Sentences with phrase «leading physicists»

Many leading physicists are searching for a single theory that explains all aspects of how the universe works.
But leading physicists who have studied the matter say that well - established principles all but guarantee that neither catastrophe would occur.
Dark matter is the dominant form of substance in the universe, which leads physicists to devise theories and experiments to explore its properties and understand how it originated.
Monday, 17 February 2014: 9:45 AM - 11:15 AM Columbus AB (Hyatt Regency Chicago) Recent work on the religious lives and beliefs of leading physicists raises interesting questions about the interaction of science and religion in the modern period.
The anthropic principle, championed by leading physicists such as Leonard Susskind of Stanford University, is cosmology's version of creationism.
But some of the world's leading physicists tell Justin Mullins that they are confident they can pull it off
Quantum mechanics led physicists such as David Bohm and John Bell to argue that the wave - particle duality signifies a deep interconnectedness in nature.
Promoted to lead physicist for new department specializing in radiation shielding, assisting in its growth into the most profitable sector of the company.
Leading physicist Stephen Hawking has called for colonization of other planets as human race may not survive beyond 100 years.
Laughing — First of all, i'm not the only one that Knows the Big Bang theory does not hold weight and has many holes in it, many leading physicists do not believe in it, it's a Theory like you said moron... I don't have to be the one to try and disprove it to you, Do your own research, the folks that work the most with the theory haven't staked their entire faith or belief in it, because they know it's not proven and it can not be proven.
The LHC may also lead physicists toward a unifying framework that goes even beyond the standard model.
Attempts to answer such questions lead physicists time and time again to the same expedient: invent a new particle.
In 1927, when he was 48, the world's leading physicists gathered at a conference in Brussels to debate an issue that remains contentious to this day: What does quantum mechanics have to say about reality?
This connection led physicists to hope that the strong force could also be unified with the other two forces, yielding one large theory described by a single symmetry such as SU (5).
A passion for music led physicist Sebastián Grinschpun to his new gig as a science communicator on the popular Spanish TV programme REDES.
The most plausible solution, leading physicists like Jung say, hinges on the theory that today's neutrinos, which have barely any mass, once had superheavy partners.
It was this power to shift problems from the QCD perspective to a string theory view that first led some physicists to see a link between the quarks and gluons at RHIC and the equations describing a black hole.
To the alarm and consternation of leading physicists in Edinburgh and Glasgow, the SHEFC seems to have indicated that it attaches a lower priority to research at the frontiers of knowledge than do its counterparts south of the border.
Soon Donovan tasks Moe with a deadly overseas mission: to head to war - torn Europe and infiltrate the inner sanctum of the Nazi atomic program's gifted lead physicist, Werner Heisenberg (Mark Strong).
Read on for a sampling of our reports, some by leading physicists of their times
The KITP hosts the world's leading physicists who come to Santa Barbara for special conferences and other programs dedicated to exploring some of the most challenging scientific questions of our time.
I'm sorry that you believe one of the world's leading physicists would refuse to seek answers about the universe simply because his collaborators believe in a God (see my point about Harvard if you've already forgotten).
But, even if it is not, the fact will remain that there is an argument against materialism that comes from physics itself, an argument that has been advanced and defended by some leading physicists and never refuted.
However, on your note on horizontal v. vertical causality, I would argue that Chaos theory has relatively replaced linear causality and most, if not all, leading physicists have done away with that theory.
Einstein was not the only one and by 1932 almost all leading physicists — Eddington, Dirac, Einstein, Bohr, de Brogue, Schroedinger, Heisenberg, Born and Pauli — accepted uncompromisingly the reductionist view.
For Whitehead, the idea that measurements could lead physicists to a theory which required modification of the geometry which constituted the basis for these measurements seemed incoherent.
As a leading physicist has put it, «Belief in the «simplicity» of the microscopic belongs to the past» (BB xv).
Other winners of the $ 1 million prize this year were Aids virus co-discoverer Professor Robert Gallo and Professor Paulo de Bernardis, a leading physicist at the University La Sapienza in Rome
To understand «the real Cameron» she interviews his biographer, Francis Elliott, who argues that Cameron could have been a captain of industry, or a leading physicist but was always going to be motivated to go as far as he can in his chosen field.
Rogue tea leaves have led physicists to the discovery of a counterintuitive phenomenon: Particles can float upstream in moving water.
Its channel features interviews with leading physicists and key spokespeople from the physics community.
The United States used science and technology to great economic benefit after World War II and can continue to «master the innovation cycle» by drawing on the collaborative nature of millennials who started to come of age as the century turned, a leading physicist told a AAAS gathering recently.
John Wheeler, scientist and dreamer, colleague of Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr, mentor to many of today's leading physicists, and the man who chose the name «black hole» to describe the unimaginably dense, light - trapping objects now thought to be common throughout the universe, turned 90 last July.
Yet he pressed on, becoming one of the world's leading physicists and a best - selling author.
Rennie: Steve, Steve the thing you're losing track of here is that the article in question, «A Quantum Threat to Special Relativity» is written by David Z Albert and Rivka Galchen — and David Z Albert happens to be one of the leading physicist - philosophers of our time.
The doomsday risk never really existed, but making that clear to a worried public occupied the time of some of the world's leading physicists.
Bill Unruh of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, a leading physicist, is intrigued by Davies's idea.
Yet today, antimatter is rare in the universe, leading physicists to search for minute violations of the known laws of physics that could explain the asymmetry.
Still, he established himself as a leading physicist and worked for more than 40 years on LIGO, one of the most audacious experiments ever attempted.
After the war, the project's lead physicist, Nobel laureate Werner Heisenberg, suggested he had moral qualms about delivering the weapon to the Nazis.
LAWRENCE BERKELEY NATIONAL LABORATORY Michael Witherell is a leading physicist with a highly distinguished career in teaching, research and managing complex organizations.
Prof. Hawking, who suffered from motor neurone disease and had been wheel - chair bound since the late 1960s, saw worldwide success as a leading physicist.
From Brian Greene, one of the world's leading physicists, comes a grand tour of the universe that makes us look at reality in a completely different way.
Their questions seem a mix of admiration, condescension toward an outsider (albeit an outsider who was the son of one of England's leading physicists), and proper scientific skepticism:
It contains features from the world's leading physicists and science writers, comprehensive news and analysis, incisive opinion pieces, sound careers advice, reviews of the best new books and multimedia.
It contains features from the world's leading physicists and science writers, comprehensive news and analysis, incisive opinion pieces, sound...
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