Sentences with phrase «leads climate mitigation»

Chirag is Senior Manager and leads climate mitigation at WRI India.
The achievement of substantial CO2 emission reductions by locally - manufactured stoves demonstrates the potential for private - sector led climate mitigation action and local economic development.

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In fact, the mitigation pledges collected under the ongoing Cancun Agreements, conceived during the 2010 climate talks, would lead to global average temperature rise of more than 2 degrees Celsius, according to multiple analyses — and may not lead to a peaking of greenhouse gas emissions this decade required to meet that goal.
Orr, who is also the dean of the University of Maryland's School of Public Policy, said U.S. cities and states lead the world in important aspects of climate resilience and mitigation precisely because the Trump administration has rolled back federal ambition.
While no country in history has achieved its economic growth without causing environmental damage, expectations for Singapore's mitigation ambition are particularly high because it is a leading figure in facilitating a global climate change treaty.
«This mixture shows the role that agroforestry can play in addressing both climate mitigation and adaptation in primarily food - focused production systems of Africa» says Dr. Cheikh Mbow, Senior Scientist, Climate Change and Development at the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) and lead author of the aclimate mitigation and adaptation in primarily food - focused production systems of Africa» says Dr. Cheikh Mbow, Senior Scientist, Climate Change and Development at the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) and lead author of the aClimate Change and Development at the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) and lead author of the article.
To determine the ideal mitigation policy, a research team led by Princeton University, the University of Vermont and the University of Texas at Austin employed a climate - economic model to examine two ethical approaches to valuing human population.
• Editor and Lead Author, «The Regional Impacts of Climate Change: An Assessment of Vulnerability», IPCC Special Report on the Regional Impacts of Climate Change (1998) • Lead Author of IPCC Technical Paper No. 3, «Stabilization of Atmospheric Greenhouse Gases: Physical, Biological and Socio - Economic Implications,» (1997) • Editor, Working Group II Contribution to the Second Assessment Report Climate Change 1995: Impacts, Adaptations, and Mitigation (Scientific and Technical Analyses), (1996).
James A. Edmonds • Member, IPCC Steering Committee on «New Integrated Scenarios» (2006 - present) • Lead Author, Working Group III, «Framing Issues,» IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (2007) • Lead Author, Working Group III, «Global, Regional, and National Costs and Ancillary Benefits of Mitigation,» IPCC Third Assessment Report (2001) • Lead Author, Working Group III, «Decision - Making Frameworks,» IPCC Third Assessment Report (2001) • Lead Author, Working Group III, Summary for Policy Makers, IPCC Third Assessment Report (2001) • Lead Author, Working Group II, «Energy Supply Mitigation Options,» IPCC Second Assessment Report (1996) • Lead Author, Working Group II, «Mitigation: Cross-Sectoral and Other Issues,» IPCC Second Assessment Report (1996) • Lead Author, Working Group III, «Estimating the Costs of Mitigating Greenhouse Gases,» IPCC Second Assessment Report (1996) • Lead Author, Working Group III, «A Review of Mitigation Cost Studies,» IPCC Second Assessment Report (1996) • Lead Author, Working Group III, «Integrated Assessment of Climate Change: An Overview and Comparison of Approaches and Results,» IPCC Second Assessment Report (1996) • Lead Author, IPCC Special Report, Climate Change 1994: Radiative Forcing of Climate Change and An Evaluation of the IPCC IS92 Emission Scenarios (1994) • Lead Author, IPCC Special Report, Climate Change 1992: The Supplementary Report to the IPCC Scientific Assessment (1992) • Major contributor, IPCC First Assessment Report, Working Group III, Response Strategies Working Group (1991).
Hugh Pitcher • Contributing Author, Working Group III, «Issues Related to Mitigation in the Long - Term Context,» IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (2007) • Lead Author, «Emissions Scenarios 2000: Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change» (2001).
Lead Author, «Technological and Economic Potential of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction,» IPCC Third Assessment Report (2001) • Lead Author, «Greenhouse Gas Emission Mitigation Scenarios and Implications,» IPCC Third Assessment Report (2001) • Member, IPCC Task Group on Scenarios and Data for Impacts and Climate Analysis (1998 - present).
She was lead author for the chapter on mitigation in the Third National Climate Assessment, a report mandated by Congress to provide scientific information and guidance for managing potential impacts of climate change and informing long - term planning decClimate Assessment, a report mandated by Congress to provide scientific information and guidance for managing potential impacts of climate change and informing long - term planning decclimate change and informing long - term planning decisions.
Steve Rayner (former Laboratory Fellow, now with Oxford University) • Lead Author, «Sustainable Development and Mitigation,» IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (2007) • Lead Author, «Setting the Stage: Climate Change and Sustainable Development» IPCC Third Assessment Report (2001).
In order to end all forms of poverty without driving up global temperatures, world leaders will need to ramp up climate mitigation efforts by 27 %, the lead author tells Carbon Brief.
They scrutinized adaptation plans which incorporate urban planning and development actions that lead to the abatement or reduction of vulnerability to climate change, and mitigation plans that include actions such as improved energy efficiency and renewable energy generation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
All this, and probably more, led to the announcement by the UN Secretary - General at the Climate Change Summit on 22 September 2009 in New York that he intended to «set up a high - level panel after the Copenhagen Conference to advise on how to better integrate climate change adaptation and mitigation into development»Climate Change Summit on 22 September 2009 in New York that he intended to «set up a high - level panel after the Copenhagen Conference to advise on how to better integrate climate change adaptation and mitigation into development»climate change adaptation and mitigation into development» (VI).
Insert, Oct. 5, 9:14 p.m. William Hare, who was a lead author on the I.P.C.C. report on emissions mitigation in 2007 and climate policy director for Greenpeace International, also has posted a critique of the Victor / Kennel piece.
The largest international science conference before the Paris COP21, with close to 2,000 participants from almost 100 countries, CFCC15 explores current understanding of all dimensions of the climate change challenge plus the full range of mitigation and adaptation options that can lead to sustainable, equitable solutions across all nations and regions.
By committing to targets for emissions cuts and financing for developing countries for mitigation, forest protection and adaptation, G8 countries can build trust and confidence and lead the way on global climate action - both for the MEF as well as for the UN negotiations which will culminate in Copenhagen in December.
The findings came from the Climate Accountability Institute, an entity led by Richard Heede, whose company, Climate Mitigation Services, advises companies, municipalities and others on how to cut greenhouse gases, and Naomi Oreskes, the Harvard historian and co-author of «Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming.»
Emphasizing that developed countries bear the overwhelming historic responsibility for causing anthropogenic climate change and must therefore take the lead in responding to the challenge across all four building blocks of an enhanced international climate change regime — namely mitigation, adaption, technology and finance — that builds - upon the U.N.F.C.C.C. and its Kyoto Protocol.
With climate change leading to a rise in temperatures and rapid concretisation exacerbating urban heat island effect, it has become important to develop both mitigation and adaptation strategies to reduce and combat heat stress... Read More
«The forest carbon offset market's growth speaks to the critical role that forest - based climate solutions are beginning to play in both corporate and government - led risk mitigation,» says Ecosystem Marketplace Director Molly Peters - Stanley.
China's role as a promoter of renewable energy development in Africa can offer it valuable recognition as a contributor to global efforts towards the mitigation of climate change and can serve to reaffirm its position as a lead nation among developing countries, protecting vulnerable countries from the impacts of global warming and fostering their economic growth and development in the process.12
It holds that countries that historically caused the recent atmospheric carbon dioxide build - up must lead in cutting their emissions, while helping developing countries eventually do likewise, by pouring trillions of dollars in cash and free technology into the Green Climate Fund for supposed climate change adaptation, mitigation and compenClimate Fund for supposed climate change adaptation, mitigation and compenclimate change adaptation, mitigation and compensation.
Posted in Agriculture, Capacity Development, Development and Climate Change, Ecosystem Functions, Environment, Global Warming, Land, Lessons, Mitigation, News, Opinion, Rainfall, Vulnerability, Water, Weather Comments Off on Will Climate Change Lead To More Droughts?
Amin Asadollahi is the North American lead on climate change mitigation at the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) in Canada.
On climate finance, Harjeet Singh, global climate lead at ActionAid International, said: «The issue of finance underpins so many different parts of the climate negotiations, because poor countries simply can't cover the triple costs of loss and damage, adaptation and mitigation on their own.
Fifth Assessment Report Fourth Assessment Report Coordinating Lead Author Carbon dioxide Conflict of Interest Conference of the Parties Greenhouse gas Gigatonne of carbon InterAcademy Council Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Representative Concentration Pathway Summary for Policymakers Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation Synthesis Report TFI Bureau Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Technical Support Unit United Nations Environment Programme UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Working Group World Meteorological Organization
The WGI report is based on a new type of scenarios of future anthropogenic emissions called Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs), which include a mitigation scenario leading to a very low climate forcing, two stabilization scenarios and one scenario with very high GHG emissions.
Rockefeller Foundation grant for «For use by the climate community and biodiversity alliance in support of developing an agriculture standard that will help to elevate the quality of smallholder farmer - and community - led climate change mitigation and adaptation projects in developing coun»
«So despite the uncertainties, the findings clearly demonstrate that there is a large difference in the risk of global ecosystem change under a scenario of no climate change mitigation, compared to one of ambitious mitigation,» says geo - ecologist Sebastian Ostberg, lead author of the third section of the study.
Takeaway # 1: CDR techniques are slowly getting reclassified away from solar radiation management (SRM) and the geoengineering umbrella, and are now viewed by leading climate experts more as complementary options to more traditional GHG mitigation techniques.
This ABC program subsequently led to the identification of short - lived climate pollutants as potent mitigation agents of climate change, and in recognition, UNEP formed the Climate and Clean Air Coalition to deal with these pollutants.climate pollutants as potent mitigation agents of climate change, and in recognition, UNEP formed the Climate and Clean Air Coalition to deal with these pollutants.climate change, and in recognition, UNEP formed the Climate and Clean Air Coalition to deal with these pollutants.Climate and Clean Air Coalition to deal with these pollutants.»
Kresge Foundation grant for «Support the sunset park climate justice and community resiliency center a grassroots led climate adaptation mitigation and community resilience resource for the low income community of sunset park»
Danger of Undermining Emissions Mitigation Efforts If politicians are led to believe that a low - cost technological fix can reduce or eliminate the need for politically difficult actions such as increasing the cost of carbon by cap and trade schemes or taxation, going against the wishes of powerful fossil energy corporations, and getting countries all around the world to agree on climate goals, it is likely to undermine their resolve to deal with the underlying cause of the problem by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Reducing emissions from deforestation is crucial, both for climate change mitigation and simply because we need to preserve our remaining forests — but expecting carbon markets to do the job can, and does, lead to very problematic outcomes.
The Assessment Paper on Technology - led Mitigation by Isabel Galiana and Christopher Green is an update of one of the key research papers from the Copenhagen Consensus on Climate in 2009 (Fix The Climate), and was released by the Copenhagen Consensus Center for the third Copenhagen Consensus.
The number of mitigation scenarios leading to 6 W / m2 in the literature is relatively low (around 10)-- but at the same time many baseline scenarios (no climate policy) correspond to this forcing level.
An amendment to the Montreal Protocol phasing down these gases will lead to significant near - term climate change mitigation.
In addition, an extensive process of 10 village - level information sessions covering 14 villages, led by ACT - Brasil and local Suruí promoters also provided the opportunity in detail to discuss the nature of REDD and climate change mitigation finance, and the types of commitments they would be likely to entail.
On climate finance, Harjeet Singh, Global Climate Lead, ActionAid International: «The issue of finance underpins so many different parts of climate negotiations, because poor countries simply can't cover the triple costs of loss and damage, adaptation and mitigation on theclimate finance, Harjeet Singh, Global Climate Lead, ActionAid International: «The issue of finance underpins so many different parts of climate negotiations, because poor countries simply can't cover the triple costs of loss and damage, adaptation and mitigation on theClimate Lead, ActionAid International: «The issue of finance underpins so many different parts of climate negotiations, because poor countries simply can't cover the triple costs of loss and damage, adaptation and mitigation on theclimate negotiations, because poor countries simply can't cover the triple costs of loss and damage, adaptation and mitigation on their own.
Delays in climate mitigation «lead to higher utilization of... coal in particular, in the short run... To compensate... particularly oil and gas would need to be reduced much more strongly in the long run.»
In a letter addressed to senior IPCC chairs dated 17th April, Prof Robert Stavins - a lead author for the IPCC's Working Group 3 focusing on climate mitigation - complained of his «frustration» that the government approval process «built political credibility by sacrificing scientific integrity.»
«Since geoengineering would not affect the climate the same way [as mitigation], a lower global mean temperature anomaly achieved using geoengineering does not necessarily lead to lower aggregate climate risks.
The rapid growth of carbon footprints in wealthy countries led to concerns about carbon leakage — where climate mitigation policies in one country lead to increases in CO2 emissions elsewhere — and industrial competitiveness, because international mitigation targets were slated to apply to developed countries and not the Global South.
And the cumulative effect of many small - scale farmers taking up biochar - based systems could lead to a significant climate mitigation impact, Solomon says.
This will lead to an extra $ 60 trillion (net present value) of mean climate - change impacts for the scenario with no mitigation, or 15 % of the mean total predicted cost of climate - change impacts (about $ 400 trillion).
(B) s «belief» should lead them to put climate mitigation at the top of their list of concerns, and the presence of these «hollow» believers proves that the doctrine of CAGW is Culturally Determined, since there is no similarly contradictory group of nonbelievers in CAGW (presumably they would be nonbelievers in CAGW who demand that trillions should be spent to mitigate global warming).
«One of the key messages is that if we're going to avoid the impacts of climate change on biodiversity in these priority places, the most effective way of doing that is climate change mitigation — reducing greenhouse gas emissions,» said Warren, a climate change researcher at the University of East Anglia and a coordinating lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change's Fifth Assessment climate change on biodiversity in these priority places, the most effective way of doing that is climate change mitigation — reducing greenhouse gas emissions,» said Warren, a climate change researcher at the University of East Anglia and a coordinating lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change's Fifth Assessment climate change mitigation — reducing greenhouse gas emissions,» said Warren, a climate change researcher at the University of East Anglia and a coordinating lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change's Fifth Assessment climate change researcher at the University of East Anglia and a coordinating lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change's Fifth Assessment Climate Change's Fifth Assessment Report.
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