Sentences with phrase «leadership table»

«Albany incumbent David Valesky, who sits at the same Democrat leadership table as Senator Espada and voted to make him Majority Leader, should urge him to step aside from that position of leadership immediately,» Russo said.
While 2018 has marked a watershed moment with regard to women running for elected office, we know that there is still much work to be done to ensure greater gender equity, including more opportunities for women to have many seats at the political and business leadership table.
And it's time for Learning and Development professionals to take a seat at the executive leadership table.
Today, more than ever before, we are needed at the corporate leadership table and we need to step into the room prepared to help lead our respective organizations into organizational learning agility under the banner and capabilities of performance support.
The department leadership tabled a «mind map» of strategies for rebranding LCR, and as a department.
This is an open discussion at the leadership table: Who's on your succession plan?
He will be represented by an empty chair at the head of the leadership table.
If you could ask the Obama operation, the most successful internet political machine to date, they'd say that the online team should be at the leadership table and equal with field, fundraising, communications, IT, etc — it should be a entity of its own, not stuck under the tech director and hidden in a basement somewhere.
One should not be surprised if their places around the leadership table is not as secure as they thought.
That structure should be visible and accessible to all in the school, so the counselor should be at the leadership table for planning, management, and problem solving.
On other days, it feels like everything changed virtually overnight, and our new specialty has a seat at the profession's leadership table.
Moreover, this trend is making its way into the upper echelons of businesses around the world; with more and more Millennials rising through the ranks and earning their seat at the leadership table, sat beside the Baby Boomers and the Generation Xers.
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