Sentences with phrase «lead better lives»

With success, women will be able to lead better lives through accomplishments such as homeownership, which will in turn beneficially poise women for business success.
Mary appreciates how Sound Discipline offers a solution to the impacts of ACES by working with teachers and parents to implement Positive Discipline through a trauma - informed lens, giving both adults and kids the tools they need to build resilience and community and lead better lives.
My focus is on helping clients lead better lives through skill development and healing underlying traumas.»
• To obtain a position of Personal Support Worker with the Government's Social Work Program where my medical training and social work skills will assist the disadvantaged lead better lives.
Seeking a role where I can be of service to the ailing patients and do my duty by helping them lead better lives through proper treatment and giving them emotional support to deal with their difficult times.
Guildford, UK About Blog Astrologer & Blogger who loves writing astrology for the media & helping personal astrology clients lead better lives.
Helping men lead better lives through Yoga.
A survey showed that customers felt good for taking part in Goodwill's mission to help people lead better lives.
We believe that trained dogs are happier and healthier, and lead better lives than untrained ones, so we've worked hard to create a system of positive dog training that is effective but easy for all to master, and developed an environment where you can have fun and relax with your pup.
This position sparked Charissa's passion for helping rescue dogs lead better lives through positive reinforcement training.
Duffy was just one of 57 animals rescued that day who have gone on to lead better lives.
But at last he began the descent, the flight attendants took their seats and those who were afraid said their prayers, promising to lead better lives in future.
Our team discovers, develops and commercializes innovative therapies so people with serious diseases can lead better lives.
Governor Cuomo should know that his actions will not make things better for the youth in state custody, the dedicated staff who are trying to help them lead better lives or the people of New York.
This desire to encourage young people to lead better lives carried through into Michael's role before the 2010 general election as Shadow Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families.
We can all lead better lives by taking mainstream media's corporate general m.o. with a big grain of salt...
Pfizer wants your ideas for how to help breast cancer patients lead better lives.
The benefits and perks that employees truly care about are those that offer them greater flexibility, autonomy and the ability to lead a better life.
On his blog, Sir Richard shared some of his best advice for growing a business, being happy, and generally leading a good life.
If you believe at all that Christ was the son of God and came to save the world, you are a Christian, even if you don't pray a specifically worded and ho ll ow prayer that affirms publicly that you are «born - again» in Jesus» blood — which in itself is sad is tic and doesn't ensure that the person doing the public profession of faith actually believes or will suddenly become so changed that they will lead a better life.
In the end, whether there is or is not a God, I hope my faith has allowed me to lead a better life and be a better human being.
Pascal's Wager is flawed because it does not consider other possibilities: there is a god but it's not the one you pray to so it sends you to hell; there is a god and it is the one you pray to but it knows you were insincere so it sends you to hell; there is a god but it knows you led a good life so it sends you to heaven even though you didn't pray to it.
- Mormons believe God lives on a planet called Kolob - Mormons believe that if they lead good lives they will become Gods on their own planets which completely contradicts that there are no other gods but God himself.
When you lead a GOOD life HE enters that life and influences that life.
@Kingnpriest, So in theory, if a person lead a good life, and never sinned (unlikely but possible), but never said a word about Jesus, good or bad (they'd heard about him but never addressed the issue, they just focused on living a good life), what would happen to them?
Do yourself a favor and lead a good life including not inflicting fear of the end on others.
@Mark, I feel like the world would be a much better place, if instead of hoping that they had believed in the right afterlife, people hoped that they had lead a good life, and tried to make sure that they did.
Now apart from the nonsense of the supposed «competition in goodness» both Christians and humanists believe that it is important to lead a good life.
Lead a good life and you don't have to worry about when the end comes.
But moreover, because I am confident that I have led a good life, I am comfortable with who I am, and because I am quite certain that if there are gods who kick - started this universe, they are nothing like the gods from the «holy books».
I am an atheist and have been sense I reached the age of reason, And I am so glad my parents didn't force it down my throat, I try to lead a good life and only need let my conscience be my guide, I have known many people that say they are a born again and to me, that's my cue to walk the other way..
And even if I am wrong in the end, and there is heaven and hell, I'd refuse to believe that a «God» (that has never shown me a proof of his / her / its existence) will simply put me in hell just because I didn't believe in him / her / it even though I lead a good life as opposed to someone that believed in God but judged others all their lives.
How about «Your father led a good life, he died fighting for his country, his friends, and the freedom of others.
You led a good life and yet because somewhere else, someone you don't know and have no knowledge of did some bad things and because of that, you're punished, that seems CRAZY to me.
I count myself lucky that I am where I am today, and that even though I am with my deepest regards sorry for what has happened to 9/11 and other radical Muslim attacks, I am also sorry for those poor boys in Afghanistan, who believe they have no life in this world, the boys who will never get a good education, the boys who will never be thought of boys, but terrorists, murderers, and worthy of nothing but dirt by people, never to truly lead a good life.
If there is no Heaven after I die, at least I led a good life.
Critics of religion often claim that its adherents grovellingly obey moral laws, not for the sake of leading a good life or behaving altruistically, but for fear of eternal punishment at the hands of a vindictive God.
My beliefs direct me to serve my neighbor and try and lead a good life.
here's the argument to your stupid hedge bet... which is a weak reason to believe by the way... if there is a god, he is the all knowing, all loving, all accepting kind of god and he will recognize those that led good lives and those that led bad ones and regardless of their religious beliefs will judge them on their actions and be allowed into this heaven.
I lead a good life, because I choose to.
The new crisis of the church results from the gradual secularization of life, the conviction that «man can lead the good life without believing in God».
God is no different but the rules are not there without any reason like some rules, they are there so we don't hurt ourselves and we can heal and lead a good life.
He loves me and when I die, provided I have lived a good life, I will go to Leprechaun Heaven, where I will live happily ever after with all other humans who have ever led good lives.
They may be good to other people, but in a lot of things that they control, they don't really lead good lives.
Lead a good life, hold on to «Your God» and be kind to one another.
Then just try to lead a good life, and help your fellow man in need.
We do not have any birth right to lead a better life than anyone else.
«They don't understand that they are the state», say civil servants who criticise migrants for complaining about how «the state» has not created conditions for leading a good life at home.
The Young Atheist's Handbook was written by science teacher Alom Shaha and tells the story of his upbringing in a Bangladeshi Muslim community in South East London, how he overcame his inner conflict surrounding his atheism, and the lessons he learnt in leading a good life, full of awe and wonder, based on humanist principles.
We should therefore be thankful to Allah that Adeleke led a good life, one worthy of emulation.»
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