Sentences with phrase «lead plates»

While it's a relatively new battery, there also exists the possibility that an internal lead plate jumper has a crack.
They have six two - volt chambers, called cells, that contain a grid of lead plates submerged in sulfuric acid.
Hydrogen gas is a byproduct of electrical energy created from a chemical reaction of lead plates submerged into the acid and water.
If the athletes are light, then lead plates have to be added to the sled in order to get close to maximum weight, which in turn means the athletes have to push a heavier sled.
An acid solution rich in copper called an electrolyte is heated to 47 degrees Celsius and pumped to a tank with insoluble lead plates and stainless - steel sheets.
A rechargeable device most often made of lead plates covered in an electrolyte and protected by a plastic shell which supplies consistent electrical energy to a motor vehicle.
One wine maker was ageing his wine in a wooden vat patched up with a piece of lead plate.
Both plates are slowly migrating north, but the weight of the Himalayas slows the leading plate, forcing the following plate to dive under the leader.
In an early attempt to refill the vital pools with water Thursday, the Japan Self Defense Forces (JSDF) dispatched a cargo helicopter — specially outfitted with lead plates to help shield crewmembers from direct radiation — to drop seawater on the plant's reactor No. 3.
Lead - acid batteries contain a lead plate and a lead dioxide plate (the electrodes) in a bath of sulfuric acid (the electrolyte).
A direct current is then applied between the lead plates and stainless steel, causing the copper ions in the electrolyte solution to attach themselves onto the sheets.
A cloud chamber picture taken by Carl D. Anderson in 1931 showed a particle entering from below and passing through a lead plate.
It wasnt because of lead plates or any of those myths.
During this period, the battery goes through a sulfating period, where sulfur crystals grow on the lead plates.
There may be a lead plate weld broken inside the battery.
Electricity is generated when the acid reacts with the lead plates and water.
Some newer batteries are sealed, preventing motorists from adding water to keep the electrolyte (the mixture of sulfuric acid and water) above the lead plates.
As a battery ages, it loses water, leaving the top of the lead plates exposed to the air inside the battery case.
One method used by battery makers to increase current is to space the lead plates closer together, but that only makes it easier for them to short, Mazor says.
Like when the lead plates warp from water evaporating out.
If your fluid level is below the lead plates (energy conductors) inside, it's time to have the battery and charging system tested.
Low Battery Fluid Level - If your fluid level is below the lead plates (energy conductors) inside, it's time to have the battery and charging system tested.
The «Rolinhos» (Little Scrolls, 1998), meanwhile, are lead plates that are partly unravelled, revealing small drawings, writings and maps: etched on one are the words «Local da Açao», or «trouble spots».
Bruce Nauman's sculpture Untitled (1968) is a work comprising a lead plate with a small hole in the center atop a steel plate.
But in its array of early works — lead plate and cylinder structures kept intact by the own weight — and recent works, MOMA erases any doubt of Serra's eminence as an artist or of his as the defining voice in contemporary sculpture.
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