Sentences with phrase «leading atmospheric physicist»

Climate scientists are giving science a bad name, says a leading atmospheric physicist in an essay on the global warming debate.

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LLNL nuclear weapon physicist Gregg Spriggs is leading a team of film experts, code developers and interns on a mission to hunt down, scan and reanalyze what they estimate to be 10,000 films of the 210 atmospheric tests conducted by the U.S. between 1945 and 1962.
«The amount of visible radiation entering the lower atmosphere was increasing, which implies warming at the surface,» says atmospheric physicist Joanna Haigh of Imperial College London, who led the research, published in Nature on October 7.
Study lead author Michael Raupach, GCP co-chair and atmospheric physicist at Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, says it will take economic, policy and social changes to reverse the trend, such as capturing the CO2 emitted by coal - fired power plants and increased international cooperation.
Richard Lindzen, atmospheric physicist, MIT professor emeritus, and lead author of the «Physical Climate Processes and Feedbacks» chapter of the 2001 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, attributes climate hype to politics, money, and propaganda.
Mathematical physicist Enting (author of the Australian Mathematical Scences Institute book Twisted: The distorted mathematics of greenhouse denial) worked at Australia's leading science agency, the CSIRO, for 24 years in atmospheric research and modelling of the global carbon cycle.
Svante Arrhenius, a Swedish physicist, first suggested in 1896 that increases in atmospheric CO2 would lead to global temperature rises.
Singer, a leading scientific skeptic of anthropocentric global warming (AGW), is an atmospheric physicist, and founder of the Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP), an organization that began challenging the published findings of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in the 1990s.
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