Sentences with phrase «lawyers in one's firm»

Here, large - firm lawyers are the most likely to offer a portal, with 60 percent of lawyers in firms of 100 or more lawyers saying they do this.
Clients can feel uncomfortable when lawyers offer them introductions to other lawyers in their firms who have expertise in a field in which the lawyer believes the client may use legal services.
Within private practice, lawyers in law firms with more than 300 lawyers had the highest pro bono hours, followed by lawyers in firms with 101 to 300 lawyers, and solo practitioners.
And, as an aside, why would you want lawyers in your firm who are only loyal to money?
He is frequently consulted about difficult legal questions by lawyers in the firm from various practice areas.
If employees do not feel welcome because a well - respected senior lawyer in the firm gives them the cold shoulder, that is a problem that needs to be addressed.
Early in my career, I realized that the most successful young lawyers in the firm carried themselves with assurance and replied to all questions as if they knew the answer.
This morning at 9:00 I will be helping lawyers in a firm start to prepare their business plans for 2016.
One of the problems with that approach is most lawyers in the firm will not have a firm grasp on what will lead to a profitable engagement.
I have made a concerted effort to get to know lawyers in my firm on a social level when the opportunity presents itself.
Depending on the quality of the more experienced lawyers in firm two, their 5 - year future, however, may be bright.
Let's say lawyers in the firm spend an average of 5 hours with each candidate.
As law firms have become larger and more complex, [1] many of them have adopted more sophisticated programs to ensure that lawyers in the firm comply with their professional responsibilities.
Q: What kinds of fraud cases have the criminal lawyers in your firm successfully handled over the years?
Should the retiring family law attorney be prominent, the other lawyers in the firm run into the same problem as in a criminal defense practice.
This column takes a slightly different path from our banter at that meeting but, in essence, rests on one of the same themes: the role of research lawyers in firms today.
The number of Black lawyers in these firms doubled since 1975, to over 4 percent.
She had assisted lawyers in my firm numerous times in her capacity as a practice advisor and would answer any question how stupid or obvious it may have been.
In a sense, this is exactly the point as the top lawyers in these firms are expected to live and breathe their work.
As the number of lawyers in a firm increases, the odds that the firm will experience a claim in a given year also increase.
When choosing limits for your excess insurance consider whether lawyers in your firm practice in an area of law that is more likely to have frequent or severe claims.
This approach is particularly helpful at the law firm level, where risk management can sometimes be seen to be contrary to the perceived self - interest of individual lawyers in the firm.
The study determined that the most pressing issue today for women and minority lawyers in these firms is promotion to partnership.
In 2008 and following, the number of lawyers in firms exceeded the number of lawyers in private practice which makes no sense.
These comments from other lawyers in the firm attached to the document are ultimately deleted and never meant to be communicated outside of the office.
While she says that it is encouraged, she rarely hears of lawyers in her firm introducing new clients to other partners.
Nope — defendant attorneys were sued personally, not as firm representatives, so their individual interests could be protected by other lawyers in their firm.
The veteran corporate law leader has had some emotional meetings in his cluttered corner office with clients as well as some younger lawyers in his firm.
He has helped lawyers in firms and corporate legal departments develop the emotional intelligence and soft skills needed for tangible and sustainable improvements in their performance, profitability and satisfaction.
Sometimes, the best lawyer in the firm is the worst leader in the firm.
While every lawyer should be highly attentive to client needs, the truth is, service is as varied as the number of lawyers in a firm.
The percentage varies slightly by firm size, from 90 percent for solos to 96 percents for lawyers in firms of 100 or more.
Bloomberg Law released an interesting video with Lee Pacchia interviewing Steve Sunshine, partner at Bryan Cave on the program he initiated for junior lawyers in his firm on business development.
As one of the most experienced trial lawyers in the firm, Sean has tried cases in various state and federal courts, including Texas, Pennsylvania, Missouri, and Florida.
Blogging was down among lawyers in all firm sizes except those in firms of 10 - 49 attorneys, where the percentage of lawyers who blog rose a point from 5 % in 2013 to 6 % this year.
Mr. Donlon is a business litigation lawyer in the firm's Stamford office.
But best of all, she notes, he's available informally to most lawyers in the firm almost any time.
John is counsel at Aird & Berlis LLP in Toronto, supporting lawyers in that firm with respect to legal research and opinions.
A partner with Lindsay Kenney LLP, Brad Martyniuk is a trial and appellate lawyer in the firm's Vancouver office.
The 15 firm attorneys ranked in the 2015 edition of Chambers USA include lawyers in the firm's Bankruptcy, Civil Litigation, Financial Services, Insurance, Tax Controversy, and White Collar and Investigations practices.
Her practice is being continued by other lawyers in the firm as follows:
Lawyers in the firm carried on Al and Mary's tradition finding ways to serve the greater community.
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