Sentences with phrase «lay public»

Every asked where the term lay public comes from?
This paper explains the research that tested which of a host of candidate metaphorical models were most effective at distilling expert knowledge for lay publics.
To provide accessible information to patient organizations and lay public about the advancement in the field and future critical steps to be fulfilled;
Hence, concern that lawyers will be replaced by technology / artificial intelligence, even without litigation, seems abit of a red herring since even some well - educated lay public have problems distinguishing between «statute» and «regulation» on the «Net.
Established by Wayne Rosing and Dorothy Largay, the Las Cumbres Amateur Outreach Award honors outstanding educational outreach by an amateur astronomer to K - 12 children and the interested lay public.
The second valid point is that Professor Nurse made is that internet debates that include both scientific and lay public give the impression of more expansive and useful «peer review».
It scarcely sounds like the quasi-populist sort of exercise I've been seeking — namely, the kind of thing that invites participation from the legally aware lay public.
In FrameWorks» research, explanatory metaphors are metaphorical explanations that distill expert knowledge in terms that allow lay publics to understand and engage in issues in more productive ways.
For he spoke long before William Dembski began stringing out his texts with all those ones and zeros, and long before Michael Behe began instructing the lay public in the intricacies of bacterial flagella.
I conclude with a message for the lay public and then one for the scientific community.
When the curative arts are regarded as secret skills, to be jealously guarded from public scrutiny and communicated in esoteric language only to other members of the guild, the lay public has no protection against fraudulent or misinformed professional activities which the medical associations may fail to detect and control.
The lay public doesn't really understand the difference between hypertension in pregnancy [HIP] and pre-eclampsia, but both are dangerous.
Our experience is that lay involvement in this field is a challenge as many professionals perceive it to be both contentious and beyond the understanding of the lay public.
Fellows have the opportunity to observe and participate in the process by which events and ideas become news, improve their communication skills by learning to describe complex technical subjects in a manner understandable to the lay public, and increase their understanding of editorial decision making and the way in which information is effectively disseminated.
«With environmental chemicals, the manufacturer puts out a product, and the onus is on the regulatory bodies, environmental groups and lay public to find problems and study the effects.»
The more stimulating and fun the writing samples for the lay public, the better they are reviewed.
She is currently writing a narrative non-fiction book for the lay public on STD and HIV prevention entitled «CLAP: The Science of Sex and its Least Intended Consequences».
We have to strike a balance where we understand and engage using natural language that the lay public is using if we ultimately want to have a positive impact on patient education and safety.»
Can that passion result in a new - style medium of research communication, both among scientists and with the lay public?
But in writing for the lay public, Milgram omitted statistics — the numbers that would show how few of his chains were in fact completed.
«Unfortunately, it can take several decades for the lay public and lawmakers to realize there is a problem that needs fixing.
I had the pleasure of being introduced to Vanderbilt University psychiatrist Howard Meltzer, whom you quote in the article, and I share his concern about the lack of knowledge — on the part of both the lay public and medical professionals — about this cause of one third or more of noninherited cases of schizophrenia and autism.
«The lay public has really taken on the notion of the entourage effect, but there's not a lot of data,» says Margaret Haney, a neurobiologist at Columbia University and cannabis researcher.
The heart of what we do at Scientific American will always be the expert - informed, authoritative editorial that we provide, and we hope that exploring these new venues and formats will help bring science to the lay public more broadly.
The future of human subjects research is a central question for social and behavioral scientists, clinical investigators, graduate students, undergraduates, professors, deans, university presidents, political leaders, and the lay public.
Emerging themes in the evolving ethical conduct of research with humans include a major increase in the participation of research subjects, and the lay public, in the research and oversight worlds.
The lay public must rely on reports that refer to peer review of the experiment and original sources.
Women are significantly underrepresented in many science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields, and attempts to understand why have only resulted in disagreement among researchers, the lay public, and policymakers.
There is also little or no awareness among the lay public that greenhouse gases are cumulative and the accumulation is exponential in scale today and has been in the last 150 years since the industrial engines appeared.
These activities encompass proactive collation and dissemination of information on stem cell research and regenerative medicine and related ethical and societal topics, development of science communication tools, presentation of science to audiences ranging from the lay public to scientists, clinicians and politicians, as well as internal and open training events.
The skills you'll gain are not just valuable for communicating with the lay public but with other academics, government officials and potential employers as well.
Many of those on the list are famous, even to the lay public.
An educated patient is the best type of patient to have... and Tasha achieves just that, as she leads her audience through a thorough description of anatomy and physiology of the pelvis and surrounding structures, creating a better understanding in the lay public of what is necessary to improve urinary continence and pelvic organ support.»
Enter the term «formative assessment,» a term almost guaranteed to puzzle the lay public and even many of us who did not deeply study assessment as teachers in training.
Whether it's a new dawn or a new Pandora's box, gene surgery is an established fact, and the lay public following recent developments will find all the latest information in this skillfully written, pathbreaking portrayal.
Mises's writing at times can be difficult, especially his earlier work when he was writing for other economists, rather than the lay public.
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify and compare dog trainers» and the lay public's attitudes toward potentially problematic canine behavior in large and small dogs.
but i truly believe that the lay public completely fails to link those awful puppy mill images with the (overly / neurotically) frisky 8 week old fuzzball gamboling in the mall pet store.
For myself, as a member of the lay public selective quoting leaving the thoughts of the person she's quoting truncated and inaccurately summarized in order to score rhetorical points cements this notion.
There is also little or no awareness among the lay public that greenhouse gases are cumulative and the accumulation is exponential in scale today and has been in the last 150 years since the industrial engines appeared.
On a more general point, we should be able to explain easily reproducible phenomena in language accessible to the (relatively) lay public.
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