Sentences with phrase «lax regulation»

"Lax regulation" refers to a situation where rules and guidelines that are supposed to govern, control, or manage a certain activity or industry are not strict or carefully enforced. Full definition
Whether or not you're likely to take out a payday loan depends a lot on where you live; researchers found that residents of states with lax regulation of the payday lending industry are more likely to borrow this way.
There have been problems with lax regulation of bank underwriting, and investment bank leverage, but the key flaw was mismanagement of the money / credit supply.
«Because of this issue of lax regulation on the supplement market, it can be tricky to get quality probiotics in supplements,» she says, so it's best to go with recognizable brand names from well - known companies that have reputations to protect and better quality control.
«Congo's government appears to have caved in to industry pressure to maintain the cosy fiscal terms and lax regulations governing Congo's mining sector.»
Revenue from a meat tax, levied on producers at 15 % ---- comparable to sugary beverage taxes ---- could be used to clean up rural communities like those in North Carolina suffering from lax regulation.
As new regulations come into place, we'll see regulatory arbitrage increase as ICOs will leverage countries with more lax regulations such as Switzerland.
Solar manufacturers in the U.S. and elsewhere have claimed that government subsidies and lax regulations allows for Chinese manufacturers to produce solar panels more cheaply.
A version of this article appears in print on September 13, 2012, on Page A6 of the New York edition with the headline: Lax Regulations Blamed as Fires Kill Hundreds In Pakistan.
Ahead of the Treasury Select Committee's report over the conduct of the FSA in the catastrophic failure of RBS, Unite, Britain's biggest union says the reckless folly of RBS management and lax regulation cost 30,000 jobs and four years of constant attacks on staff pay, conditions and pensions.
Rick is simply an opportunist, and this booming opportunity has been handed to him by the banks through adjustable - rate mortgages, the federal government through lax regulations, and the needs (taking a reverse mortgage to cover hospital bills) and wants (adding an unnecessary but stylish patio to a house) of ordinary people.
She's commenting specifically about Ontario, but the similarly lax regulations exist across the country.
How lax regulation made it cheaper for China to outsource pork production — and all of its environmental and human costs — to the U.S..
The report says that many coal - fired plants are not required to limit toxic metal discharges because of lax regulations last updated in 1982.
It is certainly not fair to attribute the crisis of affordability to alleged lax regulation by the self - regulating RECBC.
Opportunists in the crypto community would just ignore or work around lax regulation if it is not airtight.
But one can't ignore the reality that, thanks to relative lax regulation, they also have less at stake.
With many cities in China banning the breed, high maintenance costs, lax regulations on breeding, and even surgical enhancement of puppies, many owners are unable to provide proper care and have lost interest in these giant dogs, forcing breeders incur overwhelming losses and shut down.
Facebook and other technology companies have long benefited from lax regulation.
Poor accountability and lax regulation allow firms to go all out for profit at society's expense, and the nexus of lobbyists, regulators and party donors hinders rational policy - making.
«You don't want to buy cat supplements made from ingredients produced in a country with lax regulations and standards,» he explains.
Some opponents of legalization worry that lax regulation of medical marijuana foretells even looser laws concerning recreational marijuana.
Paulin said the company is currently focused on the online retail space because of its lax regulations.
As peer - to - peer (P2P) online credit services grow in China, lax regulations and a tendency of late repayment could potentially give rise to a whole derivative industry of what some are describing as on - demand debt collection.
China's environmental crisis continues unabated due to corruption and lax regulation.
The crashes all were caused by new, complex and poorly understood investment «contraptions,» lax regulations and the lack of market liquidity prompted by too much selling too quickly.
Tags: campaign finance, Citizens United, Eric Ulrich, lax regulation, Thomas Ognibene, Tom Ognibene
The New York Public Interest Research Group and other good government groups have repeatedly complained about the lax regulations governing the campaign accounts of former candidates and called for new restrictions.
Although other human activities such as aquaculture and releasing ballast water from ships probably play a bigger role in spreading invasive marine species, Hines agrees that lax regulations on the seafood industry also contribute to the problem.
They argue that lax regulations, widespread corruption and the palm oil industry's poor environmental record could result in these companies repeating the destructive practices seen over the past two decades in Southeast Asia.
The prime villains are the small nations that offer «flags of convenience» to foreign shipping lines so they can benefit from low taxes and lax regulations.
Where plenty of more serious - minded modern films would try to build a relevant message into this plot about the dangers of unchecked corporate power, lax regulations, or genetic experiments, Rampage seems to consciously make the antagonists as shrill and unrealistic as possible, to avoid any unfortunate associations with reality.
The Washington Post reported these issues in Florida, Michigan and other states with lax regulation.
With a growing charter school sector and lax regulation, the same kind of corruption and fraud is rearing its ugly head.
The combination of lax regulation and easy money set the stage for a tremendous bubble.
The lax regulation of green products has led to the problem of «greenwashing.»
Far too many of them are cited for violations to even these lax regulations; often greater than 50 % of them.
And the new mining law (Spanish speakers can find more about the resistance against this law here) passed early in May is one of the weakest in the region (lax regulations, low environmental standards, and poor evaluation and control mechanisms), certainly worse than Peru's, which is widely known for having poor environmental standards for their mining sector.
It is a twisted example of the legal technicalities and lax regulations that all too often favor oil companies, but a coalition of environmental groups are working to close the loophole.
«People in states where there's either no regulation or lax regulations are literally strip mining streams,» said Jeff Miller, a spokesman for the center.
National carbon markets allow poorly regulated sectors to gain, just as international carbon markets are susceptible to rewarding countries with lax regulations and poor enforcement.»
Lax regulation of CAFOs allows them to take cost - reducing shortcuts that give them a competitive advantage, while federal research and support programs are not structured to help organic dairy farms.
The City argues that the MOE should have imposed those cleanup costs on the polluters, meaning either those who caused the spill, or were negligent in cleaning it up, or the province itself for its lax regulation of the oil tank and / or of the original polluter's cleanup.
Due mostly to its lax regulation of the adult entertainment industry, Las Vegas got the nickname «Sin City».
The White House summit was an attempt to lay the blame for gun violence on the gaming industry rather than on lax regulations that allow access to assault rifles, said Lewis Ward, research director of gaming and VR / AR at IDC.
After years of runaway success and lax regulation, Facebook discovered this week that the world may have changed its mind about the social network — and possibly the tech industry at large, too.
Singapore has also since bucked the trend of lax regulation that is commonly found in Asian countries, implementing strong intellectual property laws which have allowed for the commercialisation of new technologies.
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