Sentences with phrase «layers of frozen water»

Unpredictable varied layers of frozen water.
In some Saturn scenarios, only the outer layer of frozen water was swept up by the planet, creating proto - rings that could have evolved into the icy bands visible today.

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While this freezes slice the layer of plain banana, before created the caramel layer — this is also made by simply placing its ingredients into the food processor until smooth, if you're mixture is too thick you may need to add a little more water.
The mousses will keep in the fridge for a couple of days (mousses made from frozen fruits may form a layer of water at the bottom of the cups).
Four years ago, the west suburban Park District joined many municipalities in buying giant plastic liners, which, when spread out on grass and outlined with plywood, can be filled with water that freezes into a thin layer of ice for skating.
Thaw frozen milk under running warm water, in a bowl of warm water, or overnight in the refrigerator, gently shaking the milk to mix the layers.
Frozen mixtures of water, ammonia and methane make up a thick layer between the planets» atmosphere and core — known as the mantle.
We estimated that sediment deposition in a small body of water that stays frozen for most of the year would probably not exceed a few centimeters a year, so such a thick sediment layer might imply that the lake existed before 1908.
But as Charon cooled over time, this ocean would have frozen and expanded (as happens when water freezes), lifting the outermost layers of the moon and producing the massive chasms we see today.
New research shows how a layer of water on the surface of ice — even at temperatures well below freezing — can influence everything from the slipperiness of a skating rink to the electrification of thunderclouds
When seawater freezes it expels its salts, producing a layer of very dense, briny water at the freezing temperature.
Instead, its bottommost layer, just above Lake Vostok, is lake water frozen onto the underside of the ice sheet.
«So the best explanation is a region of salty, liquid water below the frozen surface, which supplies a conductive layer.
This layer of cold, fresh water on the ocean surface freezes easily [10].
With extreme urethra burning, a frozen water bottle (with a layer of protection over it) placed against the urethra provides quite a bit of relief.
But that's EXACTLY the kind of conditions you face when a thin layer of water freezes.
Although the river last froze more than half a century ago, the designers have also allowed for the possibility of skating on the pool's surface, by adding wood slats and a thin layer of water on top that can be left to freeze.
A lot of reseach energy is being devoted to the study of Methane Clathrates — a huge source of greenhouse gases which could be released from the ocean if the thermocline (the buoyant stable layer of warm water which overlies the near - freezing deep ocean) dropped in depth considerably (due to GHG warming), or especially if the deep ocean waters were warmed by very, very extreme changes from the current climate, such that deep water temperatures no longer hovered within 4C of freezing, but warmed to something like 18C.
These massive thunderstorms have extremely strong internal vertical winds that carry frozen water drops up coating them with layers of water that freeze until they fall out as hail.
icing a sheet - like mass of layered ice formed by the freezing of water as it emerges from the ground or through fractures in river or lake ice
The skin of the ocean might even freeze from these loses, if it weren't for two factors: a) Conduction and convection from water immediately below the skin layer warms the skin layer.
However, frozen water takes up only 15 % of the 20 - meter layer, and the amount of gases dissolved there is insignificant.
Fresh water lakes would freeze from the bottom if not for the latter property and would freeze solid rapidly because there's no layer of surface ice insulating the unfrozen water from the below freezing air above.
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