Sentences with phrase «lay eggs inside»

It's also important to clean your laundry hampers, as bed bugs can lay eggs inside these containers.
Parasitic wasps, on the other hand, prefer to lay their eggs inside green aphids, perhaps because evolution has taught them that eggs laid in red aphids get eaten by ladybugs.
Playing the role of Cupid in this long - distance love affair is the tiny fig wasp — no larger than a flea — that's born inside a fig fruit, eats its way out, and buzzes on to a new tree to lay its eggs inside a flower and die.
While frogs typically lay their eggs in or above standing water, white - spotted bush frogs lay their eggs inside the hollow internodes of reed bamboo that grow along streambanks and their offspring emerge from the eggs as fully - formed froglets.
In nature, a considerable proportion of Drosophila larvae are killed by enemies, mainly parasitoid wasps that lay their eggs inside the larvae.
Dicephalus is common in reptiles and particularly in British grass snakes, who lay their eggs inside compost heaps where decomposing matter produces heat.
They all lay their eggs inside borer eggs or larvae, killing them before they turn into wood - munching beetles.
After the female lays its eggs inside the ant's body, the larvae move to the ant's head and force it to move away from the nest.
The citrus fruit is an ideal oviposition substrate for the flies because the parasitoid wasp Leptopilina boulardii, which lays its eggs inside Drosophila larvae, is repelled by the odour of citrus.
Immediately, the fly attacked the larva, laying an egg inside its body.
Before pollinating a flower, each female moths lays eggs inside it using a needle - like ovipositor, and as the pollinated flower develops into a fruit, her eggs hatch and the larvae eat some of the seeds developing alongside them.
The adult whipworm lays eggs inside the large intestines of an infected dog.
«They kill the trees, laying eggs inside the bark,» Epstein explains.

Not exact matches

Using what is called «calcium reporters,» researchers were able to see the neurons firing up inside the worm and record the changes in cellular activity during the egg - laying behavior.
When they lay eggs, those eggs contain the gene for photosynthesis inside.
Malaria transmission can be reduced by preventing mosquito bites with mosquito nets and insect repellents, or by mosquito control by spraying insecticides inside houses and draining standing water where mosquitoes lay their eggs.
She then lays an egg in the ball and buries it in a network of tunnels more than a meter deep, where it serves as food for the developing larvae inside.
The spotted wing drosophila uses a sharp organ known as an ovipositor to pierce ripening fruit and deposit eggs directly inside the crop, making it much more damaging than other drosophila flies that lay eggs only on top of decaying fruit.
There are two types of parasitoids: ectoparasitoids, which lay their eggs on or near the host, so that the hatchling larvae can attach to and feed on the insect from the outside; and endoparasitoids, which lay their eggs directly inside the host, so that the larvae can eat them from the inside out.
Inside the gall, she lays two sets of eggs.
These observations, carried out at an extraordinary level of detail, made it possible to establish the interactions between one hundred or so species situated on four trophic levels: plants (23 species), aphids that feed on these plants (25 species), wasps that lay their eggs in the bodies of the aphids (22 species), and other wasps that lay their eggs in the larvae of the preceding wasps inside aphids (26 species).
Like reptiles, it lays eggs, has no nipples and houses its testicles inside its body near its kidneys.
They report in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA this week that the pests lay more than 90 percent of their eggs in stagnant water infused with leaves that pool inside everything from flower pots to junked tires.
Once a hen lays an egg, the nutrients necessary for development are already inside the shell.
There are a number of wasp species that puncture other insects and lay eggs directly inside their bodies.
It takes half a day for a female to lay her eggs (inside your hair follicles), two and a half days for them to hatch, and six days for a baby demodex mite to reach adulthood.
Naturally, you have to be careful when sneaking inside to collect the eggs: don't get caught by the monster who laid them!
If a fly were to lay its eggs in these lesions, it could cause a very painful swollen lesion that forms when the larva and worms get inside the ear canals and muscular zones.
This is not a problem for the flea as it already has its exoskeleton but it is a problem for any eggs laid by the flea as the larvae inside will not have the chitin egg - tooth they need to break out of the shell.
The adult worms mate inside the host and the female then lays up to 30,000 eggs / day which pass out in the host's feces.
Even if you've done what it takes to get rid of the fleas on your animal, there are still eggs laying dormant in your furniture and carpet that are waiting for the temperature to hit the perfect level, or someone (or something) to show enough movement that the larva inside will want to hatch out.
Once ingested, they mature inside our pets and begin to lay eggs which leave our pets through poop, and reinfect the environment.
Both of these lay eggs on the insides of containers, then await flooding from rains which activates hatching.
When they arrive on the beach, female horseshoe crabs dig a hole in the sand and lay up to 20,000 tiny olive - green eggs inside.
Naturally, you have to be careful when sneaking inside to collect the eggs: don't get caught by the monster who laid them!
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