Sentences with phrase «leadership election those divisions»

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The election has exposed a deep division among the community's leadership and a frightening reality about the community's members.
Labour now faces a similar conflict of opinion, made worse by the need to hold a leadership election using a system which highlights the divisions in the party.
These two facts suggest that a new factor has been added to those which have destabilised the Party over the past 25 years or so (namely, the failure to win an election since 1992, divisions over the EU, and leadership election rules that encourage secrecy and cowardice: no wonder these have taken place at a rate of one every three years or so).
Even if the vote is Remain both north and south of the Scotland - England border, there will be a Tory leadership election relatively soon and the party will have substantial divisions to heal following all the «blue on blue» hostility of the EU referendum.
Farage's comments serve as a rallying cry toUkip ahead of its leadership election, which has seen the party riven by internal divisions.
Most party members recognised in the last parliament that, whatever the alleged shortcomings of Gordon Brown, triggering a leadership election in the run up to a general election would only serve to increase divisions in the party.
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