Sentences with phrase «laziness makes»

Sure, it's much easier to use the same password for everything, but this kind of laziness makes it quite simple for someone to access all your accounts by knowing a single password.
Self - consciousness can cause us to put on a mask or attempt to please those whom we perceive as having greater status or power than we do, while simple laziness makes it easy to overlook the average Joes or Janes on the street and offer them less than the best version of yourself.
Busy back - to - school schedules, dwindling daylight hours, pre-holiday preparations and perhaps just a bit of laziness make it harder to keep to my regularly schedule sweat sessions.
That's all you could do in all your laziness you made this complete piece of junk that seems like it ran on an Atari in the 1980's.
Fear of missing out (FOMO) and laziness make people follow the lead of other people and that process can snowball.

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By designing his environment for laziness, Fogg made it easier to stick with healthier habits.
It's this laziness that is most frustrating, as if nothing interesting has happened over the last decade with regard to central banks making the same claim.
It's holy discontent that makes us feel dissatisfied with our chronic patterns of stuckness and laziness and complacency and self - righteousness and pride and lewdness and indulgence and pretension and image management and people - pleasing cowardice and fear.
Christians, then, should make their arguments carefully, winsomely, graciously, and firmly, in the hope that «the law written on the heart» will overcome emotional prejudice, intellectual laziness, and moral compromise.
James — «Labelling people makes it easier to dismiss them... when we are afraid we might be wrong about our own beliefs... simple laziness
«The Bible doesn't indicate that people must be worthy of such generosity, no provision made for excluding the person from charity because of laziness.
Sure, it's not easy to make sense of these, let alone explain them to children, but it's total nonsense and intellectual / hermeneutical laziness to simplistically assume that these are all aright in the sight of God, and therefore legit moral options for us today.
No religion could be close to the hearts of the Turks if it condemned reason and relied on myths and superstitions, favored laziness and lethargy instead of encouraging action and enterprise, made man the slave of man, and forced him to worship nature as god.
Nothing else brings about sadness, anxiety, miserliness, cowardice, weakness, laziness and debt except for our sins, so we need to stay guard by firstly reducing our sins and secondly making the above dua abundantly, always.
Since it was the wisdom of God that made the world, God must have had some purpose in every detail of its ordering and must therefore have intended laziness to be dangerous.
I made this again using your recipe (although, okay, I used salsa instead of the sautéed veggies out of sheer laziness) and I can not even describe how good this is.
I originally bought a bag of sweet potatoes to make my Sweet Potato & Black Bean Burgers but then laziness set in.
One thing I did try, really in a spurt of laziness since it was already on the counter, was to make it in a blender rather than my Cuisinart as I typically do.
haha and I feel you on the laziness... I recently found these crispy chickpeas at our local store that don't have any weird ingredients and I now literally buy them all the time — I know I could make them myself but you know.
My laziness worked out in my favor because I had to cook dinner and I just wanted to make something easy that I could throw in a pot and let it cook without any fuss.
Use restraint when forming these — I make them this small because I think they taste better and I like to stuff the whole thing in my mouth versus having to cut it in half with a fork — but that's my laziness talking (as usual), so stick with the teaspoon amount here, no more no less.
So technically, I didn't make a latte but out of laziness, I called it a latte.
I've provided all the steps here, with all the proper tools, to make an official Julep, but feel free to adjust for your budget and laziness accordingly.
I was so enamored with Laura's creativity (or perhaps a combo of ingenuity and laziness) to come up with this tricky and smart method to make a kick - ass nut milk in mere moments, I decided to check out the cookbook from the library to see what other brilliant ideas this Canadian (and plant - based) food blogger had concocted for her debut cookbook.
I made this last night with red quinoa and a pre-made GF / V peanut sauce (from San - J brand) due to laziness, and it was PERFECT!
THAT»S YOUR FUCKING LOW IQ MIDFIELDER literally causing our entire defense to make mistakes with nothing but laziness and horrible positioning.
Arsenal's Player - of - the - Season Mesut Ozil was accused of laziness in his early days at the Emirates as he adapted to the pace of the Premier League, but last season he made full use of his time out with injury to go to the gym and build up his upper body strength, and he came out in this campaign full of confidence and strength.
Or knows that when we are down to 10 men and Champions League is on the line to fight for every damn ball instead of walking around the pitch hoping teammates make up for laziness.
There have been a huge outcry over his reluctance to be active in helping the full - backs and reports of the Russian's laziness when he is not in possession, making some wasteful passes etc..
Make «laziness» work for you by making it harder and more inconvenient to reach for high - calorie, low - nutrition, easy - to - overeat foods.
I get sucked into my laptop as well and always end up seeing other lovely moms» blogs and all the creative things they are doing with their kids, and it just makes me more «in a funk» over my laziness.
Editors expect it, and laziness never makes a good impression.
Fit people make mistakes too, be it indulging in a junk food meal or skipping a few workouts out of sheer laziness.
I've convinced my husband to start taking steps to eating whole «real» food, I've gone back to making all my families personal care items (such as deodorant, lotions, soaps etc.) * which I had previously done but quit out of laziness *, and Friday I received my order of OraWellness * which I seriously kid you NOT - in ONE DAYS USE MY GUMS STOPPED BLEEDING!!
And then, when we do make a batch, I hide the stuff in the back of the basement fridge — because the only thing that is more powerful than my love of chocolate is my overwhelming laziness.
i'm sick of fat americans making excuses for their laziness and poor eating habits.
I may be making an incorrect assumption that it's damaged beyond the laziness of a fatty meal because I was fasting for the test.
The laziness actually makes me feel worst.
I had plans to take a bunch of outfit photos while there was light and Jason was available but snow and my laziness (sleeping in is such bliss) made it so that instead of having my husband take photos I was left to my own devices using the tripod and the timer.
So it's not really a sickness, so much as a disorder of laziness but I promise the weather of late makes it that much harder to do pretty much anything.
Sometimes that's because you didn't work to make them happen (hello, laziness) and other times it's because forces out of your control make it so your plans have to change.
Because it's the Internet, and nothing makes sense, the site's original aesthetic laziness bolstered its credibility.
Flashing his baby blues and a fiery temper, the actor gives a fully engaged performance that almost makes us want to forgive the movie's laziness.
While many critics took issue with TUSK, I was one of the few that appreciated it for the fact that Smith was trying something a little different and made a movie devoid of the laziness I thought prevailed some of his misfires.
At the 30 - minute mark, I was convinced that the picture was enveloping itself in a made - for - TV sheen, either out of laziness or uncertainty.
All of which makes the narrative laziness of everything else happening inside The Assignment all the more frustrating.
As a young teacher fearful of being viewed as «soft,» I also made the horrible gaffe of attributing lateness to laziness.
This was partly due to laziness but more so because I didn't actually understand the subtle points the book was trying to make
Appealing to the inherent laziness of humanity is never a bad idea — not only will you make yourself more money, you'll save your buyers the drama and danger of standing in a crowd in the freezing wind.
I'm always surprised at the number of Indie authors I run across who don't make the effort (whether through shyness, laziness, or lack of knowledge) to connect.
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