Sentences with phrase «leading scientists agree»

She takes little comfort in astronomer John's assurances that the approaching, oversized asteroid Melancholia won't make impact, since the leading scientists agree that it's on a collision course with Earth.
Many, if not most, leading scientists agree.

Not exact matches

She claims to be a scientist but works for an organization that ignores any science that doesn't agree with the Bible, when she should be followinf the evidence where ever it leads and if it shows the Bible to be wrong then so be it.
«The fact that British Cycling agrees with and supports our vision of taking truly accurate power measurement to all those cyclists who are aiming to improve and has given us the opportunity to work with leading coaches and sports scientists through the next two Olympic cycles, is a dream come true for the engineering innovators at Verve.»
Over recent decades, scientists have discovered that even very low levels of lead in the body can cause problems, causing doctors and researchers to agree: no level of lead is safe.
► On Wednesday at ScienceInsider, Dennis Normile reported that stem cell scientist Haruko Obokata (lead author of the two STAP — stimulus - triggered acquisition of pluripotency — papers in Nature) «has agreed to retract the two Nature papers that reported her work.»
Berg also led a remarkable effort among scientists in the 1970s to voluntarily halt certain experiments in recombinant DNA until he and his colleagues could agree on guidelines that would minimize the risks of releasing bioengineered organisms into the environment.
Scientists have a sense of the steps leading to the explosion, but there is no agreed upon fundamental process about what happens during the «bounce» phase when the implosion at the core reverses direction.
Chris Field, a climate scientist at the Carnegie Institution and Stanford University who will lead the writing of the next panel report on impacts from climate change, said he agreed that outliers should be accounted for.
According to Climate Progress, the report, Climate Policy and Industrial Competitiveness (pdf), completed by the economists, climate scientists, and academics of the German Marshall Fund, reveals that Europe's cap and trade has lead many countries in the EU to meet their carbon targets as agreed to in the Kyoto Protocol.
While scientists generally agree that a warming climate will lead to extreme weather conditions like drought and stronger, more frequent storms, they are unable to say that climate change definitively caused, say, the polar vortex, or California's current drought.
The leading skeptical scientist is caught agreeing with this and has no adequate response.
Scientists agree that even a small increases in the global temperature lead to significant climate and weather changes, affecting cloud cover, precipitation, wind patterns, the frequency and severity of storms, and the timing of seasons.
In his presentation, Al Gore implies that he is describing the «scientific consensus», and so this leads to the impression that most scientists agree with what he is saying.
«The unilateral redrafting of IPCC reports by «lead authors» after reviewers had agreed them, and the writing of a sexed - up «summary for policy makers» before the report was complete, have discomfited many scientists since the first report.
But leading climate scientists think even this universally agreed target will be missed.
«Our approach facilitates comparisons and produces results that agree more closely with real - world observations than previous approaches,» said Dr. Po - Lun Ma, PNNL atmospheric scientist and lead author of the paper.
When it comes to the politicians, I agree there is no debate, but there are scientists that truly do reach the conclusions that lead them to the conclusions that CO2 does cause warming.
In Heartland's bizarro world, every one of the dozens (or hundreds) of «scientists» who agrees with them is described as a «top scientist» or a «leading scientist».
«I am growing weary of the variety of emotional, misleading, and policy - useless statements like «most warming since the 1950s is human caused» or «97 % of climate scientists agree humans are contributing to warming», neither of which leads to the conclusion we need to substantially increase energy prices and freeze and starve more poor people to death for the greater good.
This led to cries of censorship from the authors, who posted their response online at a site run by a combination of lobbyists and scientists who don't agree with the dominant understanding of climate.
Leading climate scientists, however, say the three most in - depth temperature studies agree on the overall severity and pace of global warming.
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