Sentences with phrase «leaf material»

Often, designers show off the stacked style by leaving the material exposed.
«The reason that it focuses on greens is that to produce leaf material requires less sunlight energy, or in this case artificial light energy,» he explains.
The results show that under high carbon dioxide levels, the bugs ate 88 per cent more leaf material than under current levels.
«A Thursday afternoon in 2011, we slightly changed the synthesis parameters of the earlier employed unsuccessful attempts, and by mistake left the material in the reaction chamber over the weekend.
Having already received his MFA, he drew on geography's analytic tools to develop an artistic practice premised on the hunch that, however «secret,» clandestine government programs would always leave material traces — facilities, flight records, post office boxes — that could be located, documented, and made visible to a broader public.
But Redburn and White - Jacket show Melville incapable of leaving his material simple and straightforward, and the books did not, in fact, prove financial or popular successes.
Sheep also eat cover crops, dry grasses and other leaf material that can fuel wildfires, making the property more fire - resistant.
There are two handles for easy transport, and the banana leaf material is coated to prevent any mold or mildew from growing.
Herbivores (species that eat plants; e.g. caterpillars) consume more non-native (introduced from other places) oak leaf material in areas with diverse native plant communities than in less diverse communities.
Experimentally resolving the tiny delays in the photoemission process required timing the emission event, i.e. the moment when the electron leaves the material, with an unprecedented resolution of 10 - 17 seconds.
They also noted that because so many sulfur atoms leave the material, the defects caused by the absence of sulfur overwhelm any effect the absence of a molybdenum in the lattice might have.
I helped her new tutor get training and left my materials with him so Mary could continue the program.
These artists chose to leave the materials unembellished, adopting a set of rules and a clear formal strategy.
Supplemental material in the memo warns that «the proceedings of this meeting are confidential,» asking guests not to leave materials laying around and noting that the media will not be allowed in (check out the full memo, signed by Charles Koch).
The DeSmogBlog has received no direct communications from the Heartland Institute identifying any misstatement of fact in the «Climate Strategy» document and is therefore leaving the material available to those who may judge their content and veracity based on these and other sources.
Estimates are in particular based on carbon isotope - 13 ratios and stomatal anatomy in naturally preserved leaf material, leaf intercellular CO2 concentrations offer new insights into the carbon content of past atmospheres.
SLAB having now pulled its finger out on this issue, I don't intend to update this section, but will leave the material already published where it is.
This was after members decided to leave a material meeting following advice from the deputy monitoring officer that the members would have to state what was said at a previous meeting with objecting residents (among others) if there were a complaint to the local ombudsman.
Caseworkers may choose to work through the resources with families, or leave the materials so that parents, carers and children can discuss the issues themselves.
Leaving the material in a sealed container for a few days «nicely produced a cellulose film on top of the printed structure,» says study coauthor Patrick Rühs, a food scientist also at ETH Zurich.
Movable, impermanent or perishable structures, such as scaffolds, arbors, banners, and litters that have left no material traces but can be inferred from iconography and epigraphy, are also included.
«Firstly, there has been no request or demand as supporters simply use the facility for a short prayer before vacating and secondly, it risks opening up to issues of policing, what is appropriate to some may not be to others and who is leaving the material?
Step 4: You might leave the materials out for your toddler to come back to later to play with independently.
Firstly the drag of gas on dust grains in a disk makes them drift rapidly towards the central star, where they are destroyed, leaving no material to form planets.
His students are then prompted to extract DNA from the plants, characterize the leaf material, make phenotypic measurements, complete genetic sequencing, and finally, contribute data to a developing molecular map of the marama bean.
This is a far better way of citing loose - leaf materials, since the date that a loose - leaf was consulted and the date it was last updated can be very different.
Although the SCC has recently granted leave in Astra's esomeprazole action [12], both parties have acknowledged in their leave materials that the disclosure requirement is not determinative in this case (as the lower court held there was no sound prediction of the promised utility relying on material in the patent as well as Astra's internal tests).
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