Sentences with phrase «leaders of the movement think»

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With the rise of the Law of Attraction / positive thinking movement and the pressure to set high, difficult to reach goals, leaders can easily set targets that are based on little more than blind hope.
«I tell people not to think about it for others, but think about it for themselves,» Enno Schmidt, economist and leader of the basic - income movement, told the Times.
Historically, there's always been a problem of lawyers thinking they know everything, which is in fact a problem in life with lawyers... There's been a culture of activism of making it clear to lawyers that the support is necessary and appreciated, but they weren't necessarily the leaders of the movement.
For me (as for most of us in the movement I think) it's always been about ideas and action and communities, not about any particular personalities or so - called «leaders
Although both of these movements created militant groups in which the leader claimed temporal and spiritual power, they did not leave any appreciable marks on Muslim religious thought.
Behind all these movements lies the influence of a number of charismatic leaders whose thinking has inspired the current Islamic resurgence.
Although many of those concerned for environmental protection are thinking about the natural world simply as it relates to human beings, the leaders of the environmental movement have been moved to perception and action by deeper changes.
William Hamilton, another acknowledged leader of the movement, affirms Bonhoeffer's influence on his thought.
The three names which probably stand out most prominently when we think of this movement are Karl Barth, Emil Brunner, and Reinhold Niebuhr, not only because they are among its leaders, but because their writings are most widely known.
However, even if were completely accurate, I also don't think you can condemn an entire movement based on one woman being a terrible parent, even if she was one of the «leaders» of the movement.
This relatively new movement, which is also sometimes called student - centered learning, has its roots in the progressive strain of American educational thought, but its current incarnation is also based on the modern belief, common among corporate executives and other business leaders, that there is a major and potentially calamitous disconnect brewing between the historical structures and traditions of the American public school system and the labor - force demands of the 21st - century American economy.
«And once the political leaders, particularly Sen. McConnell and Speaker (Paul) Ryan, see the strength of this movement, I think they'll have no choice but to put these bills on the floor and allow a vote.»
Did the leaders of non-state organisations (I think of figures like Lech Wałęsa, co-founder of the Solidarity movement in Poland), or the mental maps of broader publics play as important a role, or were they less critical to the course of international politics?
A majority of Labour movement respondents think the next leader should support public sector strikes.
As the movement gains traction and as it evolves, natural leaders will emerge, said Lessig, pointing to a few of the diverse leaders currently pushing for campaign finance reform: Zephyr Teachout who is campaigning to become the democratic candidate to challenge New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, Heather McGhee of the think tank Demos and George Washington law professor Spencer Overton.
What we generally think of as yoga began in late 19th century India, when leaders of an anti-colonialism movement sought to rally their countrymen to their cause.
And the leader of the spiritualist movement was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who seemed to personify rationalism with Sherlock Holmes and deductive thought.
In this clip from #revitalize2016, entrepreneurs and thought leaders at the forefront of the wellness movement talk about how they relentlessly create...
In this video, the panel of entrepreneurs and thought leaders at the forefront of the wellness movement talk with mbg founder and CEO, Jason Wachob, about how they relentlessly create and pursue their goals, know how to work outside of their comfort zone, and are single - minded in their passion to create thriving businesses.
Instead, like the civil rights movement itself, the education reform movement is in dire need of creative thinking, committed education leaders, and informed, involved parents — all united in our belief in the worth and value of every young life and each child's potential to learn and do great things.
This was a time of terrible repression and oppression against the leaders and members of those movements: students, journalists, artists, and any thinking person who dared think different, and expressed it.
With issues concerning climate change, population growth and movement, regional strife, and job creation, Gardner intends through this study to better understand and enable colleges and universities of America to offer well - crafted educations in liberal arts and sciences and equip future leaders with capacities to think critically, question, collaborate, and solve our most pressing problems.
Don't make the mistake of thinking gamification is a grassroots movement for small businesses: Huge corporations are utilizing the motivating power of gaming to help improve the hiring process, check employee performance and even identify potential leaders within the organization.
Our members lead the charge for change by building a movement of forward - thinking educators through grassroots organizing; identifying, training and supporting teacher leaders to take on key leadership positions in their schools, districts, states and unions; creating teacher - led policy recommendations on issues selected by local educators; and advocating for implementation of those ideas through teacher - driven campaigns.
Superintendents and union leaders looking for an alternative to a high - stakes, data - driven movement in education have showered the community schools model with praise, noting that it has expanded access to health care and social services, tackling problems thought to be causes of academic failure.
The school choice movement is made up of passionate individuals throughout the country and Louisiana, including the parents who make sacrifices for their children, teachers, administrators, activists, thought leaders and supporters.
When passionate, caring and determined individuals come together, what begins as a thought of one school dedicated to educating and nurturing the next generation of community leaders can grow into a larger movement that has an impact on the global community.
Why do you think teachers focus so heavily on the household names of leaders from Civil Rights movements and slavery when there are many more luminaries that students should know about other than renowned figures such as Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, and Harriet Tubman?
Look, as I stop to think back practically all the leaders of the abstract expressionist movement were very active as painters in the thirties: de Kooning, Kline, Rothko,
I think that the environmental movement has had a pitiful track record of having charismatic leaders.
Founded in 1999 to advance the movement towards a more economically - just and environmentally - sustainable society and away from single bottom line capitalism, CSRwire has paved the way for new standards of corporate citizenship, earning the international respect of thought leaders, business leaders, academics, philanthropists, activists and the media community.
Although just one of many forms of media employed by CTTs [conservatives think tanks], books are especially important for reaching the conservative movement's core constituency, wider segments of the public, and critical sectors of society such as corporate, political, and media leaders.
Scott M. Stanley of the University of Denver, a leader in the marriage education movement, identifies four key benefits of premarital education: a) It gives couples time to think through their decision more carefully b) It makes a statement that marriage is a big, important step c) It can predispose couples for getting help if they need it later in their marriage d) There is evidence that some couples with some types of premarital training can lower their risks for subsequent marital distress or termination.
In 2015, she launched 25N Coworking, a collection of shared workspaces uniquely designed for community engagement in suburban contexts, an experimental movement that has positioned Hauser as a thought leader in a niche that serves coworkers outside of traditional urban markets.
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