Sentences with phrase «lead to weight gain»

It would be good too if they could omit the fructose too which leads to weight gain in adults and children.
A few studies have demonstrated that certain strains of probiotics can actually lead to weight gain (66).
The researchers made no mention of soy's depression of thyroid function, which often leads to weight gain.
However, beware that even though some foods contain sugar naturally, their high sugar content can lead to weight gain if not consumed in moderation.
Eating like this can take a toll on our mental and physical well - being, and could potentially lead to weight gain.
And this can lead to weight gain as well as all the health risks associated with high sugar diets.
The low - fiber diets rapidly led to weight gain, high blood sugar, and insulin resistance in the mice.
And although medium - chain triglycerides may boost metabolic rate slightly, eating more calories than needed could still lead to weight gain.
Another study found that, especially in women, higher cortisol (stress hormone) leads to weight gain around the waist, even in otherwise slender women.
In large quantities, nuts can certainly slow down weight loss and perhaps even lead to weight gain.
Usually sugary drinks, soda, cookies and other processed foods can lead to weight gain because of the sugar and fat it has.
Most people don't walk or exercise as much in winter and typically turn to rich, hearty foods, which can easily lead to weight gain.
The reason behind this great success is that people use different muscle building supplements and foods that eventually lead to weight gain.
While not as common among those under 40, Low T can greatly influence a man's quality of life by leading to weight gain, decreased energy and even infertility.
Combine sugar cravings with a lack of fullness, and it is easy to see how lack of sleep leads to weight gain.
Studies also suggest long term use of artificial sweeteners leads to weight gain and chronic diseases such as diabetes, and heart disease.
He believed that the accumulation of acids in the body leads to weight gain, feelings of fatigue and some chronic diseases.
The last reason that we'll mention is that excess sugar leads to weight gain.
Remember that unless you're being excessive with nuts and seeds, raw food inherently is lower in fat and starch, which are what lead to weight gain.
Sure, having a diet very high in fat without the lifestyle to warrant it, may indeed lead to weight gain and other issues, but that can be said for almost anything.
Does excess cortisol, from long - term psychological stress lead to weight gain?
And a slower metabolism leads to weight gain and difficulty losing weight.
The reality is individual foods don't have any special qualities that directly lead to weight gain or weight loss.
Why does fasting lead to weight gain when overall food intake is decreased?
You didn't mention your gender in the comment, but as women get older, their sex hormone levels change, which can lead to weight gain during menopause.
It's part of a calories in, energy out equation, the reason that eating too much and exercising too little leads to weight gain.
Does being overweight make you depressed — or does being depressed lead to weight gain?
These additives are high in sugar, highly processed and will create a spike in blood sugar and can certainly lead to weight gain.
In other words, studies have yet to provide solid evidence that skipping breakfast leads to weight gain.
This has been shown to promote blood sugar issues, and it can also possible lead to weight gain.
The video highlighted in this study compared an oatmeal cookie to fruit — the oatmeal cookie having a higher energy density led to weight gain.
Being deprived of sleep can make you hungry, affect blood sugar levels, and create adrenal fatigue leading to weight gain.
These ingredients lead to weight gain and they are dangerous for your overall health.
A calorie - rich diet can lead to weight gain instead of muscle building if you are not physically active.
Regular eating after 8 PM leads to weight gain, according to modern research.
Even healthy snacks can lead to weight gain if you eat too much of them, so monitoring your portions should become a habit when you serve yourself snacks.
Stress has been proven to raise cortisol levels in the blood, which leads to weight gain especially around the waist (11, 12).
While dietary fat is essential to proper body function, excess dietary fat leads to weight gain, and excess weight is linked to poor health outcomes.
They barely provide any nutrition and mostly lead to weight gain.
If you're wondering whether a high - fat diet could actually lead to weight gain, there is significant evidence that the old «fat makes you fat» thinking is now outdated.
These foods often lead to weight gain, which is also hard on your lungs, heart, and other organs.
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