attorney charging that the school board violated Louisiana's open - meetings law late last year when it approved a $ 210,000 settlement with Mr. Holmes.

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Among these are the implementation of LCFF, with all school districts approving their Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAPs) by July 1, the primary election for Superintendent of Public Instruction, the deadline for districts» administration of pilot versions of Common Core State Standards tests, and a ruling in the Vergara lawsuit, around teacher tenure and job protection laws and students» right to access equal education.
Romero is part of a lawsuit, filed by NEA - New Mexico (NM), to overturn the evaluation system, which strips local control from school districts.
In California, another state that is using the Common Core SBAC test, cost data that is part of a major lawsuit being brought by local school districts reveal that the total cost of the Common Core SBAC Testing farce could be $ 250 — $ 500 dollars per child, per year.
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