Sentences with phrase «leading twentieth»

In 1989, Stephen Schneider, one of the leading twentieth - century climate scientists, summarized the need for this particular form of scientific - cum - moral double engagement to Discover magazine.
Pol Bury (1922 - 2005) Former surrealist, influenced by Rene Magritte and Yves Tanguy, became one of the leading twentieth - century exponents of kinetic or moving sculpture.
«Vogue 100: A Century of Style» will include work by many of the leading twentieth - century photographers, including John Deakin, Lee Miller, Irving Penn and Snowdon.
Sir Rudolf Peierls, another leading twentieth «century physicist, said, on the basis of quantum theory, «The premise that you can describe in terms of physics the whole function of a human being... including its knowledge, and its consciousness, is untenable.

Not exact matches

Peter Drucker, arguably the leading management thinker of the twentieth century, observed, «If a new venture does succeed, more often than not it is n a market other than the one it was originally intended to serve, with products and services not quite those with which it had set out that are bought in large part by customers it did not even think of when it started and used for a host of purposes besides the ones for which the products were first designed.»
In Germany, keen Jesuit intellectuals like Jakob Notges and Anton Koch led the assault on Alfred Rosenberg's Myth of the Twentieth Century.
After all, nineteenth - century Lutheran theologians like Ritschl and Harnack were leading lights of what Troeltsch later called «Neo-Protestantism»; they were followed in the twentieth century by the likes of Bultmann, Ebeling, and lesser imitators fighting at all costs to save Lutheranism against Karl Barth's new orthodoxy or Dietrich Bonhoeffer's call to discipleship.
The crucial step leading to the embrace of the living Constitution — the determination that the Constitution's legal categories have no substantive meaning that can serve to limit the legislative will of the majority — actually happened in the twentieth century.
The twenty - first - century Church owes a lot to twentieth - century German Catholicism: for its generosity to Catholics in the Third World; for the witness of martyrs like Alfred Delp, Bernhard Lichtenberg, and Edith Stein; for its contributions to Biblical studies, systematic and moral theology, liturgical renewal, and Catholic social doctrine, through which German Catholicism played a leading role in Vatican II's efforts to renew Catholic witness for the third millennium.
Truth and Method is «one of the great philosophical works of the twentieth century» because it leads us where the modern mind» «which as a matter of fact is in a hopeless impasse,» notes Gadamer» will not go, resists going with every thought, yet absolutely needs to go.
Thinking of Michal Williams, sitting alone in the apartment, and reading these poems, I suddenly thought of another twentieth - century disaster - marriage, that of the great painter Stanley Spencer, whose visions of Christianity led him to paint the general resurrection in the small - town churchyard of Cookham, and whose Christ was a working - class Englishman of 1930s vintage.
It is the need to get further light on this question which has led in the twentieth century to a radical rethinking of the nature of pastoral care.
Furthermore, I have argued that on some of these points the changing situation and growing knowledge of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries would have led Wesley to come down at a different place.
Some have claimed that the Romantic legacy led inexorably to Germany's twentieth - century political catastrophes.
As Boodin has said, the new intellectual renaissance into which physics has led us in the twentieth century is marked, not only by the emancipation from mechanism, but «the discovery of form or structure as fundamental in reality.
In so doing, and in his suggestive theory of intuition, Bergson led the way to the further metaphysical developments of James, Whitehead, Dewey, and others in the first half of the twentieth century.
The spectacle of twentieth - century totalitarian movements led the Church to resolve to act in the larger world, against political messianism and in support of political moderation.
Is Whitehead trying to resuscitate the notion which James led many twentieth - century philosophers to reject?
Formerly the Regius Professor of Hebrew at Oxford and now the Distinguished Professor of Hebrew Bible Emeritus at Vanderbilt Divinity School, James Barr is surely one of the leading biblical scholars of the twentieth century.
The great twentieth century Hindu thinker Sri Aurobindo, in his Life Divine has an evolutionary framework and sees the whole process leading the soul to full awareness.
Our physicality involved a necessary self - preservation instinct that led to protection of one's own self or kind over against that which was defined as other — a view not too dissimilar from what Cornel West develops in the late twentieth century as the «normative gaze that tends toward universalization of one «s own kind to the detriment of otherness.
All this has led us to question the brash, domineering attitude towards nature which characterized western thought increasingly in the twentieth century.
In drawing the nations of the world into one arena, globalization can also lead to serious conflict, as the twentieth century has already demonstrated.
Entering into the disputes over all the necessary distinctions and qualifications lands us right back in the sixteenth century, which, one is inclined to believe, is not where the Holy Spirit intends to lead the Church at the end of the twentieth century.
God is not left without witnesses, however, and the urge to create religious statements and the evidence that the power of the gospel still gripped persons outside of systems led to the fact that a great body of religious art was produced in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries outside of official religious circles.
From «Legends of the Jews», which is a compilation of a vast amount of aggadah, i.e., exegetical texts in the classical rabbinic literature of Judaism, from the Mishnah, the two Talmuds and Midrash compiled by Rabbi Louis Ginzberg (1873 — 1953), who was a Talmudist and leading figure in the Conservative Movement of Judaism of the twentieth century who taught at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America (JTS) in New York City for half a century until his death in 1953:
On the contrary, the accusation is that Luther's beliefs and actions led to disastrous historical consequences, not only in the Germany of his time (with the Christian submission to the princes and the slaughter of the peasants), but in the Germany of the twentieth century, when Lutheran Christians failed to resist the rise of Adolf Hitler.
The steam engine led to oppression for miners and other workers, the spread of vast urban slums, and a ruthless stranglehold by capitalistic investors on the wage earner.24 In the twentieth century, the effects of the automobile have been similarly far - reaching and ambivalent.
The development of quantum physics in the twentieth century has led some to propose that God might govern the universe partly at the atomic or molecular level.
This is chiefly because in the latter part of the twentieth century, and led by liberation theologians, we have come to view science sociologically.
The «Berlin» type of excellent theological education, which 1 comprises the two distinct enterprises of Wissenschaft and «professional» education for ministry, came to dominate Protestant theological education in North America by the middle of the twentieth century, in large part in the wake of a series of major studies of theological education that were widely read and sometimes led to significant reforms.
If that new alignment holds, it may eventually lead to a history - changing revolution in Orthodox understandings of the right relationships among Church, state and society: a development that would, among other things, vindicate the memory of Orthodoxy's twentieth - century martyrs.
Kenward's rehearsal of life in twentieth - century France is a compendium of ideologies, lists of leading political and social leaders, an endless speculation on the nature of Frenchness, and a nearly complete absence of the cultural effects of the nation's Catholic inheritance.
The following quotation from his writings shows that he rejected this latter form of epistemology that had resurfaced in the twentieth century under the guise of Transcendental Thomism, because he was acutely aware that this path led at least to a blurring of the distinction between nature and grace if not to pantheism: «What we must not do -LSB-...] is to relate God as «ground of being» to the very inner substance and core of the soul as in some way... a part or aspect of the creature's being.»
In the twentieth century, led by lawyers like Leo Pfeffer, Jews and like - minded Americans fought through the courts to translate this ill - defined wall into a hardy bulwark of constitutional law.
All anyone has to do is look at what happened in Germany in the first half of the Twentieth Century for a stark example of where it can lead a society.
This is our twentieth year competing in the U.S. beer industry and we are proud to share our leading company with you as we enter our third decade of business.
Watch our short video commemorating the twentieth anniversary of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine and featuring interviews with leading physicians and leaders in global health.
The reasons are manifold and complicated, but suffice it to say that current feeding practices were developed in the early twentieth century, in response to nutritional deficits in commercial infant formula, and the transfer of authority from the mother to the physician — who would prescribe rigidly scheduled feedings, compromising breastfeeding and leading to undernourished babies.
Both William Olaf Stapledon, early twentieth century philosopher and science fiction author, and Professor Sir David Weatherall, distinguished medical scientist, have strong ties to Liverpool; and Birmingham has historically been home to a wide range of humanist thinkers like John Baskerville, nineteenth century avowed atheist and renown printer, Harold Blackham, first director of the BHA; George Holyoake, nineteenth century writer who coined the term «secularism», sex education pioneer Martin Cole, leading international humanist and philosopher - physicist Sir Harry Stopes - Roe; and writer and comedian Natalie Haynes.
Precipitation anomalies have been stronger and covered larger areas in some earlier centuries than during the twentieth century,» according to Fredrik Charpentier Ljungqvist, historian and climate researcher at Stockholm University and lead author of this study.
In the early days of that quest, in the late twentieth century, scientists tried to find the single gene, or perhaps a small group of inherited genes, that led to autism.
This recent rhodiola rosea depression study in Sweden corroborates the many clinical studies performed at leading Soviet universities and medical academies during the second half of the twentieth century.
If you've never seen any of Haynes's films before, you're missing out, especially if you like twentieth century American history and Critically Acclaimed Dramas With Strong Female Leads, as Netflix might phrase it.
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Twentieth Century - Fox's Avatar, directed by James Cameron, and Summit Entertainment's The Hurt Locker, directed by Kathryn Bigelow, led the pack with a staggering nine nominations each including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Original Score, Best Sound Editing and Best Sound Mixing.
He makes a case that Thinking the Twentieth First Century thorough this multi-dimensional lens will lead to a new political economy.
One of an economic nature, is represented by the general crisis of the world capitalist system that tends to lead the world economy to depression with the failure of governments, the crash of companies, mass unemployment and even the outbreak of civil wars and new world conflagration as has happened in the twentieth century with the 1st and the 2nd World War.
As I noted in The Same Thing Over and Over, «The debate over the sanctity of «schoolhouse leadership,» then, is really a debate between the defenders of early - twentieth - century management practices and those championing the management practices [favored] by leading public and private organizations in recent decades.»
Progressives and traditionalists battled over the curriculum in the first two decades of the twentieth century (practical vs. «book - based» learning), in the 1920s (project - based, experiential learning vs. traditional intellectual disciplines), in the 1940s (curriculum for personal adjustment vs. curriculum for knowledge and skills), in the 1960s and 1970s (student - centered, open classrooms and inquiry learning vs. teacher - led classrooms and basic skills), and in the 1990s (over standards, as described above).
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