Sentences with phrase «lead sentence»

The above feedback focuses on topic sentences and points out where the writer crafted a clear lead sentence with a central idea and a transition.
But Rosenbaum not only uses this inaccurate and alarming lead sentence to grab readers» attention, he doubles down by stating that this alleged return to junk food in schools is a nefarious plot by Big Food.
Because we are accustomed to such structure, we tend to anticipate that whenever a noun leads a sentence, it will be the subject and the actor.
Leading a sentence with an action verb tell the employer that you were the initiator.
In its lead sentence (v. 36) our text says that no one knows when.
Other key terms to cover include headline and lead sentence / paragraph.
Consider the possibilities in headlines, lead sentences, kicker sentences, poetry, drama, dialogue — the list is endless.
The lead sentence is misleading — the process data reported by the CDE are # tests administered, and since each student takes 2 tests (ELA & Math), that 1.6 million tests have been started does not translate into roughly half of the 3.2 million students having started testing.
Teachers guide students in writing headlines, lead sentences, paragraphs that use quotes to offer evidence, and captions that match pictures.
It includes planning frames, essay guides, plans with lead sentences and model essays.
The lead sentence reports that «unions consider [this] another attack on collective bargaining rights.»
2) The title and leading sentence.
(That lead sentence was full of eighties references, since Yakuza 0 takes place in 1988.)
by Richard Huffman / April 2002 «Gerhard Richter is a bullshit artist masquerading as a painter,» writes Jed Perl in the lead sentence to a cover story about Richter in the April 1, 2002 issue of the New Republic.
• The introductory text to the summary table title «The Presidential Candidates on Climate Change» (by Kitty Bennett and Farhana Hossain) begins with the leading sentence: «A growing environmental awareness among Americans has brought the issue to the forefront of the 2008 presidential election.»
Steve — You state: «The report was based on 164 «scenarios» and the «up to 80 %» scenario in the lead sentence of their press release was not representative of their scenarios, but the absolute top end.»
As it is formed from the lead sentence of the article simply by adding the bolded words, and that addition amounts to a conjunction it follows that the lead sentence is true if the ammended sentence is true.
The lead sentence is neither false, nor misleading in context, a fact that is readilly apparent.
That seems, however, a ridiculous claim given that the lead sentence is immediately followed by a massive figure clearly stating the qualification you suppose to be misleadingly left out.
Correctly stated your criticism is that the lead sentence creates a false impression by ignoring the rules of conversational implicature; whereas what has actually happened is that you have gained a false impression by ignoring the rule that all sentences must be interpreted in context.
It could be argued, therefore, that while formally true, the lead sentence had a misleading (conversational) implication.
Given that rule and only the lead sentence, it follows by conversational implicature (but not by logical implicature) that the concensus is of the 12,000 papers.
However, the lead sentence did not appear alone.
This may not be apparent because in normal communication we expect relevent facts and qualifications to be stated, which the lead sentence did not to.
In traditional newspaper style, the lead sentence in the first article glosses it well:
While working on these bullet points, make sure that you use the most powerful words that you can find to lead the sentence.
Did you know that journalists are trained to write the lead sentence in 25 words or less?
Be sure to use a lead sentence which provides top - down information (all the important who, what, when, where, why in one sentence).
Re your lead sentence: Many of us (I am a former Realtor) give more than a little thought re the state of the current economy, because we / they have to appeal to those consumers of which you claim to speak for, for their business in order to earn an income for services SUCCESSFULLY PROVIDED, unlike our overly - protected work - to - rule, or worse, union bretheren.
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